It's raw, you donkey!
Alright fellas..I don't often do this, in fact since we began the MBBRL, I don't recall ever asking advice on my team. . But with nothing to lose and a miracle needed to avoid relegation, that's what I'm doing now. .
So, considering DJAX may not play, Jennings may not play. . Meaning Garcon and A. Williams "should" be better plays than they normally would be, Maclin facing Sherman, Martin v. Detriot, . .who are your starting plays 2 RB's, 2 WR's and a flex?
Blount @ SD
Ivory @ Minnesota
Martin @ Detriot
Williams @ Tennessee
Maclin v Sea
Lafelle @ SD
M. Bryant @ Cincinnati
Garcon vs StL.
For what it's worth: Blount, Williams, Ivory, Maclin, Garcon.

I am itching to start Blount today, just can't think of a logical reason to do it.
Good luck today, Treff!