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It's unfair

Omar 382

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Jul 17, 2013
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I hate how drug addicts think they're amazing because they have 3, 6, 9 months clean. I was just at an NA meeting and motherfuckers are giving standing ovations for one year clean. I've got nearly two decades assholes- and nobody recognizes me or the struggle I've gone through. I want to use every day, but I don't, and I never slip up. One of these assholes slips up and all is forgiven. Why aren't people who never use drugs honored?


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You can start your own meeting and call it ---Whining assholes who don't use drugs.

Omar 382

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Good idea. Who's in? So far it's just me and northeast.

Omar 382

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I would invite Caligula because he whines a ton but we all know he does WAY too much coke to ever come to an Assholes Who Don't Use Drugs meeting


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Discipline, no matter where it's placed, has to be lauded when it's for the better. I'll applaud yours.

Omar 382

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Discipline, no matter where it's placed, has to be lauded when it's for the better. I'll applaud yours.

So does this mean you want to join the Assholes Who Don't Use Drugs?


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So does this mean you want to join the Assholes Who Don't Use Drugs?

If it's strictly drugs, then sure. Sign me up retroactive to 1998. That's the last time, thereabouts, that I even smoked weed. Some might say I need to chill out but, hey, sometimes I like my assholishness. I got no problem with dat!


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I hate how drug addicts think they're amazing because they have 3, 6, 9 months clean. I was just at an NA meeting and motherfuckers are giving standing ovations for one year clean. I've got nearly two decades assholes- and nobody recognizes me or the struggle I've gone through. I want to use every day, but I don't, and I never slip up. One of these assholes slips up and all is forgiven. Why aren't people who never use drugs honored?

This is what is wrong with this generation. You kids with your ADD sit around with your ipods and your Tweeter and Craig's Book all day. You are too lazy to even sustain a long term addiction. That would involve getting off the couch and meeting someone to get your shit every day. You'd also have to take the effort to steal from relatives or embezzle from your company to pay for your habit.
And what the fuck are you doing going to our meetings anyway? You kids just show up and eat our donuts and bum cigarettes off of us. And now you want your own meetings????? I've got news for you. There is a limited supply of dank church basements willing to have groups come in and whine about their problems and WE have been here longer.

Omar 382

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This is what is wrong with this generation. You kids with your ADD sit around with your ipods and your Tweeter and Craig's Book all day. You are too lazy to even sustain a long term addiction. That would involve getting off the couch and meeting someone to get your shit every day. You'd also have to take the effort to steal from relatives or embezzle from your company to pay for your habit.
And what the fuck are you doing going to our meetings anyway? You kids just show up and eat our donuts and bum cigarettes off of us. And now you want your own meetings????? I've got news for you. There is a limited supply of dank church basements willing to have groups come in and whine about their problems and WE have been here longer.

I went to a meeting as a sponsor of a degenerate fuck like you- blaming their upbringing and parents and shit for their own fucking addictions. Shut the fuck up. My Irish father McFuck used to pour whiskey in my mac'n'cheese when we ran out of milk, but you don't see me shooting dope up my arm do you? And yeah, I like to bum a cig off a dopehead every once in a while, but what the fuck are these Newport shorts? I was chilling with Schmitty in Kensington when I was banned, and he said that when you were his age, you either smoked fucking widow-makers or you cultivated your own damn tobacco and chewed it yourself. He and I are with you on the tweeter and ipod thing- fucking kids and their fancy electronic cigarettes. What do you want- to live for fucking ever???