^^ Privileged ^^
Yeah, my daughter has red hair. I love her just the same as any parent loves their child. Feel better about yourself attacking 9 y/o little girls?
Yeah, my daughter has red hair. I love her just the same as any parent loves their child. Feel better about yourself attacking 9 y/o little girls?
If you're gonna dish it out, you'd better be able to take it.
So you go around attacking peoples children?
You can't be more creative than that? I've always had you pegged for a mental midget and you've left no doubt.
I were no more creative than attacking my apparent child-ness soooooooo.....
Brasky meltdowns >>>>>> RA meltdowns
I think you twisted my words sir. Or you just misinterpreted, idk though.
Here ill clarify for you. I said that you were no more creative than attacking my supposed child-ness. Meaning you attacked what you viewed as me acting like a child. That makes you a hypocrite for criticizing people who attack your children.
Now if you would please explain to me where in that I insisted that you continue to treat me as a child would you please point out where? Thank you sir.
referring to one self in first person? How many psychiatrists do you have on retainer?