black francis
Well-Known Member
no way in hell is paw (like a o) pronounced like the beginning of a fucking sneeze, ahchooo)
to people who can speak correctly, it is the same
no way in hell is paw (like a o) pronounced like the beginning of a fucking sneeze, ahchooo)
then what do you call a paw?
it kind of is, actually, based on what ellsbury did in 2011
there is literally not one single category he leads gardner in outside of 4 more steals....brilliant!
to people who can speak correctly, it is the same
dont you guys warsh your cars there?
somewhere in the midwest, wash has an r in it
you guys add r's, we take em away
our way, more efficient
There is literally not one single person who doesn't piss themselves in laughter at
"Gardner > CarGo" or "Gardner > Boomstick"
Which really isnt saying much.
I know. Ellsbury has been awful this year. But he still has time to turn it on. If he gets to .300BA with 30-40SB's and looks healthy....he can still get a nice payday.