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Kevin Love " I don't plan on opting out"

DJ Fieri

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How do people feel about James saying that he won't be recruiting Love?

Do you take it as him saying he really doesn't care if he stays or do you take it as him saying Love should be left alone to make his own decisions in the same way James handled his FA?

James probably likes TT at PF and Love leaving means more touches for LeBron.


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It's hard to say. As much as I'm no fan of Lebron, he's not stupid. He knows that things didn't go according to plan. If Lebron feels that it was a bad idea and won't work, then there would be no reason to work very hard to bring him back. He may be willing to roll with TT at PF and having one less guy that he has to make happy on offense.

On the other hand, Lebron wanted to be left alone to handle his FA and he may feel that's what Love wants as well.

I think the latter is more likely because they did seem to have a lot of stuff figured out before Love got hurt.

I agree.

I think, truth be told, if James could answer honestly, he would hope for a sign and trade because if they lose Love outright, they still don't have much cap space to sign anyone else.
It's better for James/Cavs for sure if he stays.


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Honestly, I'm on the fence about it. The Lakers already have Randle, so Love seems unnecessary. However, as another Lakers fan pointed out to me, why not get him and worst case, the Lakers end up trading him or Randle in a year or 2.

If the rumor of the Lakers trading the #2 and Randle for Cousins ends up being true, then I would definitely want him in LA.

Yea, he is a great talent. But I was glad the Warriors didn't trade Klay Thompson. Would have ruined chemistry. Klay really wants to be on Golden State, but I am not sure Love really cares either way where he is or whether he is willing to sacrifice for the team.

Do the Lakers really want Cousins? Great talent and can put up good offensive numbers but is a head case. I get Sacramento news here and there were stories of him getting in fights with teammates at practice. Against the Warriors during the season, there were times he would get frustrated and just give up playing.


Nov 11, 2013
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Re: LeBron's lack of recruiting of Love... I agree with what trojan and others have said... and I'll add one more thing.

That report was - at best - a 3rd-hand telling of LeBron's take on recruiting Love. Who knows how closely it resembles reality.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
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Yea, he is a great talent. But I was glad the Warriors didn't trade Klay Thompson. Would have ruined chemistry. Klay really wants to be on Golden State, but I am not sure Love really cares either way where he is or whether he is willing to sacrifice for the team.

Do the Lakers really want Cousins? Great talent and can put up good offensive numbers but is a head case. I get Sacramento news here and there were stories of him getting in fights with teammates at practice. Against the Warriors during the season, there were times he would get frustrated and just give up playing.

I'm not sold on Cousins being a head case. The guy has had 5 coaches over his career and the Kings keep surrounding him with crap for teammates.

It's got to be frustrating knowing you need new teammates and your FO keeps giving you new coaches instead. Then they fire them for not being able to win with the same crap roster that the previous guy couldn't win with.


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I understand all that, but getting into physical altercations with teammates at practice? I've seen him get frustrated and just flat out quit playing defense. I watched players run right past him and he doesn't even try to stop them. Maybe a change of scenery will help


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,709.00
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I understand all that, but getting into physical altercations with teammates at practice? I've seen him get frustrated and just flat out quit playing defense. I watched players run right past him and he doesn't even try to stop them. Maybe a change of scenery will help

Not saying he handled it well. Just that I understand his frustration. If they get him (which I doubt will happen) I agree that the change of scernery may help. Sometimes a little stability is all a guy needs.