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I'm done with George and don't want him back at this point


The Middle of Everywhere: NWI
Apr 18, 2013
Chesterton, IN
Hoopla Cash
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Did you rail against the Pacers when they traded Hill, instead of paying him?

What about soft-helmet Hibbert when he was banished to the Lakers?

Loyalty goes both ways.

And yet, I'm still a team-first guy that supports the team. Paul George is not.


The Middle of Everywhere: NWI
Apr 18, 2013
Chesterton, IN
Hoopla Cash
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You are trying to make this personal. Everyone here knows who my favorite team is and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure it out based on the logos I do have up.

Bottom line, you are showing your true colors for all to see with your posts on this thread. It ain't pretty.

As to your question, market size is totally relevant. There are certain markets players like being in. Indiana isn't one. If the team is able to build a legit contender, (like SA or Cleveland) then what the group accomplishes on the court does matter and can take priority over an attractive market. But, Indiana is nowhere close to that level and any rational fan is able to see that.

Here's an FYI...If don't want me to get personal with you, then don't make it personal. All you've essentially done in this thread is insult our market and basically make the claim that Indiana isn't an adequate basketball scene, a scene that I personally am a part of so much that I still attend local HS games now approaching my 30th birthday.

It's a moot point, though.

George's affinity for the Lakers has nothing to do with market size or their FA prospects. He's bitched and moaned over the years that the Pacers don't get calls, in spite of the fact that he continues to settle for jumper after jumper. Basically, Mr. George thinks that by jumping into Kobe's magic shadow that he won't have to work as hard for his points, which is laughable at best in that conference. If he were to go to the Lakers, he would be making the exact same mistake Dwight Howard did.


The Middle of Everywhere: NWI
Apr 18, 2013
Chesterton, IN
Hoopla Cash
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Pacers fans should be pissed at their FO for not putting a better team around him. Paul George has been with the Pacers for what? 8 years? They had their shot.

How much loyalty do teams show players when they trade them? Why should any more be expected of players?

I place the blame on many different areas for a given organizational failure. And if Paul George was a true team player, he'd realize that he's not above any of the blame.


Kyrie Hater
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 11,700.00
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Not even close. That wasn't a rant...Those were facts. I'm pretty sure I've never wished injury on another human being in my life before let alone on a message board.


Are you for real here? I know you said you deleted your horrible tweet, but we can still see it here. Go back and review your first post on this thread if you need to. FYI, Paul George is a human.


Kyrie Hater
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Here's an FYI...If don't want me to get personal with you, then don't make it personal. All you've essentially done in this thread is insult our market and basically make the claim that Indiana isn't an adequate basketball scene, a scene that I personally am a part of so much that I still attend local HS games now approaching my 30th birthday.

It's a moot point, though.

George's affinity for the Lakers has nothing to do with market size or their FA prospects. He's bitched and moaned over the years that the Pacers don't get calls, in spite of the fact that he continues to settle for jumper after jumper. Basically, Mr. George thinks that by jumping into Kobe's magic shadow that he won't have to work as hard for his points, which is laughable at best in that conference. If he were to go to the Lakers, he would be making the exact same mistake Dwight Howard did.

You really need to get a grip.

Indiana is a small market. Small market teams almost never attract big name FAs unless they have a superstar on the roster along with a winning culture (think SA). That is fact. There is absolutely nothing personal in that comment.

The fact that you take that as a personal attack only speaks to your maturity level. You like Indiana, so you take it as an attack when someone points out that your city isn't as attractive as the bright lights of LA. It is fact. Small market culture can be a lot of fun, but it still isn't what most players seek.

By the way, an example of a personal attack would be name calling someone you don't agree with or posting FU with someone's name attached to it on an OP. You know, things that you do routinely.

So yeah, keep coming at me and see how it works out for you. Just know that you are the one escalating each and every time. I am here to talk basketball. But if you start in on me, I will finish it.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
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Fair point, but a bit of a reach. Unless you think the Lakers could land LeBron I don't see it as a better opportunity for George given the bloodbath nature of the Western Conference.

Not a reach at all. PG is from LA. Perhaps he wants to go home. Also, he knows the Lakers are building for the future and that the Warriors and Cavs won't be on top forever. He's young enough to help develop the Lakers young roster to help them step up and challenge the Warriors in a couple of years or so.

As for Lebron to the Lakers...there have been Lebron to the Lakers rumors for about as long as he's been in the league.

Because of what appears to be the situation in Cleveland, this is the first time I'm actually not laughing at those rumors. Things seem to have gotten pretty toxic in Cleveland, Lebron has a home in LA and seems to want to set himself up for a post basketball career along the lines of what Magic and Kobe have done. It would give him the opportunity to learn/collaborate with both of them any time he wants.

Also, Lebron is very aware of his legacy and getting credit for returning a storied franchise to contender status would almost certainly enhance his legacy.

Having said that, I put the chances of him actually ending up with the Lakers at about 25%. That's about 24.5% more of a chance than I've ever given it before.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,709.00
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I place the blame on many different areas for a given organizational failure. And if Paul George was a true team player, he'd realize that he's not above any of the blame.

When did he ever say he wasn't part of the blame. End of the day though, the failure to put a roster around him that was capable of winning a title isn't on him, it's on the FO. They are the ones who have to be willing to make the moves and spend the money to get it done.

The Pacers and PG had their chances. When Lebron was in Miami, they had arguably the 2nd best team in the East and were a true threat to the Heat. Unfortunately for the Pacers and their fans, they were unable to get past them. That window has now closed for them and it seems like it would be in their best interest to just move on with a rebuild. They got damn close before. Maybe, in a few years, they can get it right this time?

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 2,454.21
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I'm guessing you don't know your ass from a hole in the ground.
Fair point, but a bit of a reach. Unless you think the Lakers could land LeBron I don't see it as a better opportunity for George given the bloodbath nature of the Western Conference.
Perhaps that's because you're blind and can't see

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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One person attacking almost everyone in here because he's in a snit over Paul George. hmm
Dec 18, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 500.43
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Not even close. That wasn't a rant...Those were facts. I'm pretty sure I've never wished injury on another human being in my life before let alone on a message board.

That wasn't a rant - it was a complete meltdown. A pathetic one too which made you run and hide for months after.

Secondly, this is a direct quote from YOU on the very first post on this thread: "We supported you through your broken leg & hope you break ur other leg"

Never wished injury on another human being my ass.

Last edited:


Kyrie Hater
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 11,700.00
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That wasn't a rant - it was a complete meltdown. A pathetic one too which made to run and hide for months after.

Secondly, this is a direct quote from YOU on the very first post on this thread: "We supported you through your broken leg & hope you break ur other leg"

Never wished injury on another human being my ass.


I don't think he realizes that NBA players are people. They are cyborgs created for his personal entertainment.
Dec 18, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 500.43
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I don't think he realizes that NBA players are people. They are cyborgs created for his personal entertainment.

Todd takes this VERY personal on these boards, and when you call him on it he goes in to a complete meltdown.

I mean the guy has some basketball knowledge, but he confuses opinions with facts (and vise-versa).

Then you get threads like this one and this one: http://sportshoop.la/threads/concern-about-our-nba-board.222416/

The guy needs to grow up.


Jun 26, 2014
Hoopla Cash
$ 19,999.54
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And yet, I'm still a team-first guy that supports the team. Paul George is not.
You are way to Emo.

I have had to suffer thru shit show after shit show with my Team and never jumped ship.

You don't own Paul George, he doesn't owe you Dick.

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,709.00
Fav. Team #1
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And yet, I'm still a team-first guy that supports the team. Paul George is not.

You didn't answer @Mecca question.

Where was your outrage, angry threads and posts when Pacers chose to trade Hill rather than pay him?

What about when Hibbert was traded to the Lakers?

Did you hope the Pacers GM and owners broke their legs?

Here's another question for you...

How would you feel if a top FA left his team to come to the Pacers? Would you wish injury on that player? Would you send out angry tweets and create rant threads about how disloyal and "me first" that player is?

Or would you welcome him to the team and talk about how much better the Pacers will be with him?


Jun 26, 2014
Hoopla Cash
$ 19,999.54
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You didn't answer @Mecca question.

Where was your outrage, angry threads and posts when Pacers chose to trade Hill rather than pay him?

What about when Hibbert was traded to the Lakers?

Did you hope the Pacers GM and owners broke their legs?

Here's another question for you...

How would you feel if a top FA left his team to come to the Pacers? Would you wish injury on that player? Would you send out angry tweets and create rant threads about how disloyal and "me first" that player is?

Or would you welcome him to the team and talk about how much better the Pacers will be with him?
Selective outrage...lol

Cp3 left the Clippers because of their inability to compete, their toxic, nepotistic environment and their resistance to offer that 5th year.

That's all on Doc and the Clippers.

You don't see me bitching and blowing snot rockets all over the keyboard with my tears of anguish.

You certainly don't see me wishing injury on the Dude.

Some fans refuse to see it both ways.

Cane is clearly one of them.


The Middle of Everywhere: NWI
Apr 18, 2013
Chesterton, IN
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
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Are you for real here? I know you said you deleted your horrible tweet, but we can still see it here. Go back and review your first post on this thread if you need to. FYI, Paul George is a human.

*I was referring to "before I made this thread".

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 2,454.21
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GOOD News Fake NBA fan. Your Paul George is gone and won't be back :lol::lol:


The Middle of Everywhere: NWI
Apr 18, 2013
Chesterton, IN
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
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You didn't answer @Mecca question.

Where was your outrage, angry threads and posts when Pacers chose to trade Hill rather than pay him?

What about when Hibbert was traded to the Lakers?

Did you hope the Pacers GM and owners broke their legs?

Here's another question for you...

How would you feel if a top FA left his team to come to the Pacers? Would you wish injury on that player? Would you send out angry tweets and create rant threads about how disloyal and "me first" that player is?

Or would you welcome him to the team and talk about how much better the Pacers will be with him?

Like I was trying to point out in my reply to Shaqdaddy, this thread was the VERY FIRST time in my life I've ever wished injury on another human being (@tlance take notes).

Even though I've never wished injury on Solomon Hill or Hibbert, I still place the blame for those situations in other areas. Hibbert for his complacency and Vogel for for using Hill enough in each of their final season here. @Mecca