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Heat own Cleveland once again in Miami


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,709.00
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This one is featured on the homepage quite a bit.

I'm surprised that what I've done on this thread would even remotely justify banning me, or even threatening it.

I haven't said anything on this thread that basketballer68 didn't say himself and he's the one that created this trolling thread.

Show me where I threatened to ban you. I'll wait.

Just seems like a waste of time to be in here commenting on a sport that you are not a fan of and injecting yourself into something that you really don't know the history of.

This thread was directed at Wiggy and Wiggy only and it's well deserved based on his posting history here.

Once again, why are you commenting in a thread on a sport that you claim to "not be a fan of"?


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2014
Suburb of Cleveland
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I'm the one that's not a basketball fan. I wouldn't think it would be too interesting that I'm here. I'm from the Cleveland area, so the Cavs are a pretty big deal around here, here's a thread that was clearly created to troll Cavs fans and has been on the homepage for weeks. Why wouldn't I be interested in it?

I'm not a fan of 3.7 million year old skeletons, but I checked out WhiteMamba's thread about them. I'm bored and browsing Sports SportsHoopla. Not sure why that'd be so interesting to you. In fact, I would think traffic, being the thing that fuels this machine, would be what you want. The fact that you don't is interesting to me.

you are right - the Cavs are a really big deal in Cleveland- but also- the Cavs are a really big deal EVERYWHERE right now.

Name me a team in the NBA with a higher profile? There isn't one.

When you have LeBron James- that just comes with the territory- add in 2 other high profile multi-time all stars in Love and Kyrie- and have it all come together at once- with a high profile owner who spends whatever it takes- the CAvs are a big deal everywhere

not one team had more National TV games this year- and not one team draws more attention from the media. The Cavs attract attention and scrutiny unlike any other team in the NBA right now- and maybe more than any team in pro-sports besides...hmmm...New England Patriots?, maybe a couple others? id say the Sox or Yanks but both are down right now--


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Jul 15, 2014
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For that matter, there are plenty of threads on the sports that I actually DO care about that I never open or comment on because the topic or team isn't one that I care about.

So you're suggesting that because Ive' opened this thread, that perhaps I do, in fact, care about the Cavs. You might be right. I'll have to consider that.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2014
Suburb of Cleveland
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Also, I'm pretty sure LeBron and the Cavs are an infinitely bigger deal here in Cleveland than a soccer team or tennis match is in southern California.
the Cavs arent just big in Clevlenad- they are big across the whole entire country-

name me a pro-sports franchise that draws more scrutiny, interest etc.---- like i said- maybe the New England Patriots? anyone else?


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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Also, I'm pretty sure LeBron and the Cavs are an infinitely bigger deal here in Cleveland than a soccer team or tennis match is in southern California.

And that matters why? Serena returning to Indian Wells was a huge deal in this area. A lot of it was because she hadn't played there in over a decade because of how she was treated by fans when she first played there. It was all over the news and the front page of the local paper.

Yet, I still didn't bother to go to the tennis boards to comment on it. Why? Because I'm not a fan of the sport.


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Show me where I threatened to ban you. I'll wait.

You have not threatened to ban me. The other guy, who I realize has no power whatsoever, did. Sorry you thought I was blaming you for the threat.

However, you're clearly implying that I shouldn't be on this thread, which I don't really understand.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,709.00
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So you're suggesting that because Ive' opened this thread, that perhaps I do, in fact, care about the Cavs. You might be right. I'll have to consider that.

Or, you were bored and looking for an opportunity to troll. If you actually do care about the Cavs, then feel free to keep posting (but perhaps you should look into the history of why this thread was created). If you're just looking for an opportunity to troll, then it would be best if you just move on to something that you do care about.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,709.00
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You have not threatened to ban me. The other guy, who I realize has no power whatsoever, did. Sorry you thought I was blaming you for the threat.

However, you're clearly implying that I shouldn't be on this thread, which I don't really understand.

Actually, I'm just asking questions. I'm always curious when someone opens a post with "I hate...." or "I'm not a fan of..." and then feels compelled to comment anyway. When a post is started with those types of statements, it's typically someone looking to stir up trouble, not someone who actually knows much about what they're commenting on.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2014
Suburb of Cleveland
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So you're suggesting that because Ive' opened this thread, that perhaps I do, in fact, care about the Cavs. You might be right. I'll have to consider that.

keep in mind- that game was the Heat's "Super Bowl" and high point of their season. As a Cavs fan- they can have it....like i said- much bigger fish to fry and concern ourselves with at this point.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,709.00
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keep in mind- that game was the Heat's "Super Bowl" and high point of their season. As a Cavs fan- they can have it....like i said- much bigger fish to fry and concern ourselves with at this point.

Yep, you need to be working on your 250,000 word essay on how the Cavs, despite all of the moves they made, weren't in title or bust mode so that you can post it as soon as they are eliminated. :dance:


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2014
Suburb of Cleveland
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Yep, you need to be working on your 250,000 word essay on how the Cavs, despite all of the moves they made, weren't in title or bust mode so that you can post it as soon as they are eliminated. :dance:

well if the Cavs make it to the Finals and arent eliminated till the last game of the entire season I couldnt say they were a failure of a team- a lot of teams were eliminated months and months beforehand and would love to be eliminated on the last day of the season.

If the Cavs make the Finals and lose a hard fought series to a team that is roughly equally talented- id say they did some very good things this year.....considering if Dwade actually shows against the Spurs and LeBron stays none of this would have been possible at all- and the Cavs would likely have been eliminated sometime in May or even earlier- like a TON of teams already have been this year.


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Jul 15, 2014
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Or, you were bored and looking for an opportunity to troll. If you actually do care about the Cavs, then feel free to keep posting (but perhaps you should look into the history of why this thread was created). If you're just looking for an opportunity to troll, then it would be best if you just move on to something that you do care about.

I may not be a fan of basketball, but I probably do care about the Cavs to some extent. Regardless, the thread caught my interest. Maybe this thread could be the catalyst to me becoming a basketball/Cavs fan. I don't see why you'd try to make me uncomfortable on this thread.

Even if I was trolling (which I was not), why would a moderator defend one guy who's trolling while chastising another?


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Apr 16, 2013
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What's funny is that Miami has only won 2 more games at home than they have on the road. But clearly they are a better team at home than on the road.

This why people who hate basketball/don't watch should avoid commenting. Miami were a good road team early in the year & a shitty home team. They won 4 road games since the start of February while they have won 8 of their last 10 home games. We have not played solid on the road since the end of June


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,709.00
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I may not be a fan of basketball, but I probably do care about the Cavs to some extent. Regardless, the thread caught my interest. Maybe this thread could be the catalyst to me becoming a basketball/Cavs fan. I don't see why you'd try to make me uncomfortable on this thread.

Even if I was trolling (which I was not), why would a moderator defend one guy who's trolling while chastising another?

As I said, you should look into the history of why this thread was created. Wiggy had it coming and continues to feed it. If he can't figure that out, or likes it, that's on him.


Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2014
Cripple Creek
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Actually, I'm just asking questions. I'm always curious when someone opens a post with "I hate...." or "I'm not a fan of..." and then feels compelled to comment anyway. When a post is started with those types of statements, it's typically someone looking to stir up trouble, not someone who actually knows much about what they're commenting on.

Similarly, I was curious why a fan of a losing team created a thread trying to shit on the Cavs and why it was drawing enough attention to be high only the homepage for weeks.