Hooplas biggest Cardinals homer.
Right and who has more playoff wins in their career? Go ahead I’ll wait, as a matter of fact what has Wentz achieved besides getting hurt every yearWhat the shit? Wentz and it's not close. I can't believe people are picking Dak, if this past year doesn't convince you Wentz>Dak I don't know what will. The kid may be injury prone but his wide receivers weren't much better if he had a cat, a sex doll, and a dumpster as receivers, and yet he still got to the playoffs, unlike Dak who is playing in a division with the fucking Redskins & Giants. This isn't a debate...
Don't even tag me with the stats argument, stats are meaningless if you haven't achieved anything noteworthy in your career, besides the gap between the two isn't even big.
But this is all meaningless, both are shit compared to the real QB of the millennia