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Kobe Lashes Out at Kupchack in Front of Everyone


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I get Kobes frustration BUT maybe you shouldnt have taken 24 million a year and then the team would have some spare cash to sign some help for you?? Cant have it both ways.


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In the West you need Superstar talent, not a bunch of mid-level players you hope will somehow magically turn into the Spurs. Kobe's contract did not stop the Lakers from being able to add another max contract.

They dont need 1 more guy. They need 2 or 3 more guys really.


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In the West you need Superstar talent, not a bunch of mid-level players you hope will somehow magically turn into the Spurs. Kobe's contract did not stop the Lakers from being able to add another max contract.

hypothetical but had they been able to add Carmelo or whoever im not sure what money would have been left to even add players they have now like Jordan hill and nick young.

DJ Fieri

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They dont need 1 more guy. They need 2 or 3 more guys really.

If Melo had signed they'd be a borderline playoff team in the West. He's a lot better than Wesley Johnson/Nick Young. Instead of being one of the worst teams in the WC they'd be around 8-9th or so.


Watch out for Berniedoodles and Trumpers
Apr 17, 2013
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Not a story. This is what team leaders are suppose to do when people dont come prepared.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
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hypothetical but had they been able to add Carmelo or whoever im not sure what money would have been left to even add players they have now like Jordan hill and nick young.

They were the Lakers FA's, so they could have gone over the cap to sign them. It's why they waited so long before they started re-signing guys from last years team that they wanted to keep. If they got 'Melo or Lebron, they could then have picked up a solid mid-level FA or 2 and then gone over the cap for their own FA's, which they would have been happy to do considering they'd have a strong playoff team.

That's why it's funny to hear the folks that say "Kobe's contract sunk the Lakers because it didn't leave them enough money".


Watch out for Berniedoodles and Trumpers
Apr 17, 2013
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It did not help in the interest for stars to go there Trojan, and it was a stupid deal. They could have had him for much much less, and, then had the space for two stars to cajole and get paid near max, as we saw Lebron do twice.

Nobody was paying Kobe more than $15 to $18M, nobody. Kobe would have taken what management gave him, especially a guy who is that old, cannot go to practices and is coming off achilles. He fleeced LA.

That allone made it unattractive, but I will say the other dynamics probably scare them off too.


Apr 18, 2013
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They were the Lakers FA's, so they could have gone over the cap to sign them. It's why they waited so long before they started re-signing guys from last years team that they wanted to keep. If they got 'Melo or Lebron, they could then have picked up a solid mid-level FA or 2 and then gone over the cap for their own FA's, which they would have been happy to do considering they'd have a strong playoff team.

That's why it's funny to hear the folks that say "Kobe's contract sunk the Lakers because it didn't leave them enough money".

Howard leaving and the Nash situation is possibly more of a problem than Kobe's salary. Losing Howard significantly impacted the rebuild combined with their negative position going into the new CBA. Having more money to spend with a lower Kobe contract may have helped, but maybe they would have still been in a similar position as they are now anyway. No one can say for sure.

They should have roughly between $25mil and $30mil in cap space this summer, +/- with cap holds, etc. And if they end up keeping their first rounder, than they have some good assets to work with.


Apr 18, 2013
Los Angeles
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Lebron took a little less money once not twice. He's all about max contracts now, as should the star players. He understands how much the owners profit because of him.


Apr 18, 2013
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I will say the timing of this is interesting. This was the first time Kobe has gone through a whole practice in awhile. The media happened to be let in as they were scrimmaging, so they were let in earlier than normal. Mitch happened to be down on the court instead of up in his office. Tin hat folks will claim this was all orchestrated.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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Never said that he could have gotten the same anywhere else. It's been stated ad nauseum on here as to why the Lakers gave him the contract that they did.

People can continue to claim that Kobe's contract was why the Lakers didn't get another superstar all they want, but the math and the cba don't back them up.

There were exactly 2 difference makers in this past FA period, Lebron and 'Melo. The Lakers offered max deals to both. In the end, both did exactly what everyone knew they were going to do. When they did, instead of wasting their cap space by overpaying for mid-level FA's, they chose to get guys on 1 year deals and preserve cap space going forward. It's going to mean lots of losing this year, but it will provide financial flexibility going forward.

Additionally, had 'Melo or Lebron decided to come to L.A., Pau would have also re-signed. After Lebron chose the Cavs and 'Melo stayed with the Knicks, there really were no other FA's that the Lakers were interested in signing to big money or long term deals.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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Howard leaving and the Nash situation is possibly more of a problem than Kobe's salary. Losing Howard significantly impacted the rebuild combined with their negative position going into the new CBA. Having more money to spend with a lower Kobe contract may have helped, but maybe they would have still been in a similar position as they are now anyway. No one can say for sure.

They should have roughly between $25mil and $30mil in cap space this summer, +/- with cap holds, etc. And if they end up keeping their first rounder, than they have some good assets to work with.

Agree re: the Dwight/Nash situation. I don't think Dwight leaving itself mattered much because he doesn't seem to be all that well liked by other players anyway. But there had to be uncertainty about Nash's injuries and no one knowing what Kobe would have left coming back from injury or if he'd suffer another season ending injury. A star who came in thinking they were a contender could have found themselves in the situation that Kobe is in now. At least if Dwight had stayed, there'd be another top player on the floor with them.

Assuming Kobe continues to stay healthy and play at a high level, next year's FA period could be very interesting. Guys won't be so worried about what he has left and they'll also know that it's likely his last year, and that the Lakers will have cap space to add more players after Kobe retires.


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They were the Lakers FA's, so they could have gone over the cap to sign them. It's why they waited so long before they started re-signing guys from last years team that they wanted to keep. If they got 'Melo or Lebron, they could then have picked up a solid mid-level FA or 2 and then gone over the cap for their own FA's, which they would have been happy to do considering they'd have a strong playoff team.

That's why it's funny to hear the folks that say "Kobe's contract sunk the Lakers because it didn't leave them enough money".

I dunno that's the popular opinion across the media is the lakers stink because kobe took 24 mil. IF he would have taken a dirk kind of deal they could have gotten Carmelo, and probably another high quality player like kyle lowry. gasol probably stays etc.


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Lebron took a little less money once not twice. He's all about max contracts now, as should the star players. He understands how much the owners profit because of him.

if kobe was 30 years old I think it would have been more justified for the contract. but being 36 on the way out of the league.. no reason for it.

DJ Fieri

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is a pretty good lineup imo.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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I dunno that's the popular opinion across the media is the lakers stink because kobe took 24 mil. IF he would have taken a dirk kind of deal they could have gotten Carmelo, and probably another high quality player like kyle lowry. gasol probably stays etc.

That's because it's easy to say and the media is lazy. Kobe is overpaid only in the sense that, as Logicman pointed out, no one was going to give Kobe more than about $18 million. So, in essence, the Lakers outbid themselves. But in the sense of the money the Lakers make because he's on the team, he is actually underpaid.

When you look at the actual numbers and how the cba works, Kobe's contract didn't prevent the Lakers from doing anything. Both Mitch and Jeanie have broken it down more than once. They would have been paying a crazy amount in luxury tax, but as has also been shown, the Time-Warner deal alone would have more than covered both salary and luxury tax.

They Lakers could have gotten 'Melo and another high quality player like Lowry, even with Kobe's contract. That's already been shown. As I said, they also could/would have kept their own FA's like Pau, Young and Hill because they could have gone over the cap to sign them.

DJ Fieri

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That's because it's easy to say and the media is lazy. Kobe is overpaid only in the sense that, as Logicman pointed out, no one was going to give Kobe more than about $18 million. So, in essence, the Lakers outbid themselves. But in the sense of the money the Lakers make because he's on the team, he is actually underpaid.

When you look at the actual numbers and how the cba works, Kobe's contract didn't prevent the Lakers from doing anything. Both Mitch and Jeanie have broken it down more than once. They would have been paying a crazy amount in luxury tax, but as has also been shown, the Time-Warner deal alone would have more than covered both salary and luxury tax.

They Lakers could have gotten 'Melo and another high quality player like Lowry, even with Kobe's contract. That's already been shown. As I said, they also could/would have kept their own FA's like Pau, Young and Hill because they could have gone over the cap to sign them.

Exactly. He brings in 80 million per season and they pay out 24 million so they are 56 million ahead and that's $112 over 2 seasons.


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Oct 22, 2014
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Probably not a big deal but go to think Kobe's starting to get frustrated with the current state of the Lakers.