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Minnesota #1? Why not?!


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UMn, this season so far, ranks

#1 in Total Defense,
#2 in Scoring Defense,
#3 in Rush Defense,
#5 in Pass Defense.

All four are Top 5, while NO OTHER TEAM in the country can claim to rank Top 20 even, in all 4 of those.

And before you all respond with, look who they've played,

Remember this...

UMn finished last year ranked #3 nationally in Total Defense. So #5 in 2019-present, #3 in 2021, #1 in 2022 so far? They seem to only be getting better as time goes by.

going back to the start of 2019, including 2020 even, and 2021 and the 2 games this year, UMn ranks quite well defensively,

#4 nationally in passing yards allowed.
#5 nationally in total yards allowed.
#5 nationally in first downs allowed.
#6 nationally in total plays allowed.
#6 nationally in rush attempts allowed.
#7 nationally in passing 1st downs allowed.
#8 nationally in passing TDs allowed.
#9 nationally in pass completions allowed.
#9 nationally in rushing first downs allowed.
#15 nationally in completion %,
#15 nationally in rushing yards allowed.
#16 nationally in pass attempts allowed.
#16 nationally in points allowed.

Who are the 4 teams that beat them out in total yards allowed? Georgia, Bama I'm sure, Ohio St maybe, Clemson? Just my guesses, and if I'm right, that's not bad company to be keeping.

2021 Minnesota played a schedule of teams whose offensive average was 86, and that's with playing the team who finished #1. Ohio State is the only team whose offense finished in the top 50 that Minnesota played and they put up 500 yards of offense and over 40 points. Bet you that is the case for most year with Minny's "top" defense


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Only in your imagination!
First, PJ has already coached 5 seasons at UM and is 35-23-0. In Dabo first 5 seasons at Clemson he was 40-21-0. In his 6th season Dabo was 11-2 or 51-23-0 after 6 seasons. To match Dabo after 6 seasons PJ would need to go 16-0. Since currently the max is 15-0 it is impossible for PJ to match Dabo!

Second thing, even in your imaginary world where PJ's two losing seasons "disappear", you forgot to mention these FIVE losses for PJ to opponents with losing records:
2018 Illinois +4-8
2018 Nebraska +4-8
2018 Maryland +5-7
2021 Illinois +5-7
2021 Bowling Green +4-8 (A G5 team with a losing record)!!!!!

IF we include ALL of PJ's games then we can find three more losses to teams with losing records
2017 Maryland +4-8
2020 Michigan +2-4
2020 Maryland +2-3

In Dabo's first 5 REAL seasons he lost ONCE in 61 games to a team with a losing record! ONCE!!!

Third, you are doing it again with the misleading crap. You mentioned PJ's 3 wins in Bowls (wins over
Minnesota +9-4 W over West Virginia +6-7
Minnesota +7-6 W over Georgia Tech +7-6
Minnesota +11-2 W over Auburn +9-4 ONLY WIN of note

Dabo's FIVE bowl opponents were against tougher competition
Clemson +9-5 W over Kentucky +7-6
Clemson +6-7 L to South Florida +8-5
Clemson +7-6 L to Nebraska +9-4
Clemson +10-4 L to West Virginia +10-3
Clemson +11-2 W over Louisiana State +10-3
NOT only in my imagination fucktard. I'm not the only person who feels that 2020 should be disregarded and basically not counted against anyone, several commentators on tv I've heard say just that, AND...

THE NCAA SAID IT!!!!! Actions speak louder than words and not one single college athlete is required to count 2020 against their 4 years of eligibility.

And I disregarded both Fleck and Dabo's first seasons, that's maybe not standard practice when doing comparisons, but it's common practice as 1st seasons are most often a coach coaching almost entirely another coaches players, with redshirting being more common in football than any other sport a new coaches recruits often don't even crack the lineup in a coaches first year. And Dabo's first year was even more like this as he came in half way through the season. So it's understandable that you want to take credit for losing to tougher competition that season, but it was only partially earned by Dabo. Hence when I excluded that season AND that bowl game loss from my analysis. And again, it's understandable why you desperately want to include Dabo's 5th year in the comparison, while Fleck has only coached 4 non-covid affected seasons, so it's NOT being dishonest to exclude both Fleck's 2020 season and Dabo's 2012 season when doing an honest assessment of their early developing years at their respective schools. In addition, the disregarding of 2020 isn't something that benefits only Minnesota, every other team in the nation also gets to retain it's players for an additional season if those players want to play that extra season.

So looking only at 2009-2011, you can try to argue Clemson's bowl opponents were tougher competition but I believe few would agree with you.

Auburn was 9-3 before the game, as was West Virginia, and Auburn was ranked #9 in the country when Minnesota defeated them, WVU was only ranked #23 when Clemson lost to them. And AGAIN, losing to good teams doesn't mean you are good. Minnesota actually BEAT a Top Ten ranked team, Top 20(#14) at the EOS, something Dabo only did once during those 3 years vs a #19 ranked Miami

South Florida, SOUTH FLORIDA DUDE, lol, was only a G5 7-5 and unranked and didn't even get a single vote in the AP poll even after beating Dabo's weak ass team. Compared to a 6-6 WVU most cfb fans would assume any P5 school with a 6-6 record is better than a G5 school with a measly 7-5 record. Sorry again UMn comes out ahead here. Don't make me look up the team's schedules dude, because you know there won't be a single decent win in USF's season, but there very well could be in WVU's.

finally, 7-5 Kentucky, vs 7-5 Georgia Tech, equal records, both P5, without looking up who they played, I'd call that a tie.

So, 3-0 vs 9-3 #9 ranked Aub, 7-5 WVU & 6-6 GT is far more impressive than 1-2 vs 9-3 #23 WVU, 7-5 G5 USF & 7-5 UK.

Only a biased idiot like you would not see this. But your insisting on including 2008, ANOTHER LOSS, and 2012 shows me that deep down you DO know that I am right, you just are desperate to try to figure out a way to prove me wrong.

As for Fleck's losing to more teams with losing records, I did not fail to mention them, as those 5 losses were included in the win-loss record I listed and despite losing those 5 games, Fleck was still able to win more games than Dabo did in the 3 seasons highlighted.


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2021 Minnesota played a schedule of teams whose offensive average was 86, and that's with playing the team who finished #1. Ohio State is the only team whose offense finished in the top 50 that Minnesota played and they put up 500 yards of offense and over 40 points. Bet you that is the case for most year with Minny's "top" defense
And Minnesota had 24 first downs vs that #1 defense, and over 400 yards of offense.

So it wasn't what anyone would call a defensive battle. over 900 yards of offense, 76 points scored, and it would have been a higher scoring game but over 400 yards of those 900+ yards of offense were rushing yards, 76 rushing plays vs just 47 passing plays.

Minnesota outrushed OSU, too.

And don't lie dude, it wasnt 500 yards of offense, it was only 495. The way you said it implies to the average person reading your post OVER 500 yards, that is how I interpreted what you were trying to imply. And one reason I looked it up.

And UMn put up 31 points against OSU, you do realize how rare that has happened, right?

another team did it that year, but lost by 4 tds, not the 2 UMn lost to and only after are star rb went down in the 3rd quarter.

otherwise only Michigan and Utah scored more than Minnesota that season. The season before only top ten ranked Indiana and Natl Champs Bama scored more than Minny did that day. The year before, 2019, not even #3 ranked Clemson was able to match the 31 UMn put up on OSU in 2021, not a single team scored as many as Minny did in 2021 on OSU in 2019.


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And Minnesota had 24 first downs vs that #1 defense, and over 400 yards of offense.

So it wasn't what anyone would call a defensive battle. over 900 yards of offense, 76 points scored, and it would have been a higher scoring game but over 400 yards of those 900+ yards of offense were rushing yards, 76 rushing plays vs just 47 passing plays.

Minnesota outrushed OSU, too.

And don't lie dude, it wasnt 500 yards of offense, it was only 495. The way you said it implies to the average person reading your post OVER 500 yards, that is how I interpreted what you were trying to imply. And one reason I looked it up.

And UMn put up 31 points against OSU, you do realize how rare that has happened, right?

another team did it that year, but lost by 4 tds, not the 2 UMn lost to and only after are star rb went down in the 3rd quarter.

otherwise only Michigan and Utah scored more than Minnesota that season. The season before only top ten ranked Indiana and Natl Champs Bama scored more than Minny did that day. The year before, 2019, not even #3 ranked Clemson was able to match the 31 UMn put up on OSU in 2021, not a single team scored as many as Minny did in 2021 on OSU in 2019.

Ohio States defense was trash last year. No one will tell you otherwise. Their offense was not and it was the only good offense Minnesota faced last season and their defense did not do well against it.

Did you really just call me a liar over 5 yards? If it was over 500 yards I would have typed that. Saying a team gave up 500 yards of offense when they gave up 495 is not lying. Not my fault your reading comprehension sucks.


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Not wanting to rip on NDSU, because it's impressive what they have done there, but to be honest, they treat their once a year or every other year game with an fbs team like their super bowl, and yes, occasionally pull off the upset, then only have to worry about the likes of South Dakota St to get into the playoffs each year. UMn is 7-0 vs SDSU and was 7-0 vs NDSU before making the mistake of scheduling them when UMn was good and NDSU not so much, and by the time the games came along, UMn started to struggle just as NDSU started to dominate the fcs.

But if NDSU had to play B1G opponents every week, week after week, they'd get worn down and beat up, and if they didn't succeed right away after moving up, it would be hard as hell to get enough top notch talent to want to go out and live in Fargo and they'd end up just like Nebraska ended up after moving to the B1G, as a cellar dweller.
Most years, Ndsu is on the same level as Minnesota. You can try deny that all you want but they aren’t your typical FCS team and Minnesota is no Super Bowl to them. They wore Iowa down when they won. It wasn’t some fluke. They can beat teams in the trenches and that does mean FBS teams. They are deep and the line seems to fatigue less down the stretch. The team that beat MN back then isn’t even on the same stratosphere as the teams Ndsu has been putting together the past several years.


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Dec 28, 2018
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Ohio States defense was trash last year. No one will tell you otherwise. Their offense was not and it was the only good offense Minnesota faced last season and their defense did not do well against it.

Did you really just call me a liar over 5 yards? If it was over 500 yards I would have typed that. Saying a team gave up 500 yards of offense when they gave up 495 is not lying. Not my fault your reading comprehension sucks.
YES, that is lying, according to any leftist fact checker who claims Trump lies all the time, that is a bold faced lie, you liar. "A Leftist would say"

Has nothing to do with reading comprehension, everyone knows 500 looks much better than 495, that's why gas prices always do the .9 thing, to try to look like their gas costs less than it does, same with products across the board, being X dollars and .99 cents.


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YES, that is lying, according to any leftist fact checker who claims Trump lies all the time, that is a bold faced lie, you liar. "A Leftist would say"

Has nothing to do with reading comprehension, everyone knows 500 looks much better than 495, that's why gas prices always do the .9 thing, to try to look like their gas costs less than it does, same with products across the board, being X dollars and .99 cents.

Ok, with your weird political semantics aside, Minnesota still gave up 495 yards and 45 points to the only good offense they faced in 2021.

After Ohio State the average offense they faced ranked 93rd. That's why their defense looked so good.


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Dec 28, 2018
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Most years, Ndsu is on the same level as Minnesota. You can try deny that all you want but they aren’t your typical FCS team and Minnesota is no Super Bowl to them. They wore Iowa down when they won. It wasn’t some fluke. They can beat teams in the trenches and that does mean FBS teams. They are deep and the line seems to fatigue less down the stretch. The team that beat MN back then isn’t even on the same stratosphere as the teams Ndsu has been putting together the past several years.

Dude, you are high as a kite.

last 3 times UMn played NDSU,

UMn was 2-5 going into the game in 2006 and beat NDSU. UMn loses 0-44 in it's next game.
UMn was 1-6 going into the game in 2007 and finished out 1-11, arguably the worst cfb season in all of Gopher football history and NDSU only won by 6 pts. It was the loser Tim Brewster's first season and he had to replace several starters who got suspended.
UMn lost to South Dakota in 2010 and went 3-9, the loss to USD was a huge reason why Tim Brewster got fired.
UMn went 3-9 in 2011 in Jerry Kill's first season trying to clean up the mess Brewster left behind, and THAT was NDSU's 2nd win over UMn. UMn's 3 wins included a 6 pt win over Miami Oh, and a 1 pt win over a crappy Iowa team.

So be proud, NDSU went 2-1 vs the Gophers during it's ugliest period in all of it's cfb history.


2007 NDSU > 1-11 2007 UMn - a whole 6 pts better.
2011 NDSU > 3-9 2007 post Brewster UMN.


Jul 14, 2014
Hoopla Cash
$ 420.04
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Dude, you are high as a kite.

last 3 times UMn played NDSU,

UMn was 2-5 going into the game in 2006 and beat NDSU. UMn loses 0-44 in it's next game.
UMn was 1-6 going into the game in 2007 and finished out 1-11, arguably the worst cfb season in all of Gopher football history and NDSU only won by 6 pts. It was the loser Tim Brewster's first season and he had to replace several starters who got suspended.
UMn lost to South Dakota in 2010 and went 3-9, the loss to USD was a huge reason why Tim Brewster got fired.
UMn went 3-9 in 2011 in Jerry Kill's first season trying to clean up the mess Brewster left behind, and THAT was NDSU's 2nd win over UMn. UMn's 3 wins included a 6 pt win over Miami Oh, and a 1 pt win over a crappy Iowa team.

So be proud, NDSU went 2-1 vs the Gophers during it's ugliest period in all of it's cfb history.


2007 NDSU > 1-11 2007 UMn - a whole 6 pts better.
2011 NDSU > 3-9 2007 post Brewster UMN.

I didn't read any of your gibberish but are you really comparing Minnesota football (FBS) to N. Dakota St. football (FCS)?


Jul 14, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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Ok, with your weird political semantics aside, Minnesota still gave up 495 yards and 45 points to the only good offense they faced in 2021.

After Ohio State the average offense they faced ranked 93rd. That's why their defense looked so good.

Hey you lied about Ohio State getting 500 yards.

Now I question if you're really in Ohio.


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Dec 28, 2018
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I didn't read any of your gibberish but are you really comparing Minnesota football (FBS) to N. Dakota St. football (FCS)?
NDSU has gotten votes in the AP poll on several occasions, and has beaten several FBS teams, including multiple ranked FBS teams.

they beat KSU the year after they finished ranked 12th and the year before they finished ranked, so it's very possible the only reason KSU didn't finish ranked that year in between was their losing to NDSU.


Jul 14, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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NDSU has gotten votes in the AP poll on several occasions, and has beaten several FBS teams, including multiple ranked FBS teams.

they beat KSU the year after they finished ranked 12th and the year before they finished ranked, so it's very possible the only reason KSU didn't finish ranked that year in between was their losing to NDSU.

Don't care. You're comparing the team you slobber all over to a team in an inferior division of football.

That's incredibly lame.

Why do you have this constant need to over-pimp anything and everything Gophers?

You've turned yourself into the single worst over the top homer on this site. That's a helluva an accomplishment.


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2010 NDSU won @ Kansas
2011 NDSU won @ Minnesota
2012 NDSU won @ Colorado St
2013 NDSU won @ Kansas St
2014 NDSU won @ Iowa St
2016 NDSU won @ Iowa

Iowa was ranked before the game and finished getting votes.

KSU finished 2012 at #12 and 2014 at #18.

NDSU finished getting votes in the AP poll in 2011, 2012 & 2013. Seems voters quit voting for them or the AP maybe restricted voting to fbs teams starting in 2014, because NDSU has arguably gotten better since 2013.

And it should be considered that NDSU regularly plays 4-5 ranked teams in it's own conference before beating teams that have since moved up into fbs play, like Georgia Southern who I saw got votes in one of the polls, and who just beat Nebraska, beat App St at least once. James Madison is another team I saw ranked very high that NDSU beat several times, now JMad is fbs and along with Georgia Southern and Coastal Carolina(another team NDSU beat) are all 2-0. Seems much of the Sun Belt conf used to be fcs.


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Don't care. You're comparing the team you slobber all over to a team in an inferior division of football.

That's incredibly lame.

Why do you have this constant need to over-pimp anything and everything Gophers?

You've turned yourself into the single worst over the top homer on this site. That's a helluva an accomplishment.
I didn't bring up NDSU. An NDSU fan brought them up and tried claiming they are equal to Minnesota right now.

I've done two things, proved that the Minnesota teams NDSU played were nothing close to the UMn teams under Kill or Fleck other than maybe each of their first seasons.

And also showing how NDSU is practically an fbs team who simply plays in an inferior division.

NDSU produces several nfl players. More than a ton of fbs teams.


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I didn't read any of your gibberish but are you really comparing Minnesota football (FBS) to N. Dakota St. football (FCS)?

Oregon scheduled NDSU in 2020 and only cancelled the game because of covid.


Jul 14, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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I didn't bring up NDSU. An NDSU fan brought them up and tried claiming they are equal to Minnesota right now.

I've done two things, proved that the Minnesota teams NDSU played were nothing close to the UMn teams under Kill or Fleck other than maybe each of their first seasons.

And also showing how NDSU is practically an fbs team who simply plays in an inferior division.

NDSU produces several nfl players. More than a ton of fbs teams.

Well that's good that someone else brought them up and you weren't trying to compare the two programs.

But you need to seriously tone down your Minnesota is the best at everything stuff.

Just be a rational fan like everyone else. Because thread after thread after thread you always start writing mini-novels and over-pimp all thing Gophers.

This is the last time I will try to be rational with you. All I'm saying is tone it down. No need to the the over the top super-fan with every comment and in every thread.


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Dec 28, 2018
Alexandria, MN
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Well that's good that someone else brought them up and you weren't trying to compare the two programs.

But you need to seriously tone down your Minnesota is the best at everything stuff.

Just be a rational fan like everyone else. Because thread after thread after thread you always start writing mini-novels and over-pimp all thing Gophers.

This is the last time I will try to be rational with you. All I'm saying is tone it down. No need to the the over the top super-fan with every comment and in every thread.
You can read the title of the thread, right? No one forced you to come into this thread, did they?

What other threads does it happen? The Minnesota rules the world thread and the LOL at Minnesota thread? Go figure.
If I kick into that gear in any other thread, it's almost always in response to people trying to diss Minnesota, and far too often it's YOU doing the dissing.

And had you read that post, which you brag about not doing, you'd have seen me highlighting just how bad Minnesota was from 2006-2011, the period where UMn played NDSU 3 times.


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Hey you lied about Ohio State getting 500 yards.

Now I question if you're really in Ohio.

I also said they only got 40 points when in fact they got 45. Never trust me again


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Well that's good that someone else brought them up and you weren't trying to compare the two programs.

But you need to seriously tone down your Minnesota is the best at everything stuff.

Just be a rational fan like everyone else. Because thread after thread after thread you always start writing mini-novels and over-pimp all thing Gophers.

This is the last time I will try to be rational with you. All I'm saying is tone it down. No need to the the over the top super-fan with every comment and in every thread.
You should maybe take my posts and Minnesota more seriously seeing as all the evidence points to UMn being the team OSU will have to play and beat in the Conf Title game and to get into the cfp.