#1 Ignored
At least he doesn't lose every playoff series he enters. Reds do.
paw rhymes with flaw
you guys pronounce paw with the a like in "mad"
no wonder people make fun of you
aw and ah are the same
He's at like .246, Chap.
He'd have to hit like .320 the rest of the way.
Certainly possible, but...
Montero demoted to AAA...
Right place right time for BJ Upton, thats all it was. Ellsbury's not getting that kind of money.
"23 runs is more than 25 runs"
"44 hits is more than 49 hits"
"18 BB's is more than 19 BB's"
"Striking out 42 times is better than striking out 25 times"
This is where you're going to bastardize the english language so thatwhat you meant by "literally" and/or "one single category".....isn't what they mean...
you're also going to translate this isn't "BWAHAHAHA DOWN THINK ELLSBURY'S WORTH $200M BECAUSE HE HAS 2 MORE RUNS!!!"
Let me save you the typing...nope...just pointing out that the above? Is yet another lie you've told today...
Career .293 hitter. He can still get hot. He's better than this if he's healthy.
He's still going to rake this year...
Rain rains.. Fucks fuck..
Rakists rake....
Nice to see nothing has changed around here - and thank fuck for that!
Not to mention....if Ellsbury's #'s are similar to Gardner's (and they are), and we can all agree that Ellsbury has stunk this year (and he has) than Gardner must suck too.
I don't see anyone defending Ichiro, BTW...