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Heinicke Starting


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Sometimes teams draft players as projects. Your logic is flawed Dean.


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he should be , especially if snyder is ousted

i agree with that. I don't think Dan fires RR no matter how the season turns out. Just my opinion.


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Sometimes teams draft players as projects. Your logic is flawed Dean.

Its not flawed when RR already proved to go after every QB available when TH was still on the team. He overpaid in salary and draft capital to get Wentz here. What does that tell you?


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Its not flawed when RR already proved to go after every QB available when TH was still on the team. He overpaid in salary and draft capital to get Wentz here. What does that tell you?
You LOVED the Wentz move. Did you forget?

Also, RR going after every qb has literally nothing to do with the fact that sometimes teams draft project players.

In fact, it seems to suggest that RR was so desperate for a qb that he reached on Howell, who you sre not advocating to start.

I think your insistence on being contrary is an act, frankly, and you forgot what inanity you were supposed to support, if I’m being perfectly honest.

DJ Fieri

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This is his opportunity to take the job from Wentz if he plays well while Carson is recovering.


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You LOVED the Wentz move. Did you forget?

Also, RR going after every qb has literally nothing to do with the fact that sometimes teams draft project players.

In fact, it seems to suggest that RR was so desperate for a qb that he reached on Howell, who you sre not advocating to start.

I think your insistence on being contrary is an act, frankly, and you forgot what inanity you were supposed to support, if I’m being perfectly honest.

Again, Chiller puts things in a simple, effective, and direct way. The oppositional attitude on every freaking topic is getting annoying. When you find yourself literally arguing with every poster plus posters from other boards......one would think that would be sign.


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no coach with a grain of salt in his head is going to keep the better guy on the bench when his ass is on the line RR 's future in DC is tenuous at best .
Coaches make mistakes, homey. They even double down on them at times. Not that that's what RR is doing here necessarily, I can understand why he's going with Taylor. He'a wrong, as usual, but I understand it.
Well Sam Howell probably won't get any playing time and if he does it won't be enough to know if he is the answer or not and they will need a QB but won't be high enough in the Draft to get one the never ending tale of Washington
Yep. Same ol' bullshit again n again, time after time.


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What a complete mess of the QB situation. Doesn't make sense at all. If RR believed in TH he would have never acquired Wentz and would have never of drafted Howell. I guess some people having a hard time understanding that.
Heh. If there's one poster who shouldn't accuse anyone else of not understanding something it would be you.


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Howell was deemed “not ready” by the coach.
Not resigning TH to a backup role would be an error, in my opinion, unless you think you can find a 7 game winner as a backup qb elsewhere.

It isnt hard to understand, dean.

Our shit team is one game out of the playoffs, TH has won 7 games before, Howell is apparently not ready, and the team has a terrible oline.
One game out of the playoffs? There's damn near a dozen NFC teams with a better record than the Skins.. A far more accurate statement would be the Skins are 3 plays, 4 tops, from being 0-6.


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You LOVED the Wentz move. Did you forget?

Also, RR going after every qb has literally nothing to do with the fact that sometimes teams draft project players.

In fact, it seems to suggest that RR was so desperate for a qb that he reached on Howell, who you sre not advocating to start.

I think your insistence on being contrary is an act, frankly, and you forgot what inanity you were supposed to support, if I’m being perfectly honest.

I liked the Wentz move b/c we upgraded at QB. Who is denying that? I proved RR wanted anybody but TH to start for this team. Why cant you understand that?


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Heh. If there's one poster who shouldn't accuse anyone else of not understanding something it would be you.

I dont think so. I understand why RR went and got Wentz. What I dont understand is why TH is playing right now.


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I also want to as I won't route against TH. Winning is #1 in my book but from what happened this off season, I didn't think TH would see the field again b/c RR gave him a big screw you this off season. It will make RR look like a total fool if TH leads this team to a 9- or 10-win season.


US ARMY retired /mod.
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so far wince hasnt proved to be much of an upgrade at all . we can be 2-4 with falco just as easy as we are with wince .

the trade was stupid and not needed if we had a FO that wasnt in panic mode and used some patience

it doesnt matter if RR didnt think falco was the answer . anyone watching knows what he is but as a so called professional i expect him to manipulate the system better with trades , and signings

we are looking at a 1 year rental and a guy who got less wins with better weapons then the stiff we had last year

if anyone thinks that the smaller howell (yes falco is bigger ) can take us to the playoffs this year then you are higher then a GA pine

falco wont either but he is by far much more proven , and we are still in the hunt (right now ) so you have to try to make the run

a few years ago i advocated that winning the division at 7-9 wasnt best for this team and i was roundly debated about that . well i was right the supposed bump never took place and now 2 years later the roles are reversed .

what ever happened to letting the rookie sit for a year and learn ? that BS lasted 6 fucking games . can we at least pretend to stick to a damn principle. ? if sty were here he would be saying the same thing , sit howell unless injury , for the 1st year

so yes start falco and at least go through the motions of turning this around


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so far wince hasnt proved to be much of an upgrade at all . we can be 2-4 with falco just as easy as we are with wince .

the trade was stupid and not needed if we had a FO that wasnt in panic mode and used some patience

it doesnt matter if RR didnt think falco was the answer . anyone watching knows what he is but as a so called professional i expect him to manipulate the system better with trades , and signings

we are looking at a 1 year rental and a guy who got less wins with better weapons then the stiff we had last year

if anyone thinks that the smaller howell (yes falco is bigger ) can take us to the playoffs this year then you are higher then a GA pine

falco wont either but he is by far much more proven , and we are still in the hunt (right now ) so you have to try to make the run

a few years ago i advocated that winning the division at 7-9 wasnt best for this team and i was roundly debated about that . well i was right the supposed bump never took place and now 2 years later the roles are reversed .

what ever happened to letting the rookie sit for a year and learn ? that BS lasted 6 fucking games . can we at least pretend to stick to a damn principle. ? if sty were here he would be saying the same thing , sit howell unless injury , for the 1st year

so yes start falco and at least go through the motions of turning this around

It does matter. I agree we overpaid money wise a draft pick wise to get Wentz. b/c I thought it meant that RR had no faith in TH. IF RR had faith in TH he wouldn't of acquired Wentz and he never makes the trade offer for Wilson. I just thought with the acquisition of Wentz and the drafting of Howell it just said to me that RR had no faith in TH. No all of a sudden TH is starting., You think it is b/c he wants to save his job?


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Plus, the team is 2-4 b/c of the team not the QB


US ARMY retired /mod.
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Plus, the team is 2-4 b/c of the team not the QB
now you have come to that conclusion ? but it was all KC's fault when he was here , right ?

you told everyone on this board that wince was the difference maker , that making the trade was the best thing since sliced bread and wince would give us 11 wins . you ridiculed anyone who begged to differ

how is it that duke and i saw the trade as fucked up but you couldnt ? others said the same thing like country

now you are pushing RR had no faith in falco . wow that earthshattering news as every poster on this board already knew that but that doesnt mean you panic and do stupid ass shit .

the fact is the trade was unnecessary and we told you this from day one . over pay ? it was stupid pay , why? because you could have claimed him on waivers or signed him without giving up anything

and boy if falco goes 2-2 or better then the trade will look even worse as wince certainly had better weapons and he couldnt move the needle

yes wince is a better qb , but he has NO UPSIDE as he does the same stupid shit as he always does . sure he will wow you with a laser down field but he will take unnecessary sacks and god can never climb or manipulate a pocket and he misses wide open wrs by poor accuracy or not seeing the field and forcing balls into coverage and not taking the easy 1st down


US ARMY retired /mod.
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It does matter. I agree we overpaid money wise a draft pick wise to get Wentz. b/c I thought it meant that RR had no faith in TH. IF RR had faith in TH he wouldn't of acquired Wentz and he never makes the trade offer for Wilson. I just thought with the acquisition of Wentz and the drafting of Howell it just said to me that RR had no faith in TH. No all of a sudden TH is starting., You think it is b/c he wants to save his job?
no i think he feels falco is a better option then howell , howell needs to sit and learn


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Sep 15, 2013
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so far wince hasnt proved to be much of an upgrade at all . we can be 2-4 with falco just as easy as we are with wince .

the trade was stupid and not needed if we had a FO that wasnt in panic mode and used some patience

it doesnt matter if RR didnt think falco was the answer . anyone watching knows what he is but as a so called professional i expect him to manipulate the system better with trades , and signings

we are looking at a 1 year rental and a guy who got less wins with better weapons then the stiff we had last year

if anyone thinks that the smaller howell (yes falco is bigger ) can take us to the playoffs this year then you are higher then a GA pine

falco wont either but he is by far much more proven , and we are still in the hunt (right now ) so you have to try to make the run

a few years ago i advocated that winning the division at 7-9 wasnt best for this team and i was roundly debated about that . well i was right the supposed bump never took place and now 2 years later the roles are reversed .

what ever happened to letting the rookie sit for a year and learn ? that BS lasted 6 fucking games . can we at least pretend to stick to a damn principle. ? if sty were here he would be saying the same thing , sit howell unless injury , for the 1st year

so yes start falco and at least go through the motions of turning this around
This 100%!!!!!!!!!


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now you have come to that conclusion ? but it was all KC's fault when he was here , right ?

you told everyone on this board that wince was the difference maker , that making the trade was the best thing since sliced bread and wince would give us 11 wins . you ridiculed anyone who begged to differ

how is it that duke and i saw the trade as fucked up but you couldnt ? others said the same thing like country

now you are pushing RR had no faith in falco . wow that earthshattering news as every poster on this board already knew that but that doesnt mean you panic and do stupid ass shit .

the fact is the trade was unnecessary and we told you this from day one . over pay ? it was stupid pay , why? because you could have claimed him on waivers or signed him without giving up anything

and boy if falco goes 2-2 or better then the trade will look even worse as wince certainly had better weapons and he couldnt move the needle

yes wince is a better qb , but he has NO UPSIDE as he does the same stupid shit as he always does . sure he will wow you with a laser down field but he will take unnecessary sacks and god can never climb or manipulate a pocket and he misses wide open wrs by poor accuracy or not seeing the field and forcing balls into coverage and not taking the easy 1st down

Im not playing Monday morning QB. The trade made us better at the QB position. The whole team is failing not just the QB position, I didnt care at the compensation as long as we got better at QB. YOu guys want to blame it all on Wentz. Its so obvious from your last post. By playing TH right now destroys RR theory on the QB position this offseason. We know what TH is. We dont know what Howell is.


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now you have come to that conclusion ? but it was all KC's fault when he was here , right ?

you told everyone on this board that wince was the difference maker , that making the trade was the best thing since sliced bread and wince would give us 11 wins . you ridiculed anyone who begged to differ

how is it that duke and i saw the trade as fucked up but you couldnt ? others said the same thing like country

now you are pushing RR had no faith in falco . wow that earthshattering news as every poster on this board already knew that but that doesnt mean you panic and do stupid ass shit .

the fact is the trade was unnecessary and we told you this from day one . over pay ? it was stupid pay , why? because you could have claimed him on waivers or signed him without giving up anything

and boy if falco goes 2-2 or better then the trade will look even worse as wince certainly had better weapons and he couldnt move the needle

yes wince is a better qb , but he has NO UPSIDE as he does the same stupid shit as he always does . sure he will wow you with a laser down field but he will take unnecessary sacks and god can never climb or manipulate a pocket and he misses wide open wrs by poor accuracy or not seeing the field and forcing balls into coverage and not taking the easy 1st down
I am not going to keep repeating myself and will say it one more time.

IF Rivera had ZERO confidence in TH...TH would have been cut period. Rivera is terrible at roster management, however, he has cut players before if they do not meet his expectations or to save cap space. Flowers is exhibit A.

Only one poster continues to "fake" confusion as everyone else understands why TH is starting. The same poster has LITERALLY been wrong on every single off-season prediction/thought they had. From 11 wins, to Turner's magic offense, to Rivera turning it around, to Wentz winning in the offense.

Sometimes fans simply cannot admit they are wrong or refuse to do so. Wentz was NEVER going to be the answer and the trade was idiotic from the get go. I have never played Monday Morning QB...

I said Rivera was a mistake
I said Wentz was not the answer
I said Turner was not a good OC and should not have been hired
I said the defense would be the biggest problem in 2022

Wentz is NOT the only reason why the offense stinks, it is multiple things. However, when he throws for 99 yards in a game, takes unnecessary sacks, and overthrows and underthrows receivers on a repeated basis, yes, it is on him. The truth of the matter is that the offense is worse under him that it was under all previous QBs per the numbers. Look it up, the offense is worse now from a production standpoint than in 2020 and 2021. I am tired of posting the same stats over and over again because a poster chooses to ignore facts and simple logic.