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Marshawn Lynch last season in seattle possible trade


KFFL Refugee
Aug 18, 2014
Puyallup, Washington
Hoopla Cash
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I think this is much ado about nothing.

Lynch will likely not be back next year -- we all knew that was likely the case at his cap number.

Lynch is likely not particularly happy about his situation, evidenced by a holdout -- we all knew that.

Lynch isn't a guy who probably considers Schneider and Carroll his BFFs -- I think we all knew that too, after this offseason.

The only wrinkles in this story I see are rumors of him being traded before tomorrow. I would be stunned beyond all belief if that happens. I say there is zero chance.


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Apr 21, 2013
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There are rumors that the Hawks are in the market for another pass rusher (Clemons being brought back is the main rumor there), but I don't think they'd trade Lynch to make that happen. Trade deadline is tomorrow and I think the most we can expect to see get traded away is a draft pick.


Jul 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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We all realize how much you like playing the chicken little role, but this is the NFL, its not always the team that plays its best ball in October that goes on to win the SB. No doubt that they need to improve, but to say that it will take a "miracle"? Miracles must happen every year because literally every single year there are teams that improve as the year goes on, get hot at the right time, then make noise. Im not saying the Hawks are that team, but to assume that they cant? Please... And on the flip side, just about every year there is a team with a 6-2 récord early, that blows it and doesnt get in.

What am I missing here though? We just lost to the Rams who are one of the worst teams in the NFL and then barely beat the Panthers who aren't much better. Do you honestly think this team is as good as the Cardinals and 49ers? Look at our remaining schedule and tell me you feel good about the playoffs.

8-8 or 9-7 is going to be pretty damn tough for this team this year and that's not going to get us into the playoffs.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2014
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What am I missing here though? We just lost to the Rams who are one of the worst teams in the NFL and then barely beat the Panthers who aren't much better. Do you honestly think this team is as good as the Cardinals and 49ers? Look at our remaining schedule and tell me you feel good about the playoffs.

8-8 or 9-7 is going to be pretty damn tough for this team this year and that's not going to get us into the playoffs.

Remember when we needed overtime to pull a win out of our ass against the two win Texans last season? Or the four win Bucs?

Good times.


Conocido Miembro
Apr 21, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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What am I missing here though? We just lost to the Rams who are one of the worst teams in the NFL and then barely beat the Panthers who aren't much better. Do you honestly think this team is as good as the Cardinals and 49ers? Look at our remaining schedule and tell me you feel good about the playoffs.

8-8 or 9-7 is going to be pretty damn tough for this team this year and that's not going to get us into the playoffs.

The Cards are playing great ball. But the niners have been going through their ups and downs too, same record as the Hawks and the last time we saw them they were getting smashed on national TV.

Schedule aside, playing like theyre playing wont matter even if they somehow sneak in playing like they have the last couple weeks. But there is 9 games to go! A lot can change, the standings can and will change a ton before January. Some teams will step up, some will fall back. The Seahawks certainly have the ability to improve and step up, I'm not ready to concede yet.


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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We all realize how much you like playing the chicken little role, but this is the NFL, its not always the team that plays its best ball in October that goes on to win the SB. No doubt that they need to improve, but to say that it will take a "miracle"? Miracles must happen every year because literally every single year there are teams that improve as the year goes on, get hot at the right time, then make noise. Im not saying the Hawks are that team, but to assume that they cant? Please... And on the flip side, just about every year there is a team with a 6-2 récord early, that blows it and doesnt get in.

Every year this happens... Teams that start out great don't always stay great... I remember one year we started 8-2 and ended 9-7.... Hell in 2005 we started out 2-2 and ended up in the Super Bowl... It's funny when people give up on and entire season because of a slumping start.... Were 4-3 and somehow our season is over... Yeah we've slumped and the intensity has been a little bad at times, but every game we could a won regardless.. Were in every dam game... Can we play better HELL YEAH were making stupid mistakes and not playing clean right now but that doesn't mean we can't eliminate the mistakes and take off at some point in the season.... LOTS of football left... The Rams game was probably our worst showing of the season in the first half anyway... But since then I"m seeing better football overall and things are starting to click a bit... We just gotta stop with the dumb mistakes and we can compete with anyone... Also bring the defensive intensity in the first half and not just the second half... Our D ended that game strong vs Carolina.... good sign...


Conocido Miembro
Apr 21, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Every year this happens... Teams that start out great don't always stay great... I remember one year we started 8-2 and ended 9-7.... Hell in 2005 we started out 2-2 and ended up in the Super Bowl... It's funny when people give up on and entire season because of a slumping start.... Were 4-3 and somehow our season is over... Yeah we've slumped and the intensity has been a little bad at times, but every game we could a won regardless.. Were in every dam game... Can we play better HELL YEAH were making stupid mistakes and not playing clean right now but that doesn't mean we can't eliminate the mistakes and take off at some point in the season.... LOTS of football left... The Rams game was probably our worst showing of the season in the first half anyway... But since then I"m seeing better football overall and things are starting to click a bit... We just gotta stop with the dumb mistakes and we can compete with anyone... Also bring the defensive intensity in the first half and not just the second half... Our D ended that game strong vs Carolina.... good sign...

Very rarely do we see the same team that kicks ass all year go on to win the SB...

In 2012, the Ravens lost 4 out of their last 5, talk about backing in.

In 2011, the Giants lost 4 straight in Nov.

In 2010, the Packers started their season 3-3, just like the Hawks this year.

Its far from over.


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Very rarely do we see the same team that kicks ass all year go on to win the SB...

In 2012, the Ravens lost 4 out of their last 5, talk about backing in.

In 2011, the Giants lost 4 straight in Nov.

In 2010, the Packers started their season 3-3, just like the Hawks this year.

Its far from over.

Great stats! It's about getting hot at the right time and our players will soon be back from injury. I think I read Unger should be back which instantly helps the o-line and Maxwell too I think.


Jul 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Unger coming back is huge. Even the shotgun snaps right now are iffy. Maxwell will be nice too. I hope we do get hot and string some wins together. Usually when I start getting negative about them, they usually do, so there's a method behind my madness.


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2013
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here is something i said on the 18th

"Also do not be shocked if the Hawks trade Lynch before the trade deadline (Oct 28th ). Now i am not saying they will or will not, just don't let it shock you."

I do not expect it to happen but like i said back then i wouldn't be shocked. With Turbo playing FB now the chances of it happening are even more remote than before but you never know.