- Thread starter
- #121
Hey JaVale McGee's mom. Be thankful your son doesn't play for Boston or else this dude would probably be plugging you right now:

and he has a bangable mom, unlike Ray Allen
i can put my arm through the rim on a 8 foot net, cant go through the legs for the life of me
the gimicks are making me sick, even if he flips over it i dont give a fuck
jesus fucking murphy man, was this a fucking car comercial? some fucknig hybrid sales gonig on?
fucknig disgusts me!
and he jumped over the hood which is about 3 feet off the fucknig ground
i ask once again, why the fuck do we even watch this shit? womens tenis is a hundred times better then anything the nba as to ffer
That's it. I'm going to go watch Vince's dunk contest on Youtube again