I don't have a problem with goDawgs, but I thought it was funny that he made that thread, then it was locked, then it was unlocked, then some Hokies and Herky gave him shit about it and then it was locked again.
Glad you lightened up and can appreciate a good meme. You were really uptight for awhile there.
46, seem a little cranky tonight. Tell the Ms. to put on something sexy and break out the oils. Come back in the morning when you're full of vim and vigor.
She's in Rwanda for another week
I'm fine.....
Shit... I dislike the anti-Muslim stuff from before as much because it makes my job more difficult as I do because it's ignorant. I can take a joke, and I'm as sarcastic as anyone.
Hell, I pissed of Cam yesterday, and I don't even remember how...
With this guy today, I just have little patience for those with ridiculously short fuses (I know that sounds hypocritical, but we'll roll with it). The guy was so f'ing insensitive that he found an insult where there was none. I've interrogated al Qaida prisoners... if I wanted to insult GoDawgs, we would have all known it. It's so much more satisfying to convince an idiot that he is an idiot, and have him thank you for it and/or apologize (or retreat confused like Cal from Talladega Nights: "I'm a little confused by your tactics, so I'm gonna act tough until I figure it out")
Shit... I dislike the anti-Muslim stuff from before as much because it makes my job more difficult as I do because it's ignorant. I can take a joke, and I'm as sarcastic as anyone.
Hell, I pissed of Cam yesterday, and I don't even remember how...
With this guy today, I just have little patience for those with ridiculously short fuses (I know that sounds hypocritical, but we'll roll with it). The guy was so f'ing insensitive that he found an insult where there was none. I've interrogated al Qaida prisoners... if I wanted to insult GoDawgs, we would have all known it. It's so much more satisfying to convince an idiot that he is an idiot, and have him thank you for it and/or apologize (or retreat confused like Cal from Talladega Nights: "I'm a little confused by your tactics, so I'm gonna act tough until I figure it out")
She's in Rwanda for another week
I'm fine.....
I don't have a problem with goDawgs, but I thought it was funny that he made that thread, then it was locked, then it was unlocked, then some Hokies and Herky gave him shit about it and then it was locked again.
but even they thought your org was full of nuts :clock:.
Hell, I think the same thing about those wall-touchers. No shit, there's guy that rides by my window every day on a unicycle, a guy that eats crackers every hour on the hour standing in a corner, my coworker has a Bach (yes, the composer) action figure on his desk, and I was cut off in the Taco Bell line by a midget.
I'm on the mil side, so I'll make my rounds to most of the other 3-letters before choosing which one to "retire" to. Chances are, it'll be one back in VA instead of MD. That's more my style anyway, and they won't tell me what dogs my wife can have or where I can carry a pistol (as often).
Hell, I think the same thing about those wall-touchers. No shit, there's guy that rides by my window every day on a unicycle, a guy that eats crackers every hour on the hour standing in a corner, my coworker has a Bach (yes, the composer) action figure on his desk, and I was cut off in the Taco Bell line by a midget.
I'm on the mil side, so I'll make my rounds to most of the other 3-letters before choosing which one to "retire" to. Chances are, it'll be one back in VA instead of MD. That's more my style anyway, and they won't tell me what dogs my wife can have or where I can carry a pistol (as often).
You own jaw locking, brain swelling, child killers also?
French Mastiff, but the idiots that write ignorant laws that generalize pit bulls and other bully breeds can't tell the difference between them. I'd have a massive German-line Doberman if I could trust being able to travel with one and rent each place I'm sent.
Dare I ask with serial #s? I hear Geospatial is pretty slack. The Agency wasn't too bad, but after awhile the deployments and glass house feeling really takes its toll. You can always go private, and you'll make damn good $, but they will work you to death. Pick your poison.
I have two pit mixes and it is hell finding a place to live in Maryland where I will be going for work.