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Has the statute of limitations run out for Peyton's sexual assault?


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The act was bad but is forgivable. The destroying the ladies career is not. This is lance Armstrong-Ryan Braun bullshit


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What it shows is just how easy all this shit is. Just say it and it's true in today's world.

Brady+Spygate+Deflategate = Manning+HGH+Sexual Assault

Offsetting penalties, replay the down!


C'mon page 18~

Besides Hammer, we already saw the proof that you're not actually a Manning fan so what do you care? Oh, it's my little equation above isn't it?

I don't even like Peyton Manning! :whistle:


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Heres an older article from 2003 about the incident

USATODAY.com - Trainer has backers in suit against Mannings

Good news for Manning this story is drawing attention from his wifes ped use :noidea: she needed the hgh to recover from her 4 neck surgeries and the witness intimidation that followed.

Let me guess? You're a fan of the 6th round doughboy pick from Michigan and somehow it makes him look less of a bum if you revile Peyton Manning?



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Florio is right that #4 in KING: Facts prove no witch hunt against Peyton Manning is seriously ridiculous. And I don't understand how somebody purporting to be a journalist can be that ignorant about the law.

Even so -- there's a lot of sworn testimony directly contradicting what the Mannings said, wrote or told their ghostwriter.

As for how serious this is -- it's one thing to do badly misbehave toward a woman when you're college age. It's another thing to keep harassing her afterwards. Peyton was, by all evidence, a major jerk.

That still leaves him better, of course, than a lot of athletes who have pasts as violent criminals, or at least than the unrepentant ones.


Troll Boy Extraordinaire
May 1, 2013
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Florio is right that #4 in KING: Facts prove no witch hunt against Peyton Manning is seriously ridiculous. And I don't understand how somebody purporting to be a journalist can be that ignorant about the law.

Even so -- there's a lot of sworn testimony directly contradicting what the Mannings said, wrote or told their ghostwriter.

As for how serious this is -- it's one thing to do badly misbehave toward a woman when you're college age. It's another thing to keep harassing her afterwards. Peyton was, by all evidence, a major jerk.

That still leaves him better, of course, than a lot of athletes who have pasts as violent criminals, or at least than the unrepentant ones.
He's not a journalist, nor does he want to be. He's just a guy who is either willfully ignorant of what he's writing about, or he doesn't care that what he says isn't true as long as it furthers his agenda. Considering what we know about his past, I'd say the latter is more likely.


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Florio is right that #4 in KING: Facts prove no witch hunt against Peyton Manning is seriously ridiculous. And I don't understand how somebody purporting to be a journalist can be that ignorant about the law.

Even so -- there's a lot of sworn testimony directly contradicting what the Mannings said, wrote or told their ghostwriter.

As for how serious this is -- it's one thing to do badly misbehave toward a woman when you're college age. It's another thing to keep harassing her afterwards. Peyton was, by all evidence, a major jerk.

That still leaves him better, of course, than a lot of athletes who have pasts as violent criminals, or at least than the unrepentant ones.

I have to believe Peyton had seen a manuscript or something before the book came out, so I can't give him a 100% pass on the harassing part, but Archie apparently spearheaded this book idea...no clue as to who sent it to the woman's job, but all of that part of this story is why you can't have much empathy for Manning.

This story was buried until that book surfaced.


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He's not a journalist, nor does he want to be. He's just a guy who is either willfully ignorant of what he's writing about, or he doesn't care that what he says isn't true as long as it furthers his agenda. Considering what we know about his past, I'd say the latter is more likely.

Yep - I would consider him a glorified comment poster or twitter user (or kind of like one of us on this forum). The New York Daily News must be one pathetic newspaper at this time.


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I have to believe Peyton had seen a manuscript or something before the book came out, so I can't give him a 100% pass on the harassing part, but Archie apparently spearheaded this book idea...no clue as to who sent it to the woman's job, but all of that part of this story is why you can't have much empathy for Manning.

This story was buried until that book surfaced.

& didn't that book also come out ages ago? Crazy that this is being brought to light now simply because some baby can't handle the fact that someone had the gall to criticize the almighty Cam Newton.


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I have to believe Peyton had seen a manuscript or something before the book came out, so I can't give him a 100% pass on the harassing part, but Archie apparently spearheaded this book idea...no clue as to who sent it to the woman's job, but all of that part of this story is why you can't have much empathy for Manning.

This story was buried until that book surfaced.

Yeah, That book raised the dead. Gotta wonder why the Mannings, Archie, whoever, even put the incident in the book. It makes no sense regardless of what angle you come at with.


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& didn't that book also come out ages ago? Crazy that this is being brought to light now simply because some baby can't handle the fact that someone had the gall to criticize the almighty Cam Newton.

Yep...the book was published in '00 or '01...there was a lawsuit that supposedly settled out of court in '05, and some counter suits filed...so...roughly a decade from any activity on this until now.

That ass wipe of a writer (being kind calling him a writer...really a hack) and that fish wrap probably have protection from a lawsuit...but trying to dredge up a "culture" from the early 90s at UT Knox is laughable.


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I have to believe Peyton had seen a manuscript or something before the book came out, so I can't give him a 100% pass on the harassing part, but Archie apparently spearheaded this book idea...no clue as to who sent it to the woman's job, but all of that part of this story is why you can't have much empathy for Manning.

This story was buried until that book surfaced.

That's the stupid/evil part by the Manning family. The case settled and buried but they brought it up again in the book to protect the legacy. And they did it by trashing the reputation of the victim.

The kind of harassment Manning did WAS seen as "boys will be stupid boys" kind of crap back then (and our attitudes have changed since then) but the harassment of the victim is not.

The Mannings could have kept it buried but chose not to.


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Nov 30, 2013
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Homey, whatever it is you're paying for the dope you're smoking, it ain't enough. Peyton rode a wave by Denver's defense and STs to a victory. He didn't orchestrate shit. The Def scored Den's 1st TD and set up the 2nd one at Carolina's 4 yd line. Denver's off was TJ Ward tripping over his own feet away from not scoring at all in the Super Bowl. The Broncs had another scoring drive, a FG, that went all of 4 plays for -1 yd which was set up by a 61 yd pt ret by Norwood to Car's 14 yd ln...Den's defense only scored 1 TD, Manning orchestrated the rest....STFU n GTFOH with that ass backwards, nonsensical, high from the fumes of super-gluing yourself to the most wrinkled skin of PM's nutsack bullshit.

I ain't your homey, and your point is flawed because fact is at this point in his career, PM is not as physically talented as MeCam, but he is way smarter, and using his defensive power, he managed to get 24 points on the board and that's the only thing that matters...
MeCam and that vaunted D got them enough 3 and outs, and good field position enough times for them to score a lot more points but Super Man couldn't get the job done....
You know what his problem was, the same as all read option flash in the pan QB's, they can't make the reads fast enough with pressure and they don't know anything but run with it....
Denver knew it and just kept the pressure on him, and ultimately MeCam was the glaring reason why they lost the game, a game they were favored to win and lost by 14 points...
Quit making excuses for that phony hype machine, he would spit in your face as quick as look at you....
Bottom line is, PM got the job done with all the help around him and MeCam had the same chance but failed...
Winner, PM.....Case closed !!!!:nod:


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I ain't your homey, and your point is flawed because fact is at this point in his career, PM is not as physically talented as MeCam, but he is way smarter, and using his defensive power, he managed to get 24 points on the board and that's the only thing that matters...
MeCam and that vaunted D got them enough 3 and outs, and good field position enough times for them to score a lot more points but Super Man couldn't get the job done....
You know what his problem was, the same as all read option flash in the pan QB's, they can't make the reads fast enough with pressure and they don't know anything but run with it....
Denver knew it and just kept the pressure on him, and ultimately MeCam was the glaring reason why they lost the game, a game they were favored to win and lost by 14 points...
Quit making excuses for that phony hype machine, he would spit in your face as quick as look at you....
Bottom line is, PM got the job done with all the help around him and MeCam had the same chance but failed...
Winner, PM.....Case closed !!!!:nod:

I looked at a lot your back and forth here and certainly respect your knowledge the game OC.

Both QBs struggled. If you want to say Manning struggled less and therefore played better...I can buy that.

FWIW...we can only credit the DEN OFC with 17 points as their DEF scored the 1st TD, and they should have gotten most of the credit for the last TD.

IMO...Cam did fail as you said, but the difference in this game...Shula ran what they ran for the previous 18 games...some read option, 5 & 7 step drop pass patterns. DEN simply matched up man to man on the pass patterns and came after Cam hard and heavy...perfect storm DEF vs what they ran offensively.
Jul 1, 2015
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Manning sexually assaulted a Tennessee athletic trainer 20 years ago. This is now being reported as news.


Its been common knowledge for two decades.

If the Steelers win the Superbowl next year, will there be breaking news about Milledgeville??


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Mostly because people were mean to Cam...


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Manning sexually assaulted a Tennessee athletic trainer 20 years ago. This is now being reported as news.


Its been common knowledge for two decades.

If the Steelers win the Superbowl next year, will there be breaking news about Milledgeville??

I'm going to go out on a limb and say because of the lawsuit...


Troll Boy Extraordinaire
May 1, 2013
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Mostly because people were mean to Cam...
Pretty much. Shaun King didn't like how people criticized Cam, so he wrote this story to criticize Manning.

What blows my mind the most about this is it's not like it was hidden. I mean it's been on Manning's wikipedia page for forever.


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Nov 30, 2013
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I looked at a lot your back and forth here and certainly respect your knowledge the game OC.

Both QBs struggled. If you want to say Manning struggled less and therefore played better...I can buy that.

FWIW...we can only credit the DEN OFC with 17 points as their DEF scored the 1st TD, and they should have gotten most of the credit for the last TD.

IMO...Cam did fail as you said, but the difference in this game...Shula ran what they ran for the previous 18 games...some read option, 5 & 7 step drop pass patterns. DEN simply matched up man to man on the pass patterns and came after Cam hard and heavy...perfect storm DEF vs what they ran offensively.

I understand and respect your view as well....I guess I could've said it like this; PM's turnovers weren't inside their own 10 yard line like 2 of Cam's if I remember right, so in essence setting up easy scores which one was automatic....
All the hype was on MeCam's ability to run or throw and that there was no way to defend him, he was the new breed QB that set the standard for the future, and with that D and his ability to take the team on his shoulders, there was no hope for old 39 yr old injure ridden broken down PM to match the new QB whisperer.....
I knew PM's belches were smarter than Super Hype, and that D would give him opportunities to score, and he did lead them to 3 scores that was enough by themselves to out do the league MVPitiful....
Called it, loved it....Now the embarrassed hype victims have only one recourse, divert attention to PM's 1 accused incident 20 yrs ago in college....Sad and classless, but no surprise here, my friend !! :nod:


Feb 1, 2016
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It's simply too late for anyone to make a dent when it comes to Peyton Manning. We all see the class act that he is, the passion for the game. Anyone playing....HGH, so 20 years ago.....need an ass kicking for being stupid.


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If we all got charged with sexual assault every time we put our anus and nut sack on a woman's face... wouldn't we all be in prison right now?