^^ Privileged ^^
My guess is he's trying to get guys together to work without the coaches in this down time. Watch film and figure out what's going wrong. Go the extra mile. Sounds like the "Leaders" got better things to do.
My guess is he's trying to get guys together to work without the coaches in this down time. Watch film and figure out what's going wrong. Go the extra mile. Sounds like the "Leaders" got better things to do.
I hear what ur saying RA. I am tired of it too. That might be why we cant land top notch D-line talent the come in here and talk to the players an realize they are lazy fat slow and dont want to improve and realize that they dont want to have anything to do with it. I know I wouldnt come to a school whos players dont have the mindset on winning national championships.
That being said if the top players want to speak with our top they better do it inbetween sets.
who are the "leaders" do you think? Since he is a D guy, I am expecting it to be other D players? Or he going through the entire team?
Taylor is a leader. Bell is a leader. Ameer is a leader. I have no I dea on defense. Michael Rose I assume will be a leader.
Could recruits though see this as an opportunity to come in and play right away because their work ethic and results will make them better then the lazy ones?
I definitely see this guy as one of the people he is calling out....
calling out Martinez? why would you assume that?
I just don't see Martinez as one who puts in that super hard work. To me the guy seems like a drama queen. I remember hearing those stories about him walkiong into the locker room and calling his Dad or having his dad fight his battles for him with the coaches. Maybe I am wrong?
Also seems like Martinez is going to be a Senior and feels like his job is untouchable, well, it seems like that has been his ego all along, since he doesn't seem to be that great, yet he has never lost his starting job. Always has amazed me that Nebraska doesn't have a better QB in their program than him.
Martinez is a gamer. He can't help it he's a safety turned qb.
This is why it shocks me that Nebraska has no better option at QB, nor have they ever even tried to input a better player in the position. Guy is clearly not a true QB. Yet his job has never been threatened.