Never go full Husky
To me isn’t bad if it was like 1 or at most 5 of the 30 insensitive things he said. Individually, everything he said you can easily argue except the Julio Rodriguez English thing. The culture thing is only brought up is because he was so arrogant, brash or whatever adjective you want to use. Super successful people don’t speak like that unless that is how his peers feel. I mean how many celebrities have gotten caught up in X, Y and Z movements and there are at least people half ass standing up for them or explaining while wrong, this is how it was/is. Stanton’s press conference was an utter embarrassment but the entire press conference boiled down to, this is how we all feel and are sorry someone said it out loud.That's another concern of mine.
If Mather was speaking "in confidence" with these comments, it shows that there is a culture that enables that type of behavior.