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Kirk Cousins.....The elephant in the room that no one wants to talk about!


Burgundy & Gold Forevah
Aug 15, 2013
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I'm a lot more worried about Miami offense vs this defense compare to Houston last year, mainly the secondary.
Well we had Griffin at Qb and Watt and Clowney facing him with Chester and Tyler defending. I wasn't feeling too positive about that match up.

I do have faith that Kirk will get rid of that ball quickly.


Sep 4, 2014
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No I'm with you on that. I meant I felt the skins could hold down Houston offense. I have my doubts about them vs Miami.


Burgundy & Gold Forevah
Aug 15, 2013
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I'm a lot more worried about Miami offense vs this defense compare to Houston last year, mainly the secondary.
Oops, misunderstood this.

Last year, I had zero faith in any pass rush. Or Haz.

This year with changes, there is some optimism. As to the secondary...anything is better than Brandon Merriweather and Ryan Clark.


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When I originally set up this thread it was apparent to me that the very few comments relating to Cousins were of the hopeful kind. No mention of his track record, in fact some denied that he had one, the silence was deafening and I wondered why. The paradox clearly was, is, and continues to be that the new guy (KC) offered hope, but that hope was largely based on the fact that he was not the other guy. Has it really come to this DC fans?...............OR.............Has the fatigue that usually accompanies dysfunction finally taken its toll? I know that many of us want to go into this season on a hopeful note and I frankly applaud your efforts. The realist in me has had enough, Cousins or McCoy doesn't matter if they can do the job even in an half assed manner, but it's just too much to ask long suffering Washington fans to get excited simply because one or the other is not THAT other guy!


ESPN Cast Off
Jul 2, 2013
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That's all fine and dandy, but you're cherry picking from HoF QBs that started poorly. If I look for it, I'm sure I could find many more examples of QBs with bad stats like Cousins has and they never turned it around. He's more likely to be Rex Grossman imo

Bottom line, the best thing Cousins actually has going for him is that he's NOT RG3. How may other teams would he be starting for right now? I will hope I'm wrong. Cousins does flash at times, but those numbers are hard to ignore.
You missed my point. I'm not trying to say KC will ever be those guys. In fact, if you read my entire post, I say he probably won't. My point is that his flaws are common to inexperienced QBs in the NFL and there is a track record that shows that with more experience, the turnover rate usually decreases. This is opposed to RG3s flaws which there isn't a clear track record of overcoming.


US ARMY retired /mod.
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1 - 7 as a starter. Last year had 3rd worst INT % rate for all qualifying QBs (over 50 attempts). Only better than Matt Cassell and Jake Locker. In the last 2 years, he has the worst turnover rate of any QB in the NFL. 28.8 plays per turnover (min 500 plays). There's no elephant in the room, Kirk is JAG and one that has a bad problem of turning the ball over. It's just hard to get excited about a guy with that track record, regardless of how much better he's looked compared to RG3. I think it's more of lack of excitement if anything.

C'mon j_y .... Cousins has a track record so we know what is going to happen. :lol:

That's all fine and dandy, but you're cherry picking from HoF QBs that started poorly. If I look for it, I'm sure I could find many more examples of QBs with bad stats like Cousins has and they never turned it around. He's more likely to be Rex Grossman imo

Bottom line, the best thing Cousins actually has going for him is that he's NOT RG3. How may other teams would he be starting for right now? I will hope I'm wrong. Cousins does flash at times, but those numbers are hard to ignore.

I'm talking about right now. He's getting a pass for his past failures right now. I agree that soon as he starts throwing picks, it's gonna get ugly in here. But really, I think we're gonna be arguing over nothing. I'm already scouting the college ranks for the next skins qb.

here is my take . his bad numbers cant be denied but lets put some of those in perspective . KC had 8 picks in 2 games . the others he had 0,0, 1 ,1, 0 so he is capable of taking care of the ball . he has a better team around him for sure

but lets not anoint KC one way or the other . i would say after this year we will know . and yes i would be scouting qbs .

Sportster 72

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here is my take . his bad numbers cant be denied but lets put some of those in perspective . KC had 8 picks in 2 games . the others he had 0,0, 1 ,1, 0 so he is capable of taking care of the ball . he has a better team around him for sure

but lets not anoint KC one way or the other . i would say after this year we will know . and yes i would be scouting qbs .

Bulls ear dad!!!! Winner, winner chicken dinner. Sometimes we paint in broad strokes and say this is our QB. I don't think that can be done yet. Dad is right, Cousins had two terrible games last year when he threw most of his picks. Some blame him for choking late in the Philly game but the team put up 34 points. No where does anyone say well the D and ST sucked.

In 2012 he brought the team back against Baltimore. Yes Crawford's punt return set up the win but without that tying score the game is a loss. He was QB when the team beat Cleveland. Without those two wins there are no playoffs.

We all agree that he was bad in 2013 but so was the entire team. In 2014 there was some good and some bad.

It just some want to pin a track record on this kid for 9 games and a career is not built in 9 starts. Might he suck, absolutely. I think most of us feel he give us the best chance right now. I have already said he is young and inexperienced and is going to make some mistakes. It is how he reacts to those. Does he go in the tank like last year or does he improve in that area and put it behind him?

I can't speak for anyone but I believe I have seen dad, j_y, Cali and several others say the starting QB next year or the year after may not be on the team right now. If Cousins wants that job he has to go out and earn it.


ESPN Cast Off
Jul 2, 2013
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The bottom line is the sample size for KC is just too small to make any real evaluation. He may turn out good, he may not. But to write him off just because of a couple of bad games in the first couple of games he has played in is premature at best.
I would also advise that folks don't lose their minds if he tosses an Int (or 2) against Miami. We owe it to him the chance to grow into the position. After all, what options do we really have, Colt? Now he has a track record. We know what he is. A perennial back up. Rg3? Been there, done that. You breath on him and he drops the ball. He gets injured sneezing. KC gives us the best chance to not only win, but truly evaluate the other 10 on the offense.


Sep 4, 2014
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See, benefit of the doubt :) let's just say hypothetically, cousins was a free agent qb they brought it with the identical numbers , win loss record, etc. We'd call the guy a bum and be wondering what gmsm was drinking the night before. We're pinning hopes on him because he's someone else other than rg3. That's perfectly natural. Like you said, what choice do we have. I do like that gruden said cousins has shown the most improvement and has earned his spot. I'd like to think this is the case versus just it being rg3 sucked so bad they had no choice.


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Sep 3, 2014
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Has it really come to this DC fans?

Yes, Stymietee. It has come to this. Did you see how the other guy has played, and not just this preseason, but the last two years........when he wasn't layed up due to injuring himself. He was handed a job he not only didn't earn this year, but legitimately played himself out of last year. He has no feel for the job of a pocket passing QB and the only reason he hasn't been cut, which he should've already imo. Is before he's super-glued himself to the nut-sack of the Skins idiot owner. Who is once again inserting his dumb ass into player personnel decisions depsite all the evidence compiled that he should never ever ever ever do that.


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Yes, Stymietee. It has come to this. Did you see how the other guy has played, and not just this preseason, but the last two years........when he wasn't layed up due to injuring himself. He was handed a job he not only didn't earn this year, but legitimately played himself out of last year. He has no feel for the job of a pocket passing QB and the only reason he hasn't been cut, which he should've already imo. Is before he's super-glued himself to the nut-sack of the Skins idiot owner. Who is once again inserting his dumb ass into player personnel decisions depsite all the evidence compiled that he should never ever ever ever do that.

Damn Breed, I hope that you're wrong about this! C'mon DC fans respond to this. Tell Everyone that your hopes haven't come down to..... Kirk isn't the other guy! :hope:


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Sep 3, 2014
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here is my take . his bad numbers cant be denied but lets put some of those in perspective . KC had 8 picks in 2 games . the others he had 0,0, 1 ,1, 0 so he is capable of taking care of the ball . he has a better team around him for sure

but lets not anoint KC one way or the other . i would say after this year we will know . and yes i would be scouting qbs .

He only threw 3 picks against Ari, but every turnover Cuz had last year was monumental and devastating, at least that's how they felt. His one pick against Philly for instance set the Eagles up at the Skins 30 - 35 yard line and while the Skins def finally held Philly's offense to a 3 n out with no yards gained on that drive. They still were able to kick what turned out to be the winning FG. Cousins had a delay penalty called on him as well in that game and what happens next. Cobra pushes a FG att wide right. Had it not been for those extra 5 yards on the penalty, that FG is good. Cuz only fumbled twice last year. Both were recovered by the opposing team and both were deep in Skins territory and turned into points for the opposition. Cuz was like Bad Luck Shelprock last year.

I gotta believe it was just that, bad luck, but there's a part of me that thinks he's Patrick Ramsey incarnate. Dear Lord let me be oh so wrong in that opinion...................please.