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MLB Dynasty Draft III : CHAT


RIP WLK Loving father, husband, & friend to ALL
Jul 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,145.45
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@Nosferatu fyi Fred McGriff are some other OF needs to be on bench. I still need a catcher and not talking about Shane.


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Ya know just a couple things about this entire shit show we have gone through, how the fuck you gonna come into someones house as a stranger and shit on the floor, fucking crazy shit.

I knew I wasn't gonna like Chump from go, I asked the new fellas to give someone their cell# so they could be sent a text when they are on the clock, not only did he not give anyone his number he ignored the post, didn't even give a reason as to why he wasn't giving out his cell# then he starts in with y'all need time slots like he's the new sheriff in town, then the shit at the end, what a pathetic human being.

I don't really have anything against Saxy, he seems like he's probably a pretty good guy, he is a bank manager after all.

Hall, I don't really dislike Hall, he's just a beta male, if Mookie was ghey Hall would suck his dick without question.

The person I was wrong about was Mookie, I thought he would be a great addition, I just don't understand how you come into our drafts and stir the pot almost immediately.
After everything we have said, good lord man, do you ever read the shit you and your friends post?

What do you think changed from draft one to draft two? Could it be you brought in the biggest piece of shit to ever join our drafts? Could it be that people noticed Hall bash every team you played while talking your team up? He literally did not say one kind word about anyone elses team when it came to your games, i'm not the only one who noticed that and if you can be honest with yourself your team wasnt any better than half the teams in the draft. It goes to show how good the people in our drafts are that we let a newbie walk in and voted him Champion in his first draft. Here's an idea if you ever join another group of fellas who draft try to get along with them, don't act superior and try to make them change the way they do things after you have been there 10 minutes. And don't bring that disease of a human Chump!

Simply fucking amazing that you have taken absolutely no responsibility for this fucking shit show!

Go back to your safe space where you all agree on everything without question and take your bitch with ya!

Damn, the newbies really got to your feelings huh? You go on about so and so being a Beta yet you're throwing people out of drafts because you don't like what they say. That's some thin skinned woman shit right there.

Your wit game is funny as fuck but C'mon man, Man up


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May 19, 2013
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Damn, the newbies really got to your feelings huh? You go on about so and so being a Beta yet you're throwing people out of drafts because you don't like what they say. That's some thin skinned woman shit right there.

Your whit game is funny as fuck but C'mon man, Man up

I tossed Chump because he's a piece of shit, I have not thrown anyone else out of any draft I ran ever! Although we came close once with TJL or whatever his name was, lolzzz

See this is the thing, this went from a disagreement between Mookie and me into a fucking shit show because he had to throw one more shot out there after the conversation was over. Was I wrong in telling him to keep talking out of his ass? Maybe, okay i'll own that but in truth he was talking out of his ass.

He said I was showing bias against current players yet 1/4 of my team played in the 2000's, just how many recent players do I have to have to appease him? I mean the league is 150 years old not 30.

I said he was bias against older players which is simply fact, he does not have a single player on his team who played the first fucking 80 years of the league.

Somehow that didn't get through to him and I simply got tired of talking with someone who clearly had no clue.

I don't have thin skin at all and when i'm wrong i'll admit to being wrong, the same doesn't hold true for your buddy.


Royals -when they do win its a WS RING.
Apr 16, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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so...my pick next?


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Dec 21, 2018
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I tossed Chump because he's a piece of shit, I have not thrown anyone else out of any draft I ran ever! Although we came close once with TJL or whatever his name was, lolzzz

See this is the thing, this went from a disagreement between Mookie and me into a fucking shit show because he had to throw one more shot out there after the conversation was over. Was I wrong in telling him to keep talking out of his ass? Maybe, okay i'll own that but in truth he was talking out of his ass.

He said I was showing bias against current players yet 1/4 of my team played in the 2000's, just how many recent players do I have to have to appease him? I mean the league is 150 years old not 30.

I said he was bias against older players which is simply fact, he does not have a single player on his team who played the first fucking 80 years of the league.

Somehow that didn't get through to him and I simply got tired of talking with someone who clearly had no clue.

I don't have thin skin at all and when i'm wrong i'll admit to being wrong, the same doesn't hold true for your buddy.

Yea but not everybody is gonna like your picks or teams. I've argued with just about everyone of them over drafts and picks and votes. Some people believe DBE guys wouldn't translate so much towards the modern game. I disagree for the most part but opinions are like assholes, everyone has one. Doesn't mean they're idiots and douchebags. It's facts of our drafting lives bro.


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Dec 21, 2018
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If anything it should make it funner to beat them, rather than slanging shit


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Yea but not everybody is gonna like your picks or teams. I've argued with just about everyone of them over drafts and picks and votes. Some people believe DBE guys wouldn't translate so much towards the modern game. I disagree for the most part but opinions are like assholes, everyone has one. Doesn't mean they're idiots and douchebags. It's facts of our drafting lives bro.

I don't mind if he doesn't like my team but to tell me i'm bias against new players and he's not bias against older players when the exact opposite is true is just ridiculous...


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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If anything it should make it funner to beat them, rather than slanging shit

I guess it really doesn't matter anymore the damage is done...


Apr 18, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 89,217.00
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Well yea, but you gotta take the shit as well

why??? throwing it is the fun part... getting hit with it sucks... you have shit on you... you are better off just hiring a prostitute to give you a cleveland steamer...


Royals -when they do win its a WS RING.
Apr 16, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 500.28
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never been good at it but damn, they are good