Disruptive troll
In reference to Subban's comment ofc
bye Car Bomb
40.3 Automatic Suspension – Category II -
Any player who deliberately applies physical force to an official in any manner (excluding actions as set out in Category I), which physical force is applied without intent to injure, or who spits on an official, shall be automatically suspended for not less than ten (10) games.
zzzzzz where the ref is dragging Carcillos ass all over the place.....I dont even see a swing, if anything that ref should be reprimanded
zzzzzz where? the ref is dragging Carcillo"s ass all over the place.....I dont even see a swing, if anything that ref should be reprimanded
your kidding right? he tries to elbow him THREE times. hes gone for 10 minimum and its fully deserved. the ref is trying to control the player which is his job, trying to elbow him off once is bad but 3 times. is out of control. and he was not dragging his ass all over the place
go hit the bottle I dont see elbows
What is the IQ level of an average Rangers fan these days? I am debating if we should try to come up with a witty reply to these remarks or just go with "Your momma" jokes