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Kevin Love " I don't plan on opting out"

Across The Field

Oaky Afterbirth
Apr 21, 2015
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There are zero good reasons for him to not have opted out.

If he doesn't, his path for next season is set in stone.

He now knows that he either can go back to the Cavs for the same season for more money or he can weigh his options to sign long term there or somewhere else.

In this case, who really knows if he really knows what he wants to do.

As is, now, he can just sit back and see what the Cavs do, plus still listen to what other teams are pitching him.
I agree. Any agent worth his salt is having his client opt out in this circumstance. It's obvious what the right call was.

It'll be really interesting to see what happens with him and where the dominoes fall.

Across The Field

Oaky Afterbirth
Apr 21, 2015
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The deal as it stands now is Clarkson, Randle and the #2pick for Cousins. Lakers a little hesitant about Randle.

I do it only if we get the 6th pick added into trade.
If you're LA, you jump at this deal with the quickness. Cousins is as legit a C as there is in the league right now. You don't know what you have in Randle, Clarkson is good but may have been the result of nobody else on the LAL stepping up last year. Cousins isn't even gonna be 25 until this August and just had a year where he put up 24/13 with nearly 2 BPG.


Finger Poppin Dat Pussy
Oct 18, 2012
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He said he didn't plan on opting out, then he opted out. Unless you think there is a time limit on keeping one's word, it doesn't matter that he said it in January. I get that he was in a "must lie situation," (like we all tried to tell you guys) but you yourself said that if he didn't intend to opt in, he just wouldn't have said anything.

In mid-January, he was opting in for the $16.7 million that he would be due if he didn't opt out. The Cavs can pay him what? $19 million? Why opt out for a mere $2.3 million more? $2.3 million might be a lot to the rest of us, but when you're making $16.7 million, it's not much of a raise.

What I also find funny is that on another thread, you claimed that if he opted out and left, he wasn't interested in winning, just money. Yet, if he signs a 1 year deal for $19 million, that's okay because it means he's about winning.

Seems to me, he could have sent a strong message to the Cavs and their fans if he'd have just opted in like he said he planned on doing in January.

Was he not asked the question like he was in June?

I understand but what I am saying is why not opt out and get an extra 2 mil and still sign with the Cavs. I'm sure he wants to keep his options open for the future still so that is mainly the factor. Maybe it is just a statement that feels like he needs more respect. Lets just let it play out, I hate all this social media confusing everyone.

Just like when Lebron came back to Cleveland all these false reports and bullshit. Most people thought he was staying in Miami. The point is I dont care if he "lied" and if he leaves I wish him the best.

I have no clue but that is all I can think of ^^^respect.

I just dont know why this is a surprise, even though he made those comments in January. Things change. Shit he might be off to the Lakers, buy why? lol


Finger Poppin Dat Pussy
Oct 18, 2012
Hoopla Cash
$ 506.35
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Love is resigning with Cleveland and if not careful, he will get traded....LOL. Will be interesting. The Cavs could be in cap hell.

They need a lot of things to fall in place to get a sign-and-trade, but first he has to sign lol. I dont know why they would do that, but I have seen reports of that happening.


Finger Poppin Dat Pussy
Oct 18, 2012
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$ 506.35
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I think he is re-signing as well. Just funny how certain Cavs were so convinced that Love would not opt out because of comments he made in freaking January

First of all who thought he wouldnt opt out? Bc everyone knew he was and Lebron was.
I thought from those comments he would be back, I personally never said he wouldnt opt out. The only thing that matters if he is back, right?


Finger Poppin Dat Pussy
Oct 18, 2012
Hoopla Cash
$ 506.35
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Only 2.3 mil!!! LOL

I could just go buy another house with that and a another car, maybe give some money to charity. Not a big deal, I dont want another 2-3 mil. Keep that! :L

DJ Fieri

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If you're LA, you jump at this deal with the quickness. Cousins is as legit a C as there is in the league right now. You don't know what you have in Randle, Clarkson is good but may have been the result of nobody else on the LAL stepping up last year. Cousins isn't even gonna be 25 until this August and just had a year where he put up 24/13 with nearly 2 BPG.

It could be argued he's the best center.

Across The Field

Oaky Afterbirth
Apr 21, 2015
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It could be argued he's the best center.
I wouldn't oppose that notion. If he can get with a team that can get his mind right, he could be an absolute monster for years.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
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They need a lot of things to fall in place to get a sign-and-trade, but first he has to sign lol. I dont know why they would do that, but I have seen reports of that happening.

Love holds all the cards in this because he doesn't have to agree to a sign and trade. It's like when Pau left to go to Chicago. He was willing to do a sign and trade, but the Lakers got greedy. Pau waited as long as he could and finally left with the Lakers getting nothing for him.

If Love leaves (I still think he stays) the Cavs would be wise to not get too greedy if he's willing to do a sign and trade.


Finger Poppin Dat Pussy
Oct 18, 2012
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$ 506.35
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Love holds all the cards in this because he doesn't have to agree to a sign and trade. It's like when Pau left to go to Chicago. He was willing to do a sign and trade, but the Lakers got greedy. Pau waited as long as he could and finally left with the Lakers getting nothing for him.

If Love leaves (I still think he stays) the Cavs would be wise to not get too greedy if he's willing to do a sign and trade.

Yeah, well Gilbert is one greedy MF'r lol


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How do people feel about James saying that he won't be recruiting Love?

Do you take it as him saying he really doesn't care if he stays or do you take it as him saying Love should be left alone to make his own decisions in the same way James handled his FA?


Finger Poppin Dat Pussy
Oct 18, 2012
Hoopla Cash
$ 506.35
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How do people feel about James saying that he won't be recruiting Love?

Do you take it as him saying he really doesn't care if he stays or do you take it as him saying Love should be left alone to make his own decisions in the same way James handled his FA?

I'm sure he has already talked to him during the season and said all he has needed to say. I take as you saw us play without you getting to a Finals. Pretty much look at the body of work and make your decision.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,709.00
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How do people feel about James saying that he won't be recruiting Love?

Do you take it as him saying he really doesn't care if he stays or do you take it as him saying Love should be left alone to make his own decisions in the same way James handled his FA?

It's hard to say. As much as I'm no fan of Lebron, he's not stupid. He knows that things didn't go according to plan. If Lebron feels that it was a bad idea and won't work, then there would be no reason to work very hard to bring him back. He may be willing to roll with TT at PF and having one less guy that he has to make happy on offense.

On the other hand, Lebron wanted to be left alone to handle his FA and he may feel that's what Love wants as well.

I think the latter is more likely because they did seem to have a lot of stuff figured out before Love got hurt.

DJ Fieri

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Honestly, I'm on the fence about it. The Lakers already have Randle, so Love seems unnecessary. However, as another Lakers fan pointed out to me, why not get him and worst case, the Lakers end up trading him or Randle in a year or 2.

If the rumor of the Lakers trading the #2 and Randle for Cousins ends up being true, then I would definitely want him in LA.

Randle may not be there for long.

Kobe, Cousins, and Love is a nice trio and a very nice 1-2 punch once Kobe retires.