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Kobe Lashes Out at Kupchack in Front of Everyone


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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Exactly. He brings in 80 million per season and they pay out 24 million so they are 56 million ahead and that's $112 over 2 seasons.

When you consider Kobe getting $24 million, Lebron saying he's done taking anything less than the max and 'Melo staying in NY for the money, I think players are starting to figure this out.

Before, players were basically expected to take less/give "hometown discounts" as a "sacrifice" to help the team win. Meanwhile, owners weren't taking any "discounts" or "sacrificing" anything. Top players are starting to wise up and realize just how much money they are actually getting vs. what they make for their teams.

I expect the next cba talks to be pretty contentious over this. I also think that we are going to see fewer Dirk's and Timmy's and more Kobe's, Lebron's and 'Melo's when it comes to what top players will sign for going forward.

DJ Fieri

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When you consider Kobe getting $24 million, Lebron saying he's done taking anything less than the max and 'Melo staying in NY for the money, I think players are starting to figure this out.

Before, players were basically expected to take less/give "hometown discounts" as a "sacrifice" to help the team win. Meanwhile, owners weren't taking any "discounts" or "sacrificing" anything. Top players are starting to wise up and realize just how much money they are actually getting vs. what they make for their teams.

I expect the next cba talks to be pretty contentious over this. I also think that we are going to see fewer Dirk's and Timmy's and more Kobe's, Lebron's and 'Melo's when it comes to what top players will sign for going forward.

I agree. And if they can't improve this next offeseason....I could see Kobe just retiring early rather than go through a 3rd straight 50-plus loss season. He'll have passed MJ's scoring mark and have more $ than he knows what to do with.


Apr 18, 2013
Los Angeles
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if kobe was 30 years old I think it would have been more justified for the contract. but being 36 on the way out of the league.. no reason for it.

Well, there is the business aspect of professional sports. From a purely basketball results POV, yes there is less justification for the contract. However, from the business POV, there's plenty of justification. I know as a fan it is hard to separate the two because we don't directly benefit from the business POV, but there is that reality of professional sports. It's somewhat unique for the Lakers because for the majority owners, the Buss family, this is their only business.

The current CBA sucks for the players, especially veteran stars. It virtually locks them into two options. Take less than market value in an attempt to better allow a contending team to be constructed, or take your market value and be vilified. The next CBA will prove better for the players. The star payers like Lebron are getting it.


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That's because it's easy to say and the media is lazy. Kobe is overpaid only in the sense that, as Logicman pointed out, no one was going to give Kobe more than about $18 million. So, in essence, the Lakers outbid themselves. But in the sense of the money the Lakers make because he's on the team, he is actually underpaid.

When you look at the actual numbers and how the cba works, Kobe's contract didn't prevent the Lakers from doing anything. Both Mitch and Jeanie have broken it down more than once. They would have been paying a crazy amount in luxury tax, but as has also been shown, the Time-Warner deal alone would have more than covered both salary and luxury tax.

They Lakers could have gotten 'Melo and another high quality player like Lowry, even with Kobe's contract. That's already been shown. As I said, they also could/would have kept their own FA's like Pau, Young and Hill because they could have gone over the cap to sign them.

guess we got to agree to disagree. theres been other questionable decisions like hire a coach after free agency is over. that had a impact. its also been rumored that outside of melo and LeBron they didn't want to pursue any of the other players like lowry, like Isiah Thomas, parsons etc.

and I think were going to see the same thing play out this next off season. yeah theres a handful of guys the lakers are going to be interested in. but those players will think long and hard about going to play there. if im a top player in free agency. im not so sure I sign with lakers in FA unless they sign some other quality players to carry the load.

al Jefferson, rondo, Deandre Jordan, marc gasol, goran dragic,

sure theres a few that im missing. but hard to imagine one of those players saying yeah ill join the lakers without some other additions. I think even after striking out on the Carmelo and LeBron they could have added some other high quality pieces that would interest other players in joining in the future. I see a high probability of striking out again in 2015 and then its going after Durant.. with little on roster to interest him. why leave westbrook in okc. to a unknown. only time will tell but im clearly not as optimistic as you are. :suds:


Apr 18, 2013
Los Angeles
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When you consider Kobe getting $24 million, Lebron saying he's done taking anything less than the max and 'Melo staying in NY for the money, I think players are starting to figure this out.

Before, players were basically expected to take less/give "hometown discounts" as a "sacrifice" to help the team win. Meanwhile, owners weren't taking any "discounts" or "sacrificing" anything. Top players are starting to wise up and realize just how much money they are actually getting vs. what they make for their teams.

I expect the next cba talks to be pretty contentious over this. I also think that we are going to see fewer Dirk's and Timmy's and more Kobe's, Lebron's and 'Melo's when it comes to what top players will sign for going forward.


Lebron saw how much the Cavs organization declined in value after he left.

DJ Fieri

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guess we got to agree to disagree. theres been other questionable decisions like hire a coach after free agency is over. that had a impact. its also been rumored that outside of melo and LeBron they didn't want to pursue any of the other players like lowry, like Isiah Thomas, parsons etc.


"The Lakers reportedly reached out to Kyle Lowry this summer, but they told the point guard and agent Andy Miller that they wouldn’t make him an offer until they heard from LeBron James and Carmelo Anthony first, Grantland’s Zach Lowe reports. Lowry agreed on the second day of free agency to re-sign with the Raptors, well ahead of the time that James and Anthony made their respective decisions."

Lakers Notes: Lowry, Thomas, DPE | Hoops Rumors


Apr 18, 2013
Los Angeles
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They can conceivably sign two high quality players this summer. Add another high draft pick. Add a healthy Randle. Add more high quality players the following summer when Kobe retires and the salary cap goes way up. Things could easily turnaround in this three year window Jim Buss is giving himself.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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I agree. And if they can't improve this next offeseason....I could see Kobe just retiring early rather than go through a 3rd straight 50-plus loss season. He'll have passed MJ's scoring mark and have more $ than he knows what to do with.

I'm pretty sure his wife and daughters will have plenty of ideas for what he can do with the money.:lol:

DJ Fieri

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Jun 26, 2014
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The sun is out, this weather is crazy. It's supposed to rain again around 3-4pm.


Apr 18, 2013
Los Angeles
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The sun is out, this weather is crazy. It's supposed to rain again around 3-4pm.

It went from torrential downpour to sunny skies real quick here at my office in Torrance.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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$ 16,709.00
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guess we got to agree to disagree. theres been other questionable decisions like hire a coach after free agency is over. that had a impact. its also been rumored that outside of melo and LeBron they didn't want to pursue any of the other players like lowry, like Isiah Thomas, parsons etc.

and I think were going to see the same thing play out this next off season. yeah theres a handful of guys the lakers are going to be interested in. but those players will think long and hard about going to play there. if im a top player in free agency. im not so sure I sign with lakers in FA unless they sign some other quality players to carry the load.

al Jefferson, rondo, Deandre Jordan, marc gasol, goran dragic,

sure theres a few that im missing. but hard to imagine one of those players saying yeah ill join the lakers without some other additions. I think even after striking out on the Carmelo and LeBron they could have added some other high quality pieces that would interest other players in joining in the future. I see a high probability of striking out again in 2015 and then its going after Durant.. with little on roster to interest him. why leave westbrook in okc. to a unknown. only time will tell but im clearly not as optimistic as you are. :suds:

Actually, it looks like we agree for the most part. It's true to a point that the Lakers didn't want to pursue other FA's outside of Lebron and 'Melo. That's because those were the only 2 franchise changers. Had they landed either one, then we likely would have seen them go after a Lowry or Thomas. What they weren't going to do was not get Lebron or 'Melo and then overpay for guys like Lowry or Thomas and lose some of their future cap flexibility.

As for striking out in 2015, maybe, maybe not. Assuming Kobe stays healthy and plays at a high level for the rest of the season, that would alleviate some of the assumed fears of FA's re: what he has left. The Lakers will also have even more cap space for 2015 than they had last year, so we'll have to see what happens. The Lakers have some attractive pieces on the current team, Kobe is likely gone after next season. Top FA's are likely to find the flexibility that the Lakers will have to be attractive. They can pretty much do a Lebron and just about build their own team.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,709.00
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The sun is out, this weather is crazy. It's supposed to rain again around 3-4pm.

It went from torrential downpour to sunny skies real quick here at my office in Torrance.

Been raining pretty hard all day here. It literally just now started to lighten up. No sunshine yet though.


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Jim Rome just went off on the purple 'n gold. :laugh:


Fuck CBS
Apr 17, 2013
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It went from torrential downpour to sunny skies real quick here at my office in Torrance.

Yes, it was raining hard as shit lastnight. Then that stupid "Flood warning" shit popped up on my phone and woke me up. I hate those things because I live in LA, we don't get fucking floods.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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Did you see your boy Stephen A? He went off on the media for making this a big deal.

Damn. I was doing some chores, walked by the t.v., saw Stephen A. was on and kept on going because I usually don't care for his rants. Would have liked to have seen that rant though.


Apr 18, 2013
Los Angeles
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Yes, it was raining hard as shit lastnight. Then that stupid "Flood warning" shit popped up on my phone and woke me up. I hate those things because I live in LA, we don't get fucking floods.

Me too man. No reason why they couldn't have issued that flood warning earlier in the evening. Plus the only folks who really need it are those out in Palmdale. They can get flash flooding out there. Not so much in most other parts of the county.