C'mon Wazzu...
You know that at UW the professors don't encourage or condone banging family members. They encourage banging members of the same sex. This is Seattle, not Alabama.
Thanks. He should be ready for the big leagues when Mariners make their next playoff appearance.
Thanks. He should be ready for the big leagues when Mariners make their next playoff appearance.
Well someone's optimist ...
Hello everyone. I have been off here for many of reasons. Too many to count. I went through a bit of a dark stage last year and it made me withdrawn and bitter. Not just on here, but in real life. I couldn’t shake it so I gave up this site, facebook, and real life to a certain extent. Since returning to Washington after eight years away in Arizona, things for me have went downhill at a Mariners losing streak speed. I was let go at my job in Washington that I started after returning from AZ because I was over qualified for the position even though I was told months before and on the final day that I was the best they ever had at the position. They wanted me to take a higher position that wasn’t suited for me and that is what led to the end. That was in January 2017. Since then I have received one interview and zero job offers. Jobs that I am over qualified for (ironic huh considering that is why I lost me last job). I have never been let go of a job and I am 52. I have always, and I mean always, been promoted and/or have been awarded various awards. We just sold our house we bought in December 2016 that we shared with our daughter, son-in-law and grandson with another due at the end of the month. They went one direction, my wife went another, and I went yet a third direction. I know this isn’t a site for personal crying, but I wanted to explain my disappearance from here to those who may have wondered.
As far as the M’s go, they are exactly who I thought they would be with JD at the helm. Rebuild is just an excuse to be bad for 3 to 4 years before the questioning of why are we still bad come back up. It is a smart move for a bad GM who wants to keep his job a bit longer but it always eventually catches up to them and they get axed. The Paxton trade was a joke from the start. The headliner was a sub- 6’ SP who was overhyped. I bring up his height because in the last decade plus the only sub 6’ Sp worth a darn was Hampton the ex M. Take in the factor he was part of the Yankee hype machine, and disaster was written all over this one. You want a good comparison how the trade should have went just look at what the rays got last year in the Archer trade. Comparable pitchers with two different returns. Drastically different returns.
Then they trade defense for offense and become a joke in the field. They had 4 DH’s in the field at any given time. LOL!
Where will the starting pitching come from for 2020? 2021? It still isn’t here or down on the farm.
The only positive is we finally have a catching position that can hit. Of course no one knows where they will be in 2020 or 2021 so does it really matter?
Haniger…oh ya I remember him. He was good once wasn’t he? I guess his shot to the nut sack is kind of what all us M’s fans have felt for the last decade or more for some of us.
Well no promises I will stick around, but I hope you all on here take time to enjoy life outside of this spectacle we call mariners baseball. #TrueToBeingBlue
Congrats to you and your daughter. My mom is still very impatiently waiting for grandchildren from my sister and I.
Too busy banging your sister eh?
I'm sure your mom ain't putting all her eggs in your basket and knows it will be your sister that gives her the grandbabies !
@NWinAZ I'm glad you're back and congrats on #2...… Boy looks long
Welcome back .i for one..missed.your..posts
Having..some of the same probs.
I guess it is welcome to being ..old..and overqualed..pos start own buisness..then
Many ..many..bosses..fired..go find new one...or they find .you
View attachment 209070
Grandson number two born last night. Paxton Miller...and yes I named him. My luck he will have a golden left arm, but can't pitch more than 162 innings.
Man sorry to hear about all that. Hopefully things have gotten at least a little better with the personal/family/job stuff since you posted this last month. You're one of the good guys, so I have a feeling it'll all work out soon.Hello everyone. I have been off here for many of reasons. Too many to count. I went through a bit of a dark stage last year and it made me withdrawn and bitter. Not just on here, but in real life. I couldn’t shake it so I gave up this site, facebook, and real life to a certain extent. Since returning to Washington after eight years away in Arizona, things for me have went downhill at a Mariners losing streak speed. I was let go at my job in Washington that I started after returning from AZ because I was over qualified for the position even though I was told months before and on the final day that I was the best they ever had at the position. They wanted me to take a higher position that wasn’t suited for me and that is what led to the end. That was in January 2017. Since then I have received one interview and zero job offers. Jobs that I am over qualified for (ironic huh considering that is why I lost me last job). I have never been let go of a job and I am 52. I have always, and I mean always, been promoted and/or have been awarded various awards. We just sold our house we bought in December 2016 that we shared with our daughter, son-in-law and grandson with another due at the end of the month. They went one direction, my wife went another, and I went yet a third direction. I know this isn’t a site for personal crying, but I wanted to explain my disappearance from here to those who may have wondered.
As far as the M’s go, they are exactly who I thought they would be with JD at the helm. Rebuild is just an excuse to be bad for 3 to 4 years before the questioning of why are we still bad come back up. It is a smart move for a bad GM who wants to keep his job a bit longer but it always eventually catches up to them and they get axed. The Paxton trade was a joke from the start. The headliner was a sub- 6’ SP who was overhyped. I bring up his height because in the last decade plus the only sub 6’ Sp worth a darn was Hampton the ex M. Take in the factor he was part of the Yankee hype machine, and disaster was written all over this one. You want a good comparison how the trade should have went just look at what the rays got last year in the Archer trade. Comparable pitchers with two different returns. Drastically different returns.
Then they trade defense for offense and become a joke in the field. They had 4 DH’s in the field at any given time. LOL!
Where will the starting pitching come from for 2020? 2021? It still isn’t here or down on the farm.
The only positive is we finally have a catching position that can hit. Of course no one knows where they will be in 2020 or 2021 so does it really matter?
Haniger…oh ya I remember him. He was good once wasn’t he? I guess his shot to the nut sack is kind of what all us M’s fans have felt for the last decade or more for some of us.
Well no promises I will stick around, but I hope you all on here take time to enjoy life outside of this spectacle we call mariners baseball. #TrueToBeingBlue