Well-Known Member
Am i the only one who thinks this whole thing is eerily similar to the Hossa situation?
Am i the only one who thinks this whole thing is eerily similar to the Hossa situation?
It's weird, that's for sure, but the decision was supposed to be from Jagr, and it's not like Detroit of Montreal has heard anything either (that we know of). Apparently he was delayed a long time (keep in mind he left the Czech around 4-5pm their time), got into the States around 6ish our time, then there's customs in NYC which can't be quick or easy, and then either getting into a hotel mannnny hours later or hitting up another plane (doubtful). After all of that, I don't think I'd want to be making any announcements.
Am i the only one who thinks this whole thing is eerily similar to the Hossa situation?
I don't think he'll have the same impact on a Detroit team...but that's just me. I see how he fits in with the style of play, but it's not like he doesn't fit in with the Pens style. I dunno, it's quiet from all directions on this one. Likely nothings heard until Friday, and if that's the case, the Pens won't be waiting.
When your star centers are Crosby and Malkin, yes he is a complimentary player. More of a long term option, sure (and he should get invited into the core). A hugely skilled guy, but he's complimentary.
Please either 1) defend your Fleischmann talk regarding the points I offered or 2) Offer another two million dollar player that could have a similar impact. Actually a better impact.
You honestly believe the Penguins can win the Cup with Crosby & Malkin alone? Give me a break. Guess what the Penguins have spent a lot of money on their defense & goaltending. You asked me to give you a better option than Jagr & I said Fleischmann. How about Ville Leino? Here's a guy who made 800 grand last year. Sure he might cost another million or so, but he's only 26 years old. As an added bonus the Pens would be taking him away from the Flyers.
I really don't understand all the fuss over Jagr. To me he's old news. Heck I hope the Pens get him. It would just be 2 million plus less they would be able to spend on somebody else.
The Penguins have more talent top to bottom now than they did when they won the Cup. Another finisher can't hurt.
EDIT: Palindrome post! 8448!![]()
My point is there are better finishers out their than Jagr. He's nowhere near the player he once was.
Surely he is not the best player in the league as he was at one point. It is still a decent risk reward as far as we are concerned for 2 mil. I dont think you are going to convince any of us otherwise.
I guess the cap increase didn't help the Penguins then.
My point is there are better finishers out their than Jagr. He's nowhere near the player he once was.
I guess the cap increase didn't help the Penguins then.
Sure it did. Shero always leaves room in case he needs to make a deadline deal. The cap increase allowed him the freedom to target Jagr, try to ink Kennedy, and still have that room.
I've heard all the Penguins want in terms of cap space for the deadline is 1 to 1.5 million.
If Jagr is the best the Pens can do the cap increase didn't help much.
See, that's just it, the Penguins don't really need to make any kind of splash right now. Sure, they might try something else if Jagr falls through, but a guy with Jagr's pedigree on a deal that cheap? I can't imagine a whole lot of GMs turning it down, regardless of age and questions.
It's worth the risk, plain and simple. Who knows? Maybe Jagr ends up being the most productive $2 million winger in the league. Then Shero looks like a genius. But at only $2 million with a very strong roster already in place, Shero doesn't look dumb if it doesn't work out.
And with the market what it is right now, Jagr might be the best any team could do, bang-for-your-buck wise.
Additionally, the cap increase means the Penguins didn't have to dump Nisky. So, yes, it did help them.