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Kevin Durant: Stephen A. is "lying" about Lakers rumors


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Jul 17, 2014
Suburb of Cleveland
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The next time you win a debate against me will be your first :lol:
his idea of winning an argument is just repeating over and over again that you are wrong without ever putting his own opinion or any evidence out there. his strategy is just to get loud.


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Jul 17, 2014
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You didn't ask specifically for an example from the NBA, you asked for examples of why he lacks credibility. You were given an example and now you want to move the goal posts. That's Wiggy level bullshit right there.

As for lacking credibility in the NBA. Kevin Durant just delivered a blow to his credibility by saying no one that he talks to has said anything of the kind to Stephen A. So whatever "source" Stephen A. has, it was apparently someone who isn't part of Durant's "inner circle."

The fact that he makes the statement and doesn't even give a name after getting called out, hurts his credibility as well.
This is the dumbest shit I have ever seen.

Stephen A's credibility on reporting on NBA matters is imputed because of some BS rant about Chip Kelly?

lol. is this for real?

You dont trust his NBA reporting because of some crap with Chip Kelly? This cant be what you are saying is it?

in the words of billy madison "I award you no points and may God have mercy on your soul"


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
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This is the dumbest shit I have ever seen.

Stephen A's credibility on reporting on NBA matters is imputed because of some BS rant about Chip Kelly?

lol. is this for real?

You dont trust his NBA reporting because of some crap with Chip Kelly? This cant be what you are saying is it?

in the words of billy madison "I award you no points and may God have mercy on your soul"

I guess you didn't read the thread and are in here popping off about shit you know nothing about as usual. The best thing for you to do would be working on your 15,000 word post about how the shit with TT and the Cavs is really a good thing.

No one is going to buy any of it, but at least it'll keep you off the streets for awhile.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2014
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I guess you didn't read the thread and are in here popping off about shit you know nothing about as usual. The best thing for you to do would be working on your 15,000 word post about how the shit with TT and the Cavs is really a good thing.

No one is going to buy any of it, but at least it'll keep you off the streets for awhile.
I read the WHOLE ENTIRE thread- every page of it

and i went to google and looked for Stephen A Smith to see if there ARE any legit reporting errors and after a short preliminary search I could not find one.

I have no dog in this fight what so ever- in fact- if anything I hope that Stephen A was full of it because I dont want Durant going to the Lakers- (not that i think there is a snowballs chance in ehll anyway)

I googled and looked at every page on this board and I have not seen even ONE instance where he reported faulty information that came back on him and made him look bad. I have seen ABSOLUTELY nothing that would lead me to believe his NBA reporting is anything except up to standard.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
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his idea of winning an argument is just repeating over and over again that you are wrong without ever putting his own opinion or any evidence out there. his strategy is just to get loud.


This from the person who is constantly laughed at on here because of posting the same 15,000 word bullshit over and over.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2014
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someone REALLY needs to explain to me the convoluted and hair-brained logic that because of a rant about Chip Kelly - Stephen A' Smiths basketball reporting is impugned.



R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,709.00
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I read the WHOLE ENTIRE thread- every page of it

and i went to google and looked for Stephen A Smith to see if there ARE any legit reporting errors and after a short preliminary search I could not find one.

I have no dog in this fight what so ever- in fact- if anything I hope that Stephen A was full of it because I dont want Durant going to the Lakers- (not that i think there is a snowballs chance in ehll anyway)

I googled and looked at every page on this board and I have not seen even ONE instance where he reported faulty information that came back on him and made him look bad. I have seen ABSOLUTELY nothing that would lead me to believe his NBA reporting is anything except up to standard.

You are full of shit. Your post proves it, as usual.

Pretty funny that you don't think there's no chance in hell that KD goes to the Lakers, but think that Stephen A. is somehow credible when he says that KD going to the Lakers will be his "prime objective."


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
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someone REALLY needs to explain to me the convoluted and hair-brained logic that because of a rant about Chip Kelly - Stephen A' Smiths basketball reporting is impugned.


Your lack lof ability to comprehend what you have allegedly read is what makes zero sense.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2014
Suburb of Cleveland
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You are full of shit. Your post proves it, as usual.

Pretty funny that you don't think there's no chance in hell that KD goes to the Lakers, but think that Stephen A. is somehow credible when he says that KD going to the Lakers will be his "prime objective."

as bskballer said

no one on this thread has POSTED A SHRED of evidence regarding Stephen A's credibility as relates to reporting NBA news.

because he got into a fight with Michelle Beadle about Ray Rice and some rant with Chip Kelly we cant trust his NBA reporting? GMAFB. get real. These are the last desperate attempts of someone beat at an argument that just cant own it.


Jul 15, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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Of course he's lying. Accusing S.A. Smith about lying is like accusing Hitler of anti-Semitism. When the guy tells the truth it'll be a story.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
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as bskballer said

no one on this thread has POSTED A SHRED of evidence regarding Stephen A's credibility as relates to reporting NBA news.

because he got into a fight with Michelle Beadle about Ray Rice and some rant with Chip Kelly we cant trust his NBA reporting? GMAFB. get real. These are the last desperate attempts of someone beat at an argument that just cant own it.

Your inability to comprehend what was said, doesn't mean it wasn't. The fact that he reported what he did on KD, got called out for it by KD himself and then went on another rant to try and intimidate KD says all we need to know about Stephen A.

Now run along junior. No one wants your bullshit here.


Jul 15, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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as bskballer said

no one on this thread has POSTED A SHRED of evidence regarding Stephen A's credibility as relates to reporting NBA news.

because he got into a fight with Michelle Beadle about Ray Rice and some rant with Chip Kelly we cant trust his NBA reporting? GMAFB. get real. These are the last desperate attempts of someone beat at an argument that just cant own it.

He also claims he's a Yankee fan but referred to he Yanks All Star closer as "Some non closer" after blowing the one game he's blown all year. One would think a fan, much less a man who is in the sports business, would know when his team has an all star closer tearing it up.

Once again not Basketball but I avoid most of what the man says so I can't speak on his basketball acumen one away or the other. Just pointing out another bullshit claim by the man.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2014
Suburb of Cleveland
Hoopla Cash
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Your inability to comprehend what was said, doesn't mean it wasn't. The fact that he reported what he did on KD, got called out for it by KD himself and then went on another rant to try and intimidate KD says all we need to know about Stephen A.

Now run along junior. No one wants your bullshit here.

ok.....just glad we could confirm that the only NBA situation that you could point to to impugn his credibility was this Durant one- and as bskballer and i said- you have proffered zero evidence of any other credibility issues as relates to his basketball reporting. Thats good enough for me ;)


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
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ok.....just glad we could confirm that the only NBA situation that you could point to to impugn his credibility was this Durant one- and as bskballer and i said- you have proffered zero evidence of any other credibility issues as relates to his basketball reporting. Thats good enough for me ;)

Like I said. Your inability to comprehend what you allegedly read is your problem. But then again, you've shown that over and over again.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2014
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He also claims he's a Yankee fan but referred to he Yanks All Star closer as "Some non closer" after blowing the one game he's blown all year. One would think a fan, much less a man who is in the sports business, would know when his team has an all star closer tearing it up.

Once again not Basketball but I avoid most of what the man says so I can't speak on his basketball acumen one away or the other. Just pointing out another bullshit claim by the man.
the guy is a loud mouth that is on television for 3 hours a day. At some point- i dont care who you are- if you are on television for 3 hours a day you are going to put your foot in your mouth- like he did with the ray rice situation with beadle- that was ridiculous- what an idiot.

That in no way shape or form impugned his ability to reliably report on the NBA- unless there is someone that wants to post SOME KIND OF EVIDENCE to the contrary- as there has not been any posted here.


Jul 15, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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the guy is a loud mouth that is on television for 3 hours a day. At some point- i dont care who you are- if you are on television for 3 hours a day you are going to put your foot in your mouth- like he did with the ray rice situation with beadle- that was ridiculous- what an idiot.

That in no way shape or form impugned his ability to reliably report on the NBA- unless there is someone that wants to post SOME KIND OF EVIDENCE to the contrary- as there has not been any posted here.

You make a good point about the 3 hours. The instance with the Yankees was a tweet and one would think he'd be a bit more knowledgeable about the team he refers to as "My beloved Yankees".


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Apr 16, 2013
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He also claims he's a Yankee fan but referred to he Yanks All Star closer as "Some non closer" after blowing the one game he's blown all year. One would think a fan, much less a man who is in the sports business, would know when his team has an all star closer tearing it up.

Once again not Basketball but I avoid most of what the man says so I can't speak on his basketball acumen one away or the other. Just pointing out another bullshit claim by the man.

Stephen A is not an expert in baseball. That was stupid what he said which is why I only take him seriously when it comes to NBA, NFL, & Boxing


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2014
Suburb of Cleveland
Hoopla Cash
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Stephen A is not an expert in baseball. That was stupid what he said which is why I only take him seriously when it comes to NBA, NFL, & Boxing
I think even the NFL is a little iffy...

I would have MADE A TON OF MONEY if I would have believed him in LeBron going to Miami. The odds to Miami were long at the point he made that prediction. There is no doubt, that at least NBA wise, he has a lot of sources that are well-placed.

As for this Durant situation - I do not think he did anything wrong if he relied on a source that has proven to be reliable in the past. There is no way we can know that though. Ideally- if you are reporting on someone's direct actions like Durant- if you are not directly speaking to Durant or his agent etc. - ideally you would have a 2nd confirming ancillary source- but i dont think you NEED it.


Jul 15, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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Stephen A is not an expert in baseball. That was stupid what he said which is why I only take him seriously when it comes to NBA, NFL, & Boxing

If he was talking about another team I would agree but his "beloved Yankees?".

But as mentioned I don't listen to much basketball talk (Would you if you were a Knick fan?) so if the b-ball aficionados on the site say his info is reliable I won't argue. He had a radio show on ESPN NY for a while and since I didn't like his competition on the other local sports channel I gave it a shot. He was godawful and I found his NFL info poor to say the least. Probably why the show didn't last long.


Jul 15, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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I think even the NFL is a little iffy...

I would have MADE A TON OF MONEY if I would have believed him in LeBron going to Miami. The odds to Miami were long at the point he made that prediction. There is no doubt, that at least NBA wise, he has a lot of sources that are well-placed.

As for this Durant situation - I do not think he did anything wrong if he relied on a source that has proven to be reliable in the past. There is no way we can know that though. Ideally- if you are reporting on someone's direct actions like Durant- if you are not directly speaking to Durant or his agent etc. - ideally you would have a 2nd confirming ancillary source- but i dont think you NEED it.

Also with the Durant situation it isn't hard to look at the rosters and see who would have cap space and can fit him in. Of course he's going to have interest in the teams that can pay him.