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Mindset after the loss?

Where is your mindset after the loss?

  • Freaked: All facets were a mess, and it doesn't look like we will be able to recover over the year.

    Votes: 2 7.4%
  • Worried: Wasted a win away with multiple issues, and makes the GB game a must win.

    Votes: 6 22.2%
  • Not Worried: It happens in St. Louis, and now time to focus on next week.

    Votes: 19 70.4%

  • Total voters


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Apr 23, 2013
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I will just point out that many only view Bevell's poor calls and never give him any kind of credit for the great calls. Has anyone ever heard someone say "Great call by Bevell!" on the BeastQuake run, or on any of the hundreds of great calls that he has made?
He has been our OC through the best run this team has ever had. We could do worse.
I suppose I am tired of hearing the bashing. It has been going on for a couple of years now. I find it odd that the bashing is upfront in the same time span as back to back SB appearances. Think about that for a moment.
Don't forget that the offense doesn't get near as many resources as the defense.
Pete looks at the big picture and has kept DB all along. One thing we Hawk fans know about Pete is that he will launch you if you don't fit in with the direction of a successful franchise.


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Apr 18, 2013
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They don't have that "Grit" feel to them right now,they will get it in time,it is far too early to worry imo.
Sep 11, 2015
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Can't vote just yet lol If I could though, would be that last option in the poll.

We all knew going into the season that the oline was going to look like hot smelly ass. That it would take time for them to gel and work together as a unit.

Basically, it's a work in progress. Also!

It's the Rams! They are always sweating us, just how it is. The packers have the 49ers, we have the Rams.

Areas I would like for them to address:

1) Red zone offense. We have Wilson, Lynch, & Graham. If you can't put up 6 points with that trio, then you are doing it wrong. It's not the players, it's the coaching staff aka Bevell.

2) Playcalling. With a young, Swiss cheese oline We need Bevell to adjust the Playcalling. More quick passes, slants, bubble screens, timed passes etc. Get the ball out of Wilsons hand quickly and force their d back into coverage to stop blitzing spam. Then unleash Beastmode! Exploit Graham as well!

3) Do not give into CANCERlors demands! Let that greedy fuck rot away and bleed $$$$. Will come to his senses when he sees his bank account drying up.

4) Patton once said that,"Pressure makes Diamonds." Scary thing is even with all those mistakes, we still could have won that game. Make some adjustments here and there and the road to Santa Clara will be wide open! I'm not completely naive, We have a tough schedule ahead. We will be all the more better for it though! Go Hawks!


Go Army!
Dec 28, 2014
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It's one game, and we also lost this game last year yet still made the SB.

I refuse to get into the playcalling riot. It's a reactionary drill where fans are always smarter than the coaches after the fact. We pass on the 1, don't make it, and everyone cries we should have run. Then we run on 4th & 1 in OT, don't make it, and everyone complains about that call too. I guess they just can't get it right when it doesn't work!


Conocido Miembro
Apr 21, 2013
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They don't have that "Grit" feel to them right now,they will get it in time,it is far too early to worry imo.

Isn't part of that grit their ability to respond to things like this?

Banned 10x

aka Raindrop
Apr 26, 2013
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Definitely not happy, and for sure a bit worried. 0-2 is a strong possibility at this point, and if they don't get their shit together they could end up 8-8 or 9-7. However they always seem to make a good push during the middle of the season and have finished strong most of the time under Carroll. Hopefully that continues and they'll come out okay.

I'm in the same mindset and I feel the first time in a long time this team could lose by a TD or more on Sunday night.


R.I.P. Bob Saget
Apr 28, 2013
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I'm in the same mindset and I feel the first time in a long time this team could lose by a TD or more on Sunday night.

Definitely possible if they can't learn to tackle and sure up that intermediate pass defense.


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I get down for a bit after a lost, but I am a glass half full kind of guy, so always thinking things are going to get better. Find that approach makes me happier, some times with a team like the mariners that just impossible, find it easy to have this out look look with the Seahawks.


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Aug 18, 2014
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I'm somewhat worried primarily because we gave up so many big plays.

OTOH, I thought Foles played extremely well and this game reminded me quite a bit of the Charger game last year.

Anointed One

Gone Country!
Aug 29, 2014
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Not worried... Fisher played us tough at home... The Rams needed OT to beat us in their dome... I wasn't surprised that we lost that game... They way we lost it at the end? Yes but going into it I thought it was a 50/50 chance we'd win there...


Bipedal Sea Dog
Jul 23, 2013
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Seattle's O-Line is fairly new against a stable and scary Rams D-Line. Defense is recovering. Mebane was out the prior year, Avril is just coming back, Sherman/Thomas basically didn't play at all, and it'll take Dion Bailey a couple games to figure things out.

Rams play tough and Seattle lost due to some busted plays and a bit of rust. Not worried. Wilson actually played pretty well despite the ridiculous pressure, Lockett is a stud, Lynch is a little rusty and had to run against a phantom D-Line, and Jimmy Graham contributed and made a TD catch that nobody on this team would've made (long reach/height required as the pass was way to the left).


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
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I'm in the same mindset and I feel the first time in a long time this team could lose by a TD or more on Sunday night.
Kind of the same exercise fans can do before every game really. We all looked at what we had on paper and were confident about the Rams game because we could bend things to meet that feeling we all wanted to have.

GB gave up how many yards on the ground in their first game? Against who?

There is zero chance they have as much difficulty on offense this coming week. We can talk about the D and what Rodgers will do to it if they don't shore up the back end a bit and all of that is true, but running and passing will be a lot easier against their D than the Rams. No offense to our GB lurkers. But our division foes are always the biggest punch in the mouth this team takes each year. Give it your best shot because you can't possibly come close to that intensity.

That's going to be a tough game on the road, but neither winning nor losing will surprise me.


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Kind of the same exercise fans can do before every game really. We all looked at what we had on paper and were confident about the Rams game because we could bend things to meet that feeling we all wanted to have.

GB gave up how many yards on the ground in their first game? Against who?

There is zero chance they have as much difficulty on offense this coming week. We can talk about the D and what Rodgers will do to it if they don't shore up the back end a bit and all of that is true, but running and passing will be a lot easier against their D than the Rams. No offense to our GB lurkers. But our division foes are always the biggest punch in the mouth this team takes each year. Give it your best shot because you can't possibly come close to that intensity.

That's going to be a tough game on the road, but neither winning nor losing will surprise me.
Nice post Wiz, agree on no surprise however this game goes.


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Aug 15, 2014
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Kind of the same exercise fans can do before every game really. We all looked at what we had on paper and were confident about the Rams game because we could bend things to meet that feeling we all wanted to have.

GB gave up how many yards on the ground in their first game? Against who?

There is zero chance they have as much difficulty on offense this coming week. We can talk about the D and what Rodgers will do to it if they don't shore up the back end a bit and all of that is true, but running and passing will be a lot easier against their D than the Rams. No offense to our GB lurkers. But our division foes are always the biggest punch in the mouth this team takes each year. Give it your best shot because you can't possibly come close to that intensity.

That's going to be a tough game on the road, but neither winning nor losing will surprise me.

A WH post even I like.



Bipedal Sea Dog
Jul 23, 2013
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Kind of the same exercise fans can do before every game really. We all looked at what we had on paper and were confident about the Rams game because we could bend things to meet that feeling we all wanted to have.

GB gave up how many yards on the ground in their first game? Against who?

There is zero chance they have as much difficulty on offense this coming week. We can talk about the D and what Rodgers will do to it if they don't shore up the back end a bit and all of that is true, but running and passing will be a lot easier against their D than the Rams. No offense to our GB lurkers. But our division foes are always the biggest punch in the mouth this team takes each year. Give it your best shot because you can't possibly come close to that intensity.

That's going to be a tough game on the road, but neither winning nor losing will surprise me.

Yep... and even Green Bay struggled with Chicago a bit (I know the blow out last year but still). I talked to a die hard Green Bay fan at work today about that and he was like, "Yah but division rivals always play you tough." Same with us. Rams are hard and it was at home.

I actually thought we'd lose 13-10. I was shocked when it was 34-31 (I guess 27-24, since punt returns are meh) but yah.

Also, Foles and Cunningham are a bit of an unknown. Yah there's footage to watch on Foles but it's a different team/offense now and Foles was out for a bit. Green Bay's offense (just like Seattle's granted) there's not really any surprises. You know what both are gonna do. Earl and Richard were super rusty too and Mebane hasn't played in a long time.


Conocido Miembro
Apr 21, 2013
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Yep... and even Green Bay struggled with Chicago a bit (I know the blow out last year but still). I talked to a die hard Green Bay fan at work today about that and he was like, "Yah but division rivals always play you tough." Same with us. Rams are hard and it was at home.

I actually thought we'd lose 13-10. I was shocked when it was 34-31 (I guess 27-24, since punt returns are meh) but yah.

Also, Foles and Cunningham are a bit of an unknown. Yah there's footage to watch on Foles but it's a different team/offense now and Foles was out for a bit. Green Bay's offense (just like Seattle's granted) there's not really any surprises. You know what both are gonna do. Earl and Richard were super rusty too and Mebane hasn't played in a long time.

Earl looked Rusty. But Sherman looked like the best player on the field not name Aaron Donald imo. He gave up one catch, but that was just a perfect play. Other than that he was lockdown against the pass and stout against the run.


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Well Bailey tripped in that one play,,(i do not blame him for the loss and trips can and do happen) that could've made the difference in between a W or a L.


Radical Moderate
Apr 19, 2013
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My mindset is no different than when the season started.

The Seahawks have historically struggled with St. Louis, especially away.

That being said, they're matched up very well against the Seahawks. I expected the game to be decided by 3 points with 50% the Seahawks win 50% the Rams win.