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Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 141,051.00
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Yes to Richie!!

I'm with Boss and mutigers on this one for a couple of reasons...

However first of all this was classic trash talk at its finest and someone cough, cough MARTIN! found a legal out so he could get paid when he was on the outs in Miami!

This scum bag, on advise of his mother (HR exec.) used his buddy, IMO. I would never want that POS on the Rams!

Now on to why it makes sense...

1.) It's a good fit!

Richie will come cheap, and the Rams have a huge need at OL and cap issues this year. Since RI was a Ram, it's a home coming of sorts with his tail between his legs, so there wont be any shenanigans. He now has something to prove which bodes well for the Rams. Besides he will work with consensus OL guru coach and leader Paul Boudreau!

2.) It will take some of the negative focus off our DC! :lol:


Politically Incorrect
Oct 11, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
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I'm with Boss and mutigers on this one for a couple of reasons...

However first of all this was classic trash talk at its finest and someone cough, cough MARTIN! found a legal out so he could get paid when he was on the outs in Miami!

This scum bag, on advise of his mother (HR exec.) used his buddy, IMO. I would never want that POS on the Rams!

Now on to why it makes sense...

1.) It's a good fit!

Richie will come cheap, and the Rams have a huge need at OL and cap issues this year. Since RI was a Ram, it's a home coming of sorts with his tail between his legs, so there wont be any shenanigans. He now has something to prove which bodes well for the Rams. Besides he will work with consensus OL guru coach and leader Paul Boudreau!

2.) It will take some of the negative focus off our DC! :lol:

Maybe we could pick up Incognito to try to "encourage" Bradford to step up and stop being such a kitten.


the SoCo kid
Apr 29, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Alright here's the plan. The Rams already brought in Gregg Williams, let's sign RI, draft Johnny Football, draft Michael Sam, bring Chad Johnson out of retirement and sign Tebow to compete with JFF. The Rams are winning training camp media coverage!


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2013
Rochester, NY
Hoopla Cash
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you don't want a guy that wants to commit suicide on your team. He's a cancer just like Incogs

He's a victim of a cancer, much different thing. He definitely deserves another shot well before Incognito. Equating them is ludicrous.


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2013
Rochester, NY
Hoopla Cash
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Agreed. Don't want a skirt protecting our queen---Bradford. If he can't handle the locker room, what makes anybody think he can handle the trenches of an NFL game?

What about his play on the field at Stanford or Miami makes you think he can't? It's not like this guy hasn't played a down yet.


Politically Incorrect
Oct 11, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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What about his play on the field at Stanford or Miami makes you think he can't? It's not like this guy hasn't played a down yet.

Didn't see him play at school, but maybe his mommy was holding his hand in the huddle. Don't compare the NFL to college. The agenda is far different--nobody coddles you at this point. You're supposed to be able to handle it by now. Apparently he can't.


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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He's a victim of a cancer, much different thing. He definitely deserves another shot well before Incognito. Equating them is ludicrous.

he's a victim of a cancer? No he doesn't have literal cancer, he's just a passive person that figured out a way to still get paid and not play. There's a word for that, conniving.

I agree Incogs should be booted from the league but some HC will convince himself that he can control him and he'll get another shot. Hopefully I'm wrong. But I totally disagree that Martin should be given another chance the guy is a worm/cancer/cheat/lowlife


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2013
Rochester, NY
Hoopla Cash
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he's a victim of a cancer? No he doesn't have literal cancer, he's just a passive person that figured out a way to still get paid and not play. There's a word for that, conniving.

I agree Incogs should be booted from the league but some HC will convince himself that he can control him and he'll get another shot. Hopefully I'm wrong. But I totally disagree that Martin should be given another chance the guy is a worm/cancer/cheat/lowlife

Victim of A cancer, not a victim of cancer. Nice to know that you are such a tough guy to call a player driven nearly to suicide by taunting/bullying/whatever is a worm/cancer/cheat/lowlife.


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Victim of A cancer, not a victim of cancer. Nice to know that you are such a tough guy to call a player driven nearly to suicide by taunting/bullying/whatever is a worm/cancer/cheat/lowlife.

Because he's obviously working the system.


Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 141,051.00
Fav. Team #1
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he's a victim of a cancer? No he doesn't have literal cancer, he's just a passive person that figured out a way to still get paid and not play. There's a word for that, conniving.

I agree Incogs should be booted from the league but some HC will convince himself that he can control him and he'll get another shot. Hopefully I'm wrong. But I totally disagree that Martin should be given another chance the guy is a worm/cancer/cheat/lowlife
Besides that, it's about what he is NOT and he's is NOT an NFL caliber football player and he knows it!

For me, that's his real 'emotional issues' here because he knows he doesn't have the right stuff! That's hard for these guys, they spent their wholes lives to get to the NFL and when they come to the realization that they've invested everything they've got to chase their life long dream to only come up short in the end? It's heart breaking for them but you move on and you don't 'use' people like he did and for those of us who think he is a worm/cancer/cheat/lowlife believe he did just that!

Besides, I don't believe a word that comes out of his mouth, not one. Hell even so, I read an article that states 50 % of college students thought about suicide, and 18 % seriously thought about suicide. Hell the man is 24 and not some child, never the less he is not far from the age of those College students. So even if there's an ounce of truth to the reported 'contemplation of suicide' (I doubt it) it could be more about this dynamic of young adults in our society rather then simply attributing it to some guy HE talked as much trash to for an ongoing amount of time .... You know the old saying, if you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen, but he didn't until he pulled all his drama, boo hoo big baby shit as his get out of jail free card.. Even then I doubt any of it's true because it helped him secure his income from a legal stance on advice of his Executive HR Mom and there is nothing the Fins or NFL can do about it without another big legal mess on their hands, it's a PR nightmare!!.... In the mean time Martin throws RI, a guy he has called his buddy and friend, to the Lions.

It's despicable!

Victim of A cancer, not a victim of cancer. Nice to know that you are such a tough guy to call a player driven nearly to suicide by taunting/bullying/whatever is a worm/cancer/cheat/lowlife.
I think it's quite naive to believe this is a one sided story (Mama always said it takes two to tango) and that he was really being bullied like some school boy. The man has 24 years+ on this planet and to me it appears he's learned more about manipulation than how to man up for himself.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2013
Lake Havasu City, Arizona
Hoopla Cash
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No to Richie, he has cost the Rams plenty over the years when he was with them. Plus throw on the media slant and this young team just doesn't need that type of coverage and distractions.


Apr 17, 2013
Phoenix, Arizona
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
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Yea Vita. The data and evidence are becoming increasingly clear that the dude that cried foul like the proverbial boy calling wolf was really the perpetrator in a lot of this that being Martin. I find the dynamics interesting though.


Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 141,051.00
Fav. Team #1
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Yea Vita. The data and evidence are becoming increasingly clear that the dude that cried foul like the proverbial boy calling wolf was really the perpetrator in a lot of this that being Martin. I find the dynamics interesting though.

Yep retro from reading through these texts we see, especially Ingocnito and Martin for sure, are both misogynist. But the level of banter is only hyped by the foul language they choose, just change out a few words like chicken for pussy and dumbass for ghey and those put downs are a bit more acceptable. When it comes right down to it, we really see two buddies who liked each others company, with maybe one being phony all along.

You all should know by now who I'm thinking of.

They say, we tease the ones we like and are indifferent to those we don't, I'll add hate comments are a lot like the legal definition of P0rnography, 'You know it when you see it.'

So who really cares about the true physiology of the banter but I can say for certain in this exchange there is clearly no 'bulling'. And if you wish not to read through the 50 pages or so of text just go to the last 10. You will see a pattern of two guys paling it up, acting like pigs and one getting blind sided end the end and it's not Martin.

Now would I want either of these assholes dating my daughter?

Hell no!

I don't want any dude like them near her but if they did there job and kept there personal lives to themselves, which until recently, I'm sure the did. I surely would hire them and now that I know a little more about them, it would only be RI and unfortunately for him, it would only be under strict and restrictive considerations.
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