Now I want numbers.
Now I want numbers.
Now I want numbers.
I'm guessing he'll wear 68
I'm guessing he'll wear 68
Maybe 34 since he is half the player since he left?
*clears throat* I leave for one minute, and you guys fall apart. Okay, so I left for like 9 hours. STILL. Trusting ESPN?It's okay, I would've done the same thing.
I think the fans made this more dramatic than it needed to be honestly. We made it a huge deal, thus any move/word that was said on twitter became news, even though more than 80% of the time it was just someone wanting to make up news. Before twitter this would be barely any news. A few weeks back someone would've said "The Pens have interest in signing Jagr." And sure, people would've gotten excited but it would've calmed down after a week of no news, a signing/no signing would've happened at some point, and end. We (Pens fans) made the drama.
If the Flyers fans get to talk about hypotheticals with Stamkos then I want hypotheticals about Jagr! As much as the two sides hate each other, we're too much a like.
Pirates games are tough to find to. I could find a free stream of every Steelers and Pens game this year, but never Pirates games. And it has been a fun little thing, JagrWatch that is, BUT, it was fun last week, and 2 days ago. Yesterday just got weird. Pens fans sort of hit a creepy low (I love the Pensblog guys, but that was a new low, stalking the airport is creepy, etc.). At least we're being taught some patience. All I know is that Shero is 100x's more patient than us fans.