Where are they Now?
Jorge Cantu is batting .270 with a .985 OPS along with 64 runs scored and 71 rbi's.....................
In the Mexican League
Daily Notes: Top Performances of the Mexican League So Far | FanGraphs Baseball
Man, I went to bet a cool V-Grand on Samardjiza and missed the cutoff by one minute...my luck hasn't been so good lately.
And I am just glad that I do not have Samardjiza and Cain on the same team. In fact, I lucked out BIG TIME with Cain, as he was only 1 of 4 pitchers going on that team, with the others being Wilson, Gio Gonzales, & Masterson. Kind of evened out Cain's suckage.....
Yeah, same for me with Liriano...did I just say that?
Liriano evened out Samardijza's suckage....is this Bizarro Fantasy Baseball World?
A perfect fit?
What IS a fair Braun offer?
In a redraft? In a dynasty?
Geesh, if I had to guess (and it'd be a guess)
Mujica in a redraft? Fowler type OF
In a dynasty? Shit...that's even trickier. I could see G.Cole for Braun...could see Rendon maybe.
Tough to gauge his value. Other than half of what it was.
Maybe even less in a dynasty.
Well shit we did it again Chef
I'm predicting 4-5 weeks of Braun before appeals run out.
Worth a gamble for more
Well shit we did it again Chef
I'm predicting 4-5 weeks of Braun before appeals run out.
Worth a gamble for more
I'd say there's a better than 50% chance Braun isn't around for our playoffs.
But, if it gets me a one week bye, for having him until then, I think worth it.
Of course Holliday gets hurt badly tonight, bringing Taveras one step closer...I just couldn't carry a 7th OF.
Taveras isn't healthy enough YET...but Adams and Jay better perform.