Can we LTIR Mezz and have his money come off the cap?
I dont mind the other teams matching i would just like to push the price up for them to match so they have less cap room to work with.
dont see the flyers trying an offer sheet again.. the only team that i can think of that used an offer sheet just to up someone's salary, was when the sharks did it to the hawks on hjallmarsson to get niemi.. the flyers wont do it just for shits.. seems to be an unspoken rule amongst GMs that you dont offer sheet someone when you know they can and will match
scares me a little, but i think going in to the season as is, is the right play.. every thing/one is too expensive otherwise.. if coiaoviaousdifaoivjov-co is willing to sign a 1 year contract i might do that.. same goes for rozival or foster if they're < 3mil