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Kam Chancellor Hold out?


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
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Yeah lots of fans are angry, but when Kam comes back ( and he will at some point) then makes some monster plays you'll forgive him.
Nope. Not a chance.

If he comes back any time after this point he is going to miss game time. He's already too late probably to play in week 1 even if he came in tomorrow morning. If his selfishness impacts this teams play on the field he's just a piece of shit in my eyes no matter what he does moving forward, just like a lot haven't forgiven Bennett and won't even if he does well this year.


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Nope. Not a chance.

If he comes back any time after this point he is going to miss game time. He's already too late probably to play in week 1 even if he came in tomorrow morning. If his selfishness impacts this teams play on the field he's just a piece of shit in my eyes no matter what he does moving forward, just like a lot haven't forgiven Bennett and won't even if he does well this year.

Each his own Wiz. Speaking for myself I don't get angry about a player thinking of himself first on the business side as long as he brings his A game when on the field.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
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Each his own Wiz. Speaking for myself I don't get angry about a player thinking of himself first on the business side as long as he brings his A game when on the field.
I don't care about what they do on the business side UNTIL it impacts the game side and now his is. Even if Seattle still wins week 1, he put himself ahead of the team and risked that game for his own selfish game. That he is willing to do that tells me a lot about him as a person.
Fuck Kam


Jul 4, 2013
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Each his own Wiz. Speaking for myself I don't get angry about a player thinking of himself first on the business side as long as he brings his A game when on the field.

I think a lot of us are aware of the business side of the sport but at the same if we're talking about it then obvious he should honor his contract and come back. He has zero leverage.


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Nope. Not a chance.

If he comes back any time after this point he is going to miss game time. He's already too late probably to play in week 1 even if he came in tomorrow morning. If his selfishness impacts this teams play on the field he's just a piece of shit in my eyes no matter what he does moving forward, just like a lot haven't forgiven Bennett and won't even if he does well this year.
Haven't forgiven Bennett for what? And in what form has this unforgivenness manisfested?


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I think a lot of us are aware of the business side of the sport but at the same if we're talking about it then obvious he should honor his contract and come back. He has zero leverage.
That right, he going to lose a bunch of money if this continues.


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I don't care about what they do on the business side UNTIL it impacts the game side and now his is. Even if Seattle still wins week 1, he put himself ahead of the team and risked that game for his own selfish game. That he is willing to do that tells me a lot about him as a person.
Fuck Kam

Has it impacted the game side? Taking the offseason off may actually be good for Kam as a player. The way he plays the game he takes a hell of a beating. If it's good for him as a player, then it good for the Seahawks. Also gave time to players that actually need the snaps.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
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Haven't forgiven Bennett for what? And in what form has this unforgivenness manisfested?
I don't have issues with Bennett. Didn't care that he asked for money, but I know quite a few that now can't stand him for even trying.

Kam is likely now already too late to get into game shape to play in game 1. That's impacting the team. He's risking our ability to start out with a W for his own selfish gains.

I get that others are going to be more forgiving. More power to you. This is how I feel and it's not changing.

Fuck Kam. Let him rot on a last place team.

Anointed One

Gone Country!
Aug 29, 2014
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Isn't Kam already the highest paid SS in the league?

Anointed One

Gone Country!
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I don't have issues with Bennett. Didn't care that he asked for money, but I know quite a few that now can't stand him for even trying.

Kam is likely now already too late to get into game shape to play in game 1. That's impacting the team. He's risking our ability to start out with a W for his own selfish gains.

I get that others are going to be more forgiving. More power to you. This is how I feel and it's not changing.

Fuck Kam. Let him rot on a last place team.

Problem is, when guys tend to hold out, their risk for injuries increase quite a bit when they end up returning... Regardless if they're working out or not... Can't practice "Game speed" on your own...


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You might try remembering that Kam played with a torn MCI and a bone bruise in the SB. Not every player would do that, certainly not a player like Percy Harvin.

Anointed One

Gone Country!
Aug 29, 2014
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Within a eyelash of being top.

That's why I fault him a bit... If he wasn't in the top 10 or something, i'd understand a bit more but when you're already the highest paid at your position and you're asking for more, then I don't feel sorry for him one bit...

The only person Kam should be blaming at the moment is the person who gave him the bad advise to hold out...


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That's why I fault him a bit... If he wasn't in the top 10 or something, i'd understand a bit more but when you're already the highest paid at your position and you're asking for more, then I don't feel sorry for him one bit...

The only person Kam should be blaming at the moment is the person who gave him the bad advise to hold out...
Bad judgement on his part and it's going to cost him a bundle if he misses game one, because I think the Seahawks will hold firm on the fines and such if he's not there.


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Apr 22, 2013
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That's why I fault him a bit... If he wasn't in the top 10 or something, i'd understand a bit more but when you're already the highest paid at your position and you're asking for more, then I don't feel sorry for him one bit...

The only person Kam should be blaming at the moment is the person who gave him the bad advise to hold out...

Kam is the 4th highest paid SS. The #1 is T.J. Ward at 7.7 mill a year Kam is at 5.6 but with his "roster bonus" and other things it 7.2+ million per year making him #2 it's just only 5.6 count against the cap the other 1.6+ doesn't ( don't ask me i got no clue other than it might be some prorated stuff or something but he is due 7.2+ mill this season ). This is what bothers me so much. Kam is all ready one of the highest paid SS in the game and he is number 11 when you count EVERY safety ( FS and SS ). Earl who is i think the better Safety between the two although this is apples and oranges is the more "underpaid" player. He is the 6th highest paid Safety ( #4 as far as FS go ) But he is here and on the field. Earl talks about team all the time Kam is showing right now that he feels his worth is more important than the "team" aspect of it. I can not support him because of that part. I did not like how Bennett was talking this offseason but he is here because like he said this is about the team.

also i do believe Kam has a $20,000 per game bonus he gets paid on top of his salary that could be where some of the money comes from. You can't always be #1 at your position as far as pay goes because as soon as you sign your deal someone else will beat it. Then what you going to hold out again?
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Jul 2, 2013
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I don't understand the hostility towards a player for trying to get more money when it is apparent he is underpaid. I don't see the same hostility towards the front office when we cut players to save cap. We all treat it as oh it's just the nature of the business.

I know Kam still has a few years left on his contract and I'm not particularly a big fan of his holdout in that sense. But players get cut with multiple years left on their contract all the time.

Both the Seahawks and Kam are stubborn in this situation and no one is a winner with this holdout. Kam, the front office, his teammates, and the fans are all affected.

I think for game 1 we could get by without Kam but come week 2 against Rodgers at Lambeau that's going to be a whole different beast. I hope we get this done soon. I honestly didn't think it was going to last this long and I scoffed at the situation when I saw the headlines on ESPN and other news outlets. But this thing is for real and neither side looks like they will be budging.

As of right now I don't begrudge Kam in any way. But if it continues past week 2 or 4 or 6 or 8 I'm not sure how I'm going to feel.


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Disappointed that Kam has not been realistic about how things are. He's a SS, true he is unique, he brings the Boom in the LOB, but he's still a SS. Also he's well paid, the Seahawks actually gave him a extension earlier then they had to. They have been good to him. However lets just remember that Kam doesn't always put his well being before the team. Played with a torn MCI and a bruised knee in the SB, Not every player would do that, because your putting your career in jeopardy.

At some point reality will set in for Kam. Got to think the green eye monster came into play here when Thomas got that huge contract. Rather then being angry or wanting to punish him by trading him to a crap team, I just want the Seahawks to hold firm until reality catches up to Kam and it will once this starts costing him some real money. I feel the Seahawks can get by without for a bit. Logical worries about the Packers game, I don't, because the Packers are a passing team and Kam strength isn't pass coverage, it's bring the boom. Course that can help discourage those short passes, but against the Packers it the down field passes you need to worry about, the Seahawks may actually benefit by having a better pas coverage SS in the game.

AS for all this talk of trading him, just get that out of your brain because it would cost the Seahawks $5.5 million to trade him, so that's not happening.


Conocido Miembro
Apr 21, 2013
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I see a lot of people saying that he should wait til next year to hold out because he has no leverage. I agree he has very little leverage, but next year he'll have even less because his dead money will be so little. If he tried to hold out next year they would cut him in about 30 seconds. Which comes back to the fact that the guarantees are up after this year and that's why he's holding out. I think a lot of people would do the same thing if they were in his situation. Well, maybe not because a lot of players are dumb with their money and owe a lot, so their holdouts are just hollow threats because they're desperate for cash.


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I see a lot of people saying that he should wait til next year to hold out because he has no leverage. I agree he has very little leverage, but next year he'll have even less because his dead money will be so little. If he tried to hold out next year they would cut him in about 30 seconds. Which comes back to the fact that the guarantees are up after this year and that's why he's holding out. I think a lot of people would do the same thing if they were in his situation. Well, maybe not because a lot of players are dumb with their money and owe a lot, so their holdouts are just hollow threats because they're desperate for cash.
I feel it is more the guarantee money he's after.


Conocido Miembro
Apr 21, 2013
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I feel it is more the guarantee money he's after.

You're probably right. But regardless, his leverage will only decrease over the next three years for any kindication of demand. Which he likely knows is the rest of his prime.