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Heat own Cleveland once again in Miami


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2014
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How can a fan of the Heat, who was 13 games behind the Cavaliers at the time this thread was created, make a troll post calling out a Cavalier fan?

because its how they operate-

go back and look at these guys posts- they are littered with anti Cleveland BS---- from posts saying the Cavs are delusional for even thinking LeBron would leave Miami- to stuff like this...

i just try and shrug it off as bitter grapes and the scrutiny that comes with a very good team.


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Jul 15, 2014
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Waiting patiently Wiggy to come in here and tell us how much the Heat suck

Again, I'm not basketball fan, but I just took a look at the standings and I'm trying to figure out why a Heat fan would need anyone to te
That's a bull shit cop-out and you know it. I never said anything about a Cleveland/Miami series either. In post #313, you said this:

Again, other than Wade not at 100% last night, who was missing from Miami that played in the 3/16/15 game? You started this thread, trolling Cleveland because Miami beat them. Now Cleveland returns the favor, yet you can't handle some trolling in return?

Yep. Seems like a textbook case of a guy that likes to dish it out but can't take it in return.


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Jul 15, 2014
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Maybe for this year we should rename ourselves the Everything About The City Of Cleveland Heat?
Everyone then would just know we were shitty.

Hahaha. I'm sorry I hurt your feelings, little fella.

Anyway, I just took a look at the NBA standings. Seems the Heat don't need to do much of anything to let everyone know they're shitty.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
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Again, I'm not basketball fan, but I just took a look at the standings and I'm trying to figure out why a Heat fan would need anyone to te

Yep. Seems like a textbook case of a guy that likes to dish it out but can't take it in return.

You 2 should exchange emails quickly cause I don't think either of you will be around here much longer.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2014
Suburb of Cleveland
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Now, I'm not a basketball fan, but from what you're telling me it seems the Heat are a shitty road team and a shitty home team. Why not cut out the extra words and just call them a shitty team?

more so than the Heat are a shitty road team- like the other poster said- they are really pretty much identical for all intents and purposes at home and on the road - well within a margin of error---- the Cavs really are just playing great ball at home- 17 wins in a row in Cleveland- that and they had 3 off days before this game to rest and practice....its no coicedence that Cleveland is a PERFECT 12-0 when they have more than 1 day rest before a game.---- if they are well rested and get ina practice to go over some things for their next opponent- they usually dominate- no matter who the opponent is- whether its a mediocre team like the Heat- or a very good team like the Griz or Dallas.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
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I don't have a dog in the fight either, I hate NBA basketball. I just love throwing shit back in people's faces when they initiate the trolling to begin with.

Now, I'm not a basketball fan, but from what you're telling me it seems the Heat are a shitty road team and a shitty home team. Why not cut out the extra words and just call them a shitty team?

Again, I'm not basketball fan,

And yet, here you both are, on the basketball boards commenting about a sport you hate/aren't a fan of. Interesting. I hate soccer and am not a tennis fan. Hence, I've never commented on or even visited those boards.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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more so than the Heat are a shitty road team- like the other poster said- they are really pretty much identical for all intents and purposes at home and on the road - well within a margin of error---- the Cavs really are just playing great ball at home- 17 wins in a row in Cleveland- that and they had 3 off days before this game to rest and practice....its no coicedence that Cleveland is a PERFECT 12-0 when they have more than 1 day rest before a game.---- if they are well rested and get ina practice to go over some things for their next opponent- they usually dominate- no matter who the opponent is- whether its a mediocre team like the Heat- or a very good team like the Griz or Dallas.

Start of the season we were pretty decent on the road and terrible at home.

Its been pretty much the opposite the last month or so, so it looks like it evened out.

As far as the highlighted part, I'm sure a lot of teams play better when all the circumstances to that are similar.

CHAMPIONSHIP teams can handle adversity.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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And yet, here you both are, on the basketball boards commenting about a sport you hate/aren't a fan of. Interesting. I hate soccer and am not a tennis fan. Hence, I've never commented on or even visited those boards.

PUSH the button.

Keep Wiggy though.
I want to see the Final meltdown or encyclopedia Britannica at seasons end.


Jul 28, 2010
Hoopla Cash
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You 2 should exchange emails quickly cause I don't think either of you will be around here much longer.
Why, because I'm trolling in an obvious troll thread?


Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2014
Cripple Creek
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And yet, here you both are, on the basketball boards commenting about a sport you hate/aren't a fan of. Interesting. I hate soccer and am not a tennis fan. Hence, I've never commented on or even visited those boards.

I'm the one that's not a basketball fan. I wouldn't think it would be too interesting that I'm here. I'm from the Cleveland area, so the Cavs are a pretty big deal around here, here's a thread that was clearly created to troll Cavs fans and has been on the homepage for weeks. Why wouldn't I be interested in it?

I'm not a fan of 3.7 million year old skeletons, but I checked out WhiteMamba's thread about them. I'm bored and browsing Sports SportsHoopla. Not sure why that'd be so interesting to you. In fact, I would think traffic, being the thing that fuels this machine, would be what you want. The fact that you don't is interesting to me.


Jul 28, 2010
Hoopla Cash
$ 34,232.13
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And yet, here you both are, on the basketball boards commenting about a sport you hate/aren't a fan of. Interesting. I hate soccer and am not a tennis fan. Hence, I've never commented on or even visited those boards.
Come on, this is clearly a troll thread, bksballer admitted as much.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,709.00
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I'm the one that's not a basketball fan. I wouldn't think it would be too interesting that I'm here. I'm from the Cleveland area, so the Cavs are a pretty big deal around here, here's a thread that was clearly created to troll Cavs fans and has been on the homepage for weeks. Why wouldn't I be interested in it?

I'm not a fan of 3.7 million year old skeletons, but I checked out WhiteMamba's thread about them. I'm bored and looking ant stories that interest me. Not sure why that'd be so interesting to you.

You're not a basketball fan and jeffro hates the NBA. Yet, here you both are. I get that the Cavs are a big deal in Cleveland, but you're not a basketball fan, so why would you care?

I live in SoCal and the L.A. Galaxy has won a couple of MLS titles or something in recent years. Yet, I've never felt compelled to post about it or even visit the soccer boards because I hate soccer.

I'm not a tennis fan. Recently, there was a big deal when Serena Williams (who started learning tennis while living in the L.A. area) returned to Indian Wells (about 40 minutes from my house). Yet, I didn't feel compelled to post on the tennis boards because I'm not a fan.

So, you wouldn't be interested because you're not a basketball fan.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,709.00
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Come on, this is clearly a troll thread, bksballer admitted as much.

Troll thread or not, you hate NBA basketball. So, why would you even be on the boards of a sport you hate? I couldn't tell you if there are troll threads on the soccer or tennis boards because I don't visit those boards.


Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2014
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I live in SoCal and the L.A. Galaxy has won a couple of MLS titles or something in recent years. Yet, I've never felt compelled to post about it or even visit the soccer boards because I hate soccer.

So, if while the Galaxy were busy winning one of their titles, and for weeks you continually saw a thread featured on the homepage that was clearly created with the sole purpose of trolling Galaxy fans, you wouldn't be the least bit interested?


Jul 28, 2010
Hoopla Cash
$ 34,232.13
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How many people hate the Olympics, but still watch when they come on?


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2014
Suburb of Cleveland
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Why, because I'm trolling in an obvious troll thread?
its obviously a troll thread name- i mean- look at it- at the same time- as a Cleveland fan- you know the Cavs are going to get every teams best shot- and there is a higher level of scrutiny you deal with when you are a championship contender Do i think its right? probably not- but if the Heat fans feel better about themselves because they got a home win vs. the Cavs thats fine- The Cavs have a lot bigger fish to fry.--- and it was pretty awesome to see 2 of the guys they criticize on the Cavs the most- Shumpert and Thompson- play absolutely amazing and destroy their counterparts on the opposing bench while knocking the Heat into an 8th place TIE with a Boston team who was not even trying to compete this year.


Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2014
Cripple Creek
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Troll thread or not, you hate NBA basketball. So, why would you even be on the boards of a sport you hate? I couldn't tell you if there are troll threads on the soccer or tennis boards because I don't visit those boards.

This one is featured on the homepage quite a bit.

I'm surprised that what I've done on this thread would even remotely justify banning me, or even threatening it.

I haven't said anything on this thread that basketballer68 didn't say himself and he's the one that created this trolling thread.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,709.00
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So, if while the Galaxy were busy winning one of their titles, and for weeks you continually saw a thread featured on the homepage that was clearly created with the sole purpose of trolling Galaxy fans, you wouldn't be the least bit interested?

No. Why would I be? I hate soccer. I see a lot of threads that are featured on the homepage that I never click on because they don't interest me and/or I'm not a fan of that sport. For that matter, there are plenty of threads on the sports that I actually DO care about that I never open or comment on because the topic or team isn't one that I care about.


Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2014
Cripple Creek
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I live in SoCal and the L.A. Galaxy has won a couple of MLS titles or something in recent years. Yet, I've never felt compelled to post about it or even visit the soccer boards because I hate soccer.

I'm not a tennis fan. Recently, there was a big deal when Serena Williams (who started learning tennis while living in the L.A. area) returned to Indian Wells (about 40 minutes from my house). Yet, I didn't feel compelled to post on the tennis boards because I'm not a fan.

Also, I'm pretty sure LeBron and the Cavs are an infinitely bigger deal here in Cleveland than a soccer team or tennis match is in southern California.