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Interesting Tweet regarding UNC


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Jun 23, 2011
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Sports Illustrated has weighed in on the McAdoo case:

Plagiarism complicates Michael McAdoo's case against NCAA, UNC - Andy Staples - SI.com


"Which brings us to the case of North Carolina defensive end Michael McAdoo. On Wednesday, I outlined McAdoo's lawsuit against the NCAA, which seems like a pretty good case. The NCAA's student-athlete reinstatement staff permanently banned McAdoo from college sports because -- it alleges -- he took $110 in extra benefits and committed three instances of academic fraud. McAdoo sued because the NCAA ignored the fact that UNC's Undergraduate Honor Court found insufficient evidence to charge McAdoo with one count of academic fraud and found him not guilty of another. The honor court found McAdoo guilty in one instance, and that involved a tutor reformatting his citations and his works cited page for a paper in a Swahili class. The court suspended McAdoo from school for the spring 2011 semester.

Sounds like McAdoo has a fantastic case. The NCAA clearly ignored the facts when it sentenced him.

Here's where it gets complicated. When McAdoo's attorney filed the suit, he included as evidence the paper in question. This week, The Raleigh News and Observer posted the case's attached exhibits on its website. That's when a few bored N.C. State fans began Googling. In the process, they found that McAdoo had pasted large passages word-for-word from sources available on the Internet. Blog SportsByBrooks.com picked up the story, and it spread from there. Will the plagiarism sink McAdoo's case? His attorney says no, but it certainly seems to muddle matters."


"The NCAA may try to re-litigate that case, though. Plagiarizing a paper is a more serious offense than having a tutor reformat the citations. NCAA attorneys almost certainly will seize on the plagiarism as evidence that their sentence was fair."

Popcorn, anyone?


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Braak is a regular and well-respected contributor on PackPride. His posts about the UNC fiasco over the last several months have been very insightful, and nearly 100% correct. For those of you who don't know Braak, he is a good guy to follow on PackPride.

He had this to say this afternoon:

"Re: SI: Plagiarism discovery complicates McAdoo's case

Oh and be sure there is much more to come. The dam is at the tipping point of failure."


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The one thing that confuses me is the lack of plagiarism at the end. The only reasonable explanation is that the tutor wrote that part for him


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Jun 23, 2011
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BIG hearing going on today in regards to UNC's former football player, McAdoo!!

Wow...so NCAA knows UNC investigation was a fraud.
8 minutes ago

Sun going into great detail that their determination of cheating is based off McAdoo's own interviews with UNC.
8 minutes ago

by SFNDailyUpdate
NCAA getting cold blooded. Calls McAdoo cheater and then brings up the paper being worse than initially thought.
9 minutes ago

Those people above have been tweeting all afternoon about how things are going! Wow!


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BIG hearing going on today in regards to UNC's former football player, McAdoo!!

Wow...so NCAA knows UNC investigation was a fraud.
8 minutes ago

Sun going into great detail that their determination of cheating is based off McAdoo's own interviews with UNC.
8 minutes ago

by SFNDailyUpdate
NCAA getting cold blooded. Calls McAdoo cheater and then brings up the paper being worse than initially thought.
9 minutes ago

Those people above have been tweeting all afternoon about how things are going! Wow!

Would LOVE to have the transcript of this hearing.:pop2:


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Judge denies injuction for UNC's McAdoo - WRALSportsFan.com


"Judge Orlando Hudson needed just a little over two hours to come to his conclusion in a Durham courtroom, denying an injunction and thus preventing McAdoo's return to the field while he sues the university and the NCAA to see his eligibility restored."

The NCAA's lawyer was brutal....wow!
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Jun 23, 2011
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I wonder what Big Marvin Austin meant by this tweet a few minutes ago:

"I'm so heated right now...justice will provail..even if I have to spill the beans"
5 minutes ago



Apr 26, 2011
Blacksburg, VA
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I wonder what Big Marvin Austin meant by this tweet a few minutes ago:

"I'm so heated right now...justice will provail..even if I have to spill the beans"
5 minutes ago


Oh please Marvin pleaseee spill the beans.


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Jun 23, 2011
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Okay, this is a series of tweets from Big Marvin tonight...pretty wild! Doesn't he know when to shut up? Please start at the bottom and read up toward the top:
anchormanaustin marvin austin
Said it stings when I think about it Unc true fans understand how we as players love this place it tatted in blood for most guys on the team
29 minutes ago
anchormanaustin marvin austin
Appealing to the Ncaa and presure the 21 year old athlete to say and do things that aren't in there best interest...its so much that's not
30 minutes ago
anchormanaustin marvin austin
And stop the cowardly acts when the are in front of the ncaa just tell them what you told us...don't turn and twist your story to look
32 minutes ago
anchormanaustin marvin austin
Trust me I know....I love my school..I chose to come here when nobody thought it was smart to do..but I just wish the administration stood
33 minutes ago
anchormanaustin marvin austin
I swear it is simply disheartning that the peolpe our parents put there trust in to protect us really only care about there gain solely
35 minutes ago
anchormanaustin marvin austin
Man should have his dream snatched from him like the #ncaa has done.I can tell you so many stories that would be mind boggling in comparison
38 minutes ago
anchormanaustin marvin austin
Same reasons that others got suspened and are able to play for because I know exactly the details in each case and its noway that this young
40 minutes ago
anchormanaustin marvin austin
Twitter I'm not bitter I just don't like the way my friend, teammate,brother was mislead,misued, and ostrisized from the program for the
41 minutes ago
anchormanaustin marvin austin
This is so frustrating right now..I can't rap my head around it..I wish I could understand but maybe its not logical enough to understand
1 hour ago


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Dec 3, 2010
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Okay, this is a series of tweets from Big Marvin tonight...pretty wild! Doesn't he know when to shut up? Please start at the bottom and read up toward the top:
anchormanaustin marvin austin
(9)Said it stings when I think about it Unc true fans understand how we as players love this place it tatted in blood for most guys on the team
29 minutes ago
anchormanaustin marvin austin
(8)Appealing to the Ncaa and presure the 21 year old athlete to say and do things that aren't in there best interest...its so much that's not
30 minutes ago
anchormanaustin marvin austin
(7)And stop the cowardly acts when the are in front of the ncaa just tell them what you told us...don't turn and twist your story to look32 minutes ago
anchormanaustin marvin austin
(6)Trust me I know....I love my school..I chose to come here when nobody thought it was smart to do..but I just wish the administration stood
33 minutes ago
anchormanaustin marvin austin
(5)I swear it is simply disheartning that the peolpe our parents put there trust in to protect us really only care about there gain solely35 minutes ago
anchormanaustin marvin austin
(4)Man should have his dream snatched from him like the #ncaa has done.I can tell you so many stories that would be mind boggling in comparison38 minutes ago
anchormanaustin marvin austin
(3)Same reasons that others got suspened and are able to play for because I know exactly the details in each case and its noway that this young
40 minutes ago
anchormanaustin marvin austin
(2)Twitter I'm not bitter I just don't like the way my friend, teammate,brother was mislead,misued, and ostrisized from the program for the41 minutes ago
anchormanaustin marvin austin
(1)This is so frustrating right now..I can't rap my head around it..I wish I could understand but maybe its not logical enough to understand
1 hour ago

alot of very telling info IMO about what butch and staff were telling kids and also about how unc treated these guys during the NCAA investigation. <----These tweets sure do paint an ugly picture of uNc
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Apr 26, 2011
Blacksburg, VA
Hoopla Cash
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anchormanaustin marvin austin
I swear it is simply disheartning that the peolpe our parents put there trust in to protect us really only care about there gain solely
35 minutes ago

Recruits should really read that quote.


Same poop, different day
Jun 25, 2010
Lane Stadium
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I fear Big Marv won't spill the beans because he'll be too busy eating them. LOL


May 11, 2010
The Dirty City, VA
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Okay, this is a series of tweets from Big Marvin tonight...pretty wild! Doesn't he know when to shut up? Please start at the bottom and read up toward the top:
anchormanaustin marvin austin
Said it stings when I think about it Unc true fans understand how we as players love this place it tatted in blood for most guys on the team
29 minutes ago
anchormanaustin marvin austin
Appealing to the Ncaa and presure the 21 year old athlete to say and do things that aren't in there best interest...its so much that's not
30 minutes ago
anchormanaustin marvin austin
And stop the cowardly acts when the are in front of the ncaa just tell them what you told us...don't turn and twist your story to look
32 minutes ago
anchormanaustin marvin austin
Trust me I know....I love my school..I chose to come here when nobody thought it was smart to do..but I just wish the administration stood
33 minutes ago
anchormanaustin marvin austin
I swear it is simply disheartning that the peolpe our parents put there trust in to protect us really only care about there gain solely
35 minutes ago
anchormanaustin marvin austin
Man should have his dream snatched from him like the #ncaa has done.I can tell you so many stories that would be mind boggling in comparison
38 minutes ago
anchormanaustin marvin austin
Same reasons that others got suspened and are able to play for because I know exactly the details in each case and its noway that this young
40 minutes ago
anchormanaustin marvin austin
Twitter I'm not bitter I just don't like the way my friend, teammate,brother was mislead,misued, and ostrisized from the program for the
41 minutes ago
anchormanaustin marvin austin
This is so frustrating right now..I can't rap my head around it..I wish I could understand but maybe its not logical enough to understand
1 hour ago

TAE, do you mind if I post this on the UNC SportsHoopla board (for potential recruits to read)?


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Jun 23, 2011
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TAE, do you mind if I post this on the UNC SportsHoopla board (for potential recruits to read)?

Gosh, no! Post it everywhere you think will do the most damage to UNC. I've already posted it on StateFansNation and StateFansNationForums. Somebody at PackPride beat me to it in their thread.

Besides, none of that is my original thought...it all just fell out of the head of the King of Cupcakes.


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Hey...Big Marvin's tweets have been picked up by CBSSports.com!

Austin backs Tar Heel teammate on Twitter - CBSSports.com


"Of all of the players involved in the North Carolina investigation, Austin might have the loudest voice of them all. Not only because he has the largest personality (remember he wants to be a sportscaster one day), but because he has been the highest-profile player involved with the largest dollar signs attached to his improper benefits.

It was also interesting that Austin took this rant to Twitter. After all, wasn't it his account that kick-started things in the first place? When North Carolina began to gather information internally, a decision was made at some point that trying to fight for Austin's eligibility was a lost cause.

Declared permanently ineligible, and now a second-round draft pick of the New York Giants, Austin has a story that certainly would interest the college football world. As the "most guilty" of North Carolina's suspended players, he could cause quite a stir if he does decide to 'spill the beans.'"


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Jun 23, 2011
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Heather Dinich weighs in on Mad Marvin's tweets:

UNC's worst nightmare: Mad Marvin - ACC Blog - ESPN


"If there's one thing the University of North Carolina doesn't need right now, it's a mad Marvin Austin.

And Austin is mad.

Following a judge's decision not to reinstate former teammate Michael McAdoo, Austin let loose on Twitter and threatened to "spill the beans" about everything that went down at North Carolina. One thing to remember: Austin was dismissed from the team for a reason, too. He hasn't exactly been the poster boy for UNC football. There's no reason to expect that to change now."