Shitty play is also needing the help from officials and fluke accidents to pull out wins.

Why are you so upset? OSU did not lose to FSU. Just a worse team.
Shitty play is also needing the help from officials and fluke accidents to pull out wins.
Because FSU has looked Unimpressive they can't afford a loss where other teams can.
Why are you so upset? OSU did not lose to FSU. Just a worse team.
Why are you so upset? OSU did not lose to FSU. Just a worse team.
They have not lost so that is irrelevant at this moment in time.
Why do you think he is upset? The fact that tOSU is even still in the discussion has to be pretty awesome.
Same wouldn't be said if FSU lost.
The part you don't realize is all that meaningless 10 years of data (which BTW, is about .500 Big 10 vs. the SEC) meant nothing when Indiana (worst Big 10 team) went into one of the better SEC teams stadiums and beat them.
So why should it mean something in regards to whatever discussion you failing at here.
In fact I don't recall a shitty SEC team ever beating a top Big 10 team.
FSU will lose before the end of the season. I'd put money on it!
Why do you think he is upset? The fact that tOSU is even still in the discussion has to be pretty awesome.
Same wouldn't be said if FSU lost.
and that is all based on how tOSU is playing lately compared to how FSU is playing .
FSU will lose before the end of the season. I'd put money on it!
I stopped reading she it said oregons signature win is against Michigan state. That's inaccurate and just a game their using to make Ohio state look better.
That being said, Ohio State deserves respect when people talk about them. They're one of the 5 best teams in the country, to me, based on my eye test, but that doesn't mean they should get respect in the polls.
LOL @ about .500....for 5 years it's .667, for 10 years it's .571, for the BCS era it's .573 and for 25 years it's .592, So, yeah I guess it's close...if you think a .250 batting average is close to a .300 batting average.
Quit pretending like Missouri is a top SEC team, they are the 6th ranked team from the SEC, they are the equivalent of whatever B12 team is ranked below Minnesota. You keep harping on the missouri game, but do you realize that is the first time in 9 years that a team with a worse B1G conference record has beaten an SEC team with a better SEC conference record. We both play 8 conference games, so on paper two 5-3 teams in conference would be comparable in your world, but over that same span, 7 SEC teams have beaten a B1G team with a better record and when they had the same record the SEC team is 7-3.
There is literally no way you can parse the data without taking a ridiculous sample size(like 1 fucking game) where the B1G is anywhere close to the SEC, or several other conferences for that matter.
I am just curious to what your agenda is by sucking SEC Cock in virtually Every Ohio State thread ?
I am just curious to what your agenda is by sucking SEC Cock in virtually Every Ohio State thread ?
Because its covered in syrup and has a cherry on top. Alabama has beaten 1 top 25 team all year. ONE. Thats why they are the best? ONE. That is what they are calling a "quality" resume? ONE?
Hmmm...you both seem to be well acquainted with this cock sucking you speak of.
Care to make a wager on which team has the most top 25 wins by season's end...the bowl games seem to have a way of weeding out the B1G posers and replacing them with SEC teams.
Lol, don't take it so personal, just because your team and conference sucks doesn't mean you have to go full homo.
I will point out again, because it seems to escape you, but this thread was started as an Ohio St. bashing thread...you're the one trying to make it something it's not.