Well-Known Member
What is it that you don't understand about the 'chain of command' regarding medical information?
If the lab that did the testing released any information of any kind, they'd be shut down in less time than a fart takes to smell. Perfect example is the lab in Mass. that gave the police lab results and the CEO and CFO are in prison and the labs is gone. Only two groups have access to the info, the lab and the NFL. My personal opinion is that the lab doesn't have any direct contact with ESPN or Sports Illustrated. Same can't be said for the NFL.
Why doesn't 247 do a little journalistic investigation into how that info got out?? Too much work?? Heaven forbid that they bite the hands that feeds them, eh??
The NFL may also be culpable regardless. It's a firm they hired to test their samples. If that chain of custody has even has a miniscule gap in it then, it has to be thrown out. The NFL will go after the lab and the lab will fight the NFL if it doesn't get settled first.
After more Jerry Jones et al pleading for RK/JE to drop the suit for the "good" of the NFL naturally.