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Unfortunately this is the type of game Nebraska loses when Bopleeny is coaching.
Fixed that for ye
Unfortunately this is the type of game Nebraska loses when Bopleeny is coaching.
I really expect to walk away from this game Saturday very much enthused about our season.
I think this is going to be a turning point.
Beating Miami is nothing to pound your chest about.
Louisville, Nebraska, Ga Tech, Florida St, Virginia, Pittsburgh, and South Carolina all did it last season.
Heck. BoPleeny beat Miami. That's fucking bad.
Spend about 5 minutes listening to Omaha sports talk radio. Bahe and then probably 75% of the callers make them out to be '01 Miami.
On the road though. That's what I'm talking about.
On the road we need to get over this dark cloud that hangs over us. We can beat the little guys on the road, but we can't beat a decent team on the road.
Our best road win in recent history in a landslide would have to be the one at Michigan State a few years ago, and Michigan State was just okay that year.
Loved him when it was Schick and Nick. I've come to realize that I really just liked Schick. Nick's a moron. He responded to my comment to him about TA having better stats thus far this year than Kaaya when he was trying to make Kaaya out to be Payton Manning (back when he could still throw), and acted like I was an idiot. Before long, Benning tweets at him that he'd take TA if given the choice. That shut him up.Haven't listened to the radio much this week.
Never cared for Bahe. Something about him is annoying. When I do listen to 1620, it's the morning and afternoon shows.
Loved him when it was Schick and Nick. I've come to realize that I really just liked Schick. Nick's a moron. He responded to my comment to him about TA having better stats thus far this year than Kaaya when he was trying to make Kaaya out to be Payton Manning (back when he could still throw), and acted like I was an idiot. Before long, Benning tweets at him that he'd take TA if given the choice. That shut him up.
Oh that's too funny. I went back to find the Twitter interaction and he deleted it
How petty.
They had the same coaching staff previously?But......what does Oregon State have anything to do with Nebraska?
I meant to put that in the Canes Week thread....
May bad.
I like the month of May. The months I really hate are October and November, I have to rake the lawn for six weeks and I get a boatload of poison ivy. Good exercise though.
I like ta eat taters en gravy - bitch!!!
I like the month of May. The months I really hate are October and November, I have to rake the lawn for six weeks and I get a boatload of poison ivy. Good exercise though.
how am i supposed to get any work done on top of the 2 meetings today..ugh.
guise...im seeing husker football in person tomorrow....i slept maybe an hour last night and probably wont tonight.