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LeBrons future?


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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Get out of here. I would've certainly put Horford before either of these two bums first. You know what? Every team in the league should just not bother with Durant. We'll take him off of the Thunder's hands for the vet. minimum.....

That's why I respect the Heat so much. They are a very charitable and giving organization.


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Does that poll measure popularity or marketability? I think he definitely has more endorsements since he returned, there's still a feel good element. But as far as respect of fans, I don't see how it's better anywhere but Cleveland.

Miami fans sure don't respect him with how he treated Riley on his way out the door. They just don't complain much because he helped them get 2 more titles.

And don't get me wrong, I think he stays in Cleveland. I'm just starting to see where those who say he won't, could have a point.


Past two years are the first two he's been the most loved athlete on the Forbes and the Harris polls since he was... in Cleveland before. It's not polling just this demographic that I live in and see or that one that you do, but overall.

I think his letter was his big selling point. He never made that before. Cleveland first go round was the team that owned his rights, he didn't choose them. Miami was clear it was about playing with his friends and chips... This time it was pretty clear on his choice to come back. He'd be going directly against something he said he was doing it for.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
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Well first off, he knows as well as anyone there's no "sure thing" trip to the finals (ESPECIALLY in the West). He's set up as well for a trip to a championship as well as anyone.

This is true, but he may feel that moving on and teaming with someone else might make for a better chance. Using Magic's Captain Obvious tweet...suppose the Lakers went after Lebron and Durant and Durant decided to come to LA. You don't think it would peak Lebron's interest a little? Especially if they were able to orchestrate a trade for Butler or Cousins?

Obviously, that scenario is pretty far fetched. The point is, if a team were able to put themselves in a position to where Lebron felt like adding him could put them over the top, I'd think he'd have to at least consider it.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,709.00
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I think his letter was his big selling point. He never made that before. Cleveland first go round was the team that owned his rights, he didn't choose them. Miami was clear it was about playing with his friends and chips... This time it was pretty clear on his choice to come back. He'd be going directly against something he said he was doing it for.

This is part of why I think he stays in Cleveland. As much as I don't like him, I do think that when he chose to return, it was about "coming home" and trying to "win one for the land." I think he made a conscious decision that he was staying, even if it meant he finishes his career with only the 2 rings.

However, I don't know the man, so I don't know if that's true or not. Which is why I can see where those who think he will leave could have a point.


Oregon Is Faster
Sep 7, 2010
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I think Cleveland gets ousted bad in the finals. Frustration builds enough between him and the front office and the Hollywood lights of LA look too appealing to him that he bolts to Laker land where the Lakers dump tons of money to give him all the supporting casts he needs.

LeBron and the Lakers go on to have a early 2000's feel to them and win a few rings.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,709.00
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I think Cleveland gets ousted bad in the finals. Frustration builds enough between him and the front office and the Hollywood lights of LA look too appealing to him that he bolts to Laker land where the Lakers dump tons of money to give him all the supporting casts he needs.

LeBron and the Lakers go on to have a early 2000's feel to them and win a few rings.

I like the way you think...you should post on the NBA boards more.

But I just want to warn you. That post of yours will likely get you a 15,000 word response from Wiggy that will melt your computer screen. :lol:

A few championships and some Tums might even keep @ChiefsLakers67 from throwing up every time he saw Lebron in purple and gold. :heh:


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2014
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LeBron will stay and retire in Cleveland for precisely one of the most important reasons he came back- he doesnt want his hometown, the City that he loves and lives in to hate him after he retires. If he leaves without a title- the whole return thing was a joke and he will be humiliated nationally and hated here.

Its not happening though....

all you haters are going to be watching 23 go deep into the playoffs for the better part of the next decade in a Cavs uniform.....STAY used to it.


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Feb 5, 2016
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I think Cleveland gets ousted bad in the finals. Frustration builds enough between him and the front office and the Hollywood lights of LA look too appealing to him that he bolts to Laker land where the Lakers dump tons of money to give him all the supporting casts he needs.

LeBron and the Lakers go on to have a early 2000's feel to them and win a few rings.

I guess, I just don't see the allure. They've been throwing money at players in recent times too and not much has come of it there, so it isn't like he's joining a great coaching staff, or teammates. It isn't like he needs LA to build his brand, or find a Kardashian to date.. If he's choosing Cleveland, kind of the exact opposite of LA, I just don't see him running there anytime soon.
Dec 18, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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all you haters are going to be watching 23 go deep into the playoffs for the better part of the next decade in a Cavs uniform.....STAY used to it.

You've got "Reserved for lebrons asshole" written on your dick, right?

In tiny tiny letters no doubt.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I've been one that believed that Lebron would stay and retire a Cav because he wouldn't want to deal with the resultant backlash. I still think he stays in Cleveland. But I'm starting to see where folks who think he could leave, might have a point.

The more I think about it, the more I'm not sure how much of a backlash there would actually be. Obviously Cavs fans would lose their shit. But outside of that...Lebron fans would still support him, they'd just buy new jerseys. The fans of the new team would support him.

Fans of other teams will boo him and make fun of him, but they already do that anyway. Media would be on fire, but at this point, there would likely be just as many defending him and blaming Gilbert as there are who would rip him.

It wouldn't really change his ranking among all-time greats because the discussion on him ever being GOAT is pretty much over anyway. He'll just be somewhere in line behind MJ, just like everyone else. He is also at a point where he's getting closer to the end of his career than the beginning and is focused on rings.

So, I can see where if he feels like he's not going to be able to get it done in Cleveland...he may just decide to move on to a place where he feels he can.

They already lost their shit for him once and now they love him... You can pretty much guarantee that would happen. But to think he would stay for less money I highly doubt that... UNLESS he gets more players around him... Then maybe


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,709.00
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They already lost their shit for him once and now they love him... You can pretty much guarantee that would happen. But to think he would stay for less money I highly doubt that... UNLESS he gets more players around him... Then maybe

Yeah, he's said that he's done taking anything less than max, but if he had to so they could get a guy who could help get them over the top...who knows?


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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IF the Cavaliers do not win the title this year, what does LeBron do? Does he take a pay cut next year to get more All-Stars around him in Cleveland? Does he go to the Lakers? Does he go to someone elses team again? IE Wade type scenario?

He'd have to be borderline insane to leave the EC.

And no discounts, ever, for Gilbert.
Somewhere else, I could see it.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Yeah, he's said that he's done taking anything less than max, but if he had to so they could get a guy who could help get them over the top...who knows?

What's the Cavs budget? They have an endless supply of cash no?


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,709.00
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They've been throwing money at players in recent times too and not much has come of it there, so it isn't like he's joining a great coaching staff, or teammates.

Who have they thrown money at? They made bids for a couple of max guys who didn't sign with them, so they saved the money. The result is they are looking at being able to sign 2 max level players to add to a talented young core, plus a possible top 3 pick in the upcoming draft that can be used or traded.

They also just hired one of the brightest young basketball minds in the NBA as their coach.

They still have a lot of work to do, but the Lakers are headed back in the right direction and if they are able to land 2 max level guys, they could be back in the mix in pretty short order.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,709.00
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What's the Cavs budget? They have an endless supply of cash no?

They are capped out. Lebron has an opt out and will likely use it to get every penny he possibly can. Even if he doesn't, they still have no cap space. They can free up some space to maybe add a better role player or 2, but any significant changes would have to be done via trade.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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They are capped out. Lebron has an opt out and will likely use it to get every penny he possibly can. Even if he doesn't, they still have no cap space. They can free up some space to maybe add a better role player or 2, but any significant changes would have to be done via trade.

even with a trade, wouldn't they still have to pay a lot of said players salary? Or do you mean a trade where the opposition pays most of it?


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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LeBron will stay and retire in Cleveland for precisely one of the most important reasons he came back- he doesnt want his hometown, the City that he loves and lives in to hate him after he retires. If he leaves without a title- the whole return thing was a joke and he will be humiliated nationally and hated here.

Its not happening though....

all you haters are going to be watching 23 go deep into the playoffs for the better part of the next decade in a Cavs uniform.....STAY used to it.

He'll stay put as long as he feels it's his best chance to win a title.
The other stuff is bullshit.
As of now, the path through the EC is tons easier than the WC.
Also, the Cavs roster currently does offer him the best chance to win as constructed.
However, if the Cavs don't win, and can't add, and others do start adding, he'd move on in a heartbeat.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,709.00
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even with a trade, wouldn't they still have to pay a lot of said players salary? Or do you mean a trade where the opposition pays most of it?

I believe that salaries would have to match or come very close to matching. But if they were going to make a trade that improved them in any significant way, they'd have to part with Kyrie or Love and maybe a role player. Outside of that, they'd just be trading bench players for other bench players that they may think fit a little better.


Active Member
Oct 21, 2015
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I like the way you think...you should post on the NBA boards more.

But I just want to warn you. That post of yours will likely get you a 15,000 word response from Wiggy that will :heh:melt your computer screen.

Note that about 70% of the posts on this thread are from Laker fans.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Key West, FL
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LeBron will stay and retire in Cleveland for precisely one of the most important reasons he came back- he doesnt want his hometown, the City that he loves and lives in to hate him after he retires. If he leaves without a title- the whole return thing was a joke and he will be humiliated nationally and hated here.

Its not happening though....

all you haters are going to be watching 23 go deep into the playoffs for the better part of the next decade in a Cavs uniform.....STAY used to it.

Go deep and continuously be the runner up in the Finals. But hey, the conference trophies are looking pretty decent these days.