Always been curious as to why you go out of your way to instigate, belittle, and act an ass towards others. Not that it matters much to me on a personal level; but sir you have some major issues might want to get some help with that, or better yet don't. However as my client who is a psychiatrist would say "those whom spend their time attempting to belittle, discredit, and generally instigate with or to another is either lacking something in their own lives and act outwardly against those they differ in opinion from, was completely discredited or shunned as a child, or they lack the mental capacity to analytically resolve a disput or hold a healthy conversation." Which category you fall into, makes me no difference as I mentioned your ignorance bothers me not, I am at the end of the day still the successful, young, educated man that I am regardless of your opinion, approval, or should I rather say lack there of. The only reason I mention this to you is as a favor to let you know that brother you are to old to be acting like that, it makes no sense, it discredits you as an adult as well as an individual who has a pretty good outlook on football. I hope you take this to heart, and don't view this as anything other than me reaching out to you in an effort to let you know that your better than the individual you portray yourself to be on here at times. Have a hell of a weekend bro.