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Kevin Love " I don't plan on opting out"


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Apr 16, 2013
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Love is resigning with Cleveland and if not careful, he will get traded....LOL. Will be interesting. The Cavs could be in cap hell.

I think he is re-signing as well. Just funny how certain Cavs were so convinced that Love would not opt out because of comments he made in freaking January

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
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It's pretty unlikely that he is going to sign a 4 or 5 year deal with anyone right now. That wouldn't make much sense unless he knows something about his injuries that the Cavs and the rest of the league doesn't.

The most likely scenario is that he re-signs for 1 year with Cleveland or someone else (most likely Cleveland, imo) and then signs a 4 or 5 year deal after this coming season when the cap goes up and he can get even more.

If that's the case, then he isn't using good sense because the one thing I do know is that he is not worth the money that he is opting out of and considering his history of injuries, a long term deal that guarantees his money is the only thing that makes sense, but like many other players he most likely thinks that next year there will be more money available under the new CBA. We will see, but I think he's better of where he is at for that 16 million if he is hoping for a better deal when the salary cap is raised


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
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If that's the case, then he isn't using good sense because the one thing I do know is that he is not worth the money that he is opting out of and considering his history of injuries, a long term deal that guarantees his money is the only thing that makes sense, but like many other players he most likely thinks that next year there will be more money available under the new CBA. We will see, but I think he's better of where he is at for that 16 million if he is hoping for a better deal when the salary cap is raised

I agree and it could well be that he opted out in order to sign a longer term deal now. However, the consensus seems to be that he will sign a 1 year deal and then go for an even bigger deal the following season.

Personally, I don't see the point of him opting out for $2.3 million when he could have sent a stronger message to the Cavs and their fans by simply opting in. If he plays well this coming season, he's going to get a big raise anyway. It's also a $2.3 million that the Cavs won't have to help improve their bench.


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I agree and it could well be that he opted out in order to sign a longer term deal now. However, the consensus seems to be that he will sign a 1 year deal and then go for an even bigger deal the following season.

Personally, I don't see the point of him opting out for $2.3 million when he could have sent a stronger message to the Cavs and their fans by simply opting in. If he plays well this coming season, he's going to get a big raise anyway. It's also a $2.3 million that the Cavs won't have to help improve their bench.

I think it is an additionl $2.3M plus a player option for the next two years. This way he gets the best of both worlds to some extent. More money today and some security if he gets hurt but all at his option. Something that Lebron will do.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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I think it is an additionl $2.3M plus a player option for the next two years. This way he gets the best of both worlds to some extent. More money today and some security if he gets hurt but all at his option. Something that Lebron will do.

Now THAT would be the smartest move he can make. It would be interesting to see if the Cavs would go for that. If that's how he tries to do it.

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
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Now THAT would be the smartest move he can make. It would be interesting to see if the Cavs would go for that. If that's how he tries to do it.

The player option would be a good deal, but I think there is risk because I might not be the only one who thinks he is worth less money then what he was making, but it was the 11-12 season that he played only 55 games and the 12-13 season he only played 18, he played 75 last season and missed the playoffs and 77 in Minnesota the year before, so the risk of injury is not that high as a I though, but if he could get a one year deal plus a player option for two more years - that would be smart. Then if Lebron leaves Cleveland, he can opt out and leave as well


Nov 11, 2013
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Yeah, it was pretty clear at the time that his statements didn't mean much. As the article pointed out back then... it makes no sense to opt in... even if he wants to stay a Cav

Either :

1) The logistics of the salary and cap weren't on his mind... he hadn't talked to his agent in a while... and didn't realize at the time of the quote the nuances of opting in vs opting out. This makes sense to me... because the majority of his quote in this article isn't even about opting in... its mostly just about him wanting to stay with the Cavs. (Although saying he wants to stay a Cav in January also doesn't mean much, IMO).


2) He knew that saying anything else would create a stupid firestorm of a distraction, given all the fans that don't know or don't care that opting out doesn't equal leaving. This makes a lot of sense when you think about the dynamics of what was going on with the Cavs in January.


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Apr 17, 2013
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Do we/should we ever believe any athlete says?

DJ Fieri

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I am not sure its transferable DJ. Besides, TJF12 has twice as much as I do. Maybe you might want to check with him.
He uses it. I'm asking you because you don't seem to use yours.

You're a mod!!! You have superhuman powers!!!

DJ Fieri

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It's never that serious to patrol SH prostitution row to add to your SportsHoopla cash. That's a true sign of a gambling addict.


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In mid-January, he was opting in for the $16.7 million that he would be due if he didn't opt out. The Cavs can pay him what? $19 million? Why opt out for a mere $2.3 million more? $2.3 million might be a lot to the rest of us, but when you're making $16.7 million, it's not much of a raise.

This, specifically, is absurd. A mere 2.3 million?? He should say "hell with that 2.3 MILLION (that's 6 zeroes), because well garsh, I already have 16 million!"??

Across The Field

Oaky Afterbirth
Apr 21, 2015
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Considering the injuries he has had, it makes really good sense for Love to opt out and get the best deal possible even if he doesn't get more money, a 4 or 5 year deal worth 60 million is practically guaranteed to happen. He may have been talking with his hear and intention, but what else you expect him to say in the middle of a season? Once the season was done, though his agent obviously set him straight as to what he needs to do. That's just good business

We also don't know what the extent of his shoulder injury is in terms of long-term effects on his career. It may end up affecting his shot or his rebounding ability, who knows? The smartest thing he could do is ink a long-term deal right now, even if it's not under the new TV money cap next year, and not risk it.

Across The Field

Oaky Afterbirth
Apr 21, 2015
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In mid-January, he was opting in for the $16.7 million that he would be due if he didn't opt out. The Cavs can pay him what? $19 million? Why opt out for a mere $2.3 million more? $2.3 million might be a lot to the rest of us, but when you're making $16.7 million, it's not much of a raise.

This, specifically, is absurd. A mere 2.3 million?? He should say "hell with that 2.3 MILLION (that's 6 zeroes), because well garsh, I already have 16 million!"??

This was exactly what I was thinking. It isn't like opting out is this horrible, arduous ordeal. If I had the option to make 2.3 mil more right now, hell yes I'd do it. If I had the option of opting out and inking a lucrative, long-term deal rather than risk it this season, hell yes I'd do it. You're right, that post was absurd, and that's putting it nicely.

Across The Field

Oaky Afterbirth
Apr 21, 2015
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Love is resigning with Cleveland and if not careful, he will get traded....LOL. Will be interesting. The Cavs could be in cap hell.
I believe he has to agree to a sign and trade. I'm pretty sure if he signed, and then the Cavs up and traded him right away, the NBAPA would be all over their shit.

DJ Fieri

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The deal as it stands now is Clarkson, Randle and the #2pick for Cousins. Lakers a little hesitant about Randle.

I do it only if we get the 6th pick added into trade.


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Apr 17, 2013
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This, specifically, is absurd. A mere 2.3 million?? He should say "hell with that 2.3 MILLION (that's 6 zeroes), because well garsh, I already have 16 million!"??

This was exactly what I was thinking. It isn't like opting out is this horrible, arduous ordeal. If I had the option to make 2.3 mil more right now, hell yes I'd do it. If I had the option of opting out and inking a lucrative, long-term deal rather than risk it this season, hell yes I'd do it. You're right, that post was absurd, and that's putting it nicely.[/QUOTE]

There are zero good reasons for him to not have opted out.

If he doesn't, his path for next season is set in stone.

He now knows that he either can go back to the Cavs for the same season for more money or he can weigh his options to sign long term there or somewhere else.

In this case, who really knows if he really knows what he wants to do.

As is, now, he can just sit back and see what the Cavs do, plus still listen to what other teams are pitching him.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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The deal as it stands now is Clarkson, Randle and the #2pick for Cousins. Lakers a little hesitant about Randle.

I do it only if we get the 6th pick added into trade.

Why do this if you can get L.A. from Portland ( if reports are true) without giving up anything?