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Has the statute of limitations run out for Peyton's sexual assault?


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Winston was accused of raping a woman. Flashing your dong at a woman isn't quite the same thing.

"No! I'm certain that Peyton raped her!" - dumbass @Irish7478 (notorious Brady knobberslockerer) :rolleyes2:


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16 pages and counting.

This is hilarious.

Its should be humiliating for Pats fans.

Shows your character as a fanbase, doesn't it, Homer? :L


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"No! I'm certain that Peyton raped her!" - dumbass @Irish7478 (notorious Brady knobberslockerer) :rolleyes2:

FYI, I have always liked Peyton Manning. Half my family went to UT, and I got to see him play in Knoxville twice. I think Brady is a cheater and think that anyone who thinks he wasn't intimately involved in deflategate is an idiot. I think they have been bending rules for Brady for years, so the idea that I in any way like Brady is a complete joke. Apparently, if I don't think that Peyton Manning is the greatest QB of all time, I am automatically a Brady lover.

Also apparently the idea that Peyton could do something wrong is grounds to be considered a Brady lover. This is starting to get comical. Evidently I was wrong when I thought Brady fans were the most delusional fans in the country, Peyton Manning fans are in the same mold.


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You know if a topic on Peyton doing something 20 years ago can get 17 pages I wonder how many I could get if I started a topic on OJ Simpson.


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Manning out played the MVP of the buddy system, MeCam....That's what I was talking about and directing it all to the bro QB bandwagon fans like Shaun King....Jason Whitlock already put his stuff in the street, he is a low caliber journalist that uses race to promote himself, and his own story about himself growing up has been deemed false...
He's a hack looking for a name, and a racist.....
And as far as Luck, Wilson, MeCam etc., when they have 17 yrs in and have records out the ying yang, without any professional blemishes, I'd stand for them too, but MeCam is gonna be a short story and a hard fall imo...

Disagree on Manning outplaying Cam. Both had 1 INT and 2 fumbles, but I thought Cam's INT, which went right through Ginn's hands, should've been a catch. Crotchery(sp) I believe it was also dropped 2 passes, both would've been huge plays and both were on the money by Cam far as accuracy. I don't recall any drops by Broncos WRs.

Peyton's best drive of the game led to a FG. Cam's best led to a TD. The squad that played the best overall and made the biggest plays though were the Denver defense.

If you wanna say Peyton made the least bigger mistakes and thereby played better. I'm OK with that.

The Oldtimer

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You know if a topic on Peyton doing something 20 years ago can get 17 pages I wonder how many I could get if I started a topic on OJ Simpson.
It has been tried years ago, please don't go there again.

The Oldtimer

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Disagree on Manning outplaying Cam. Both had 1 INT and 2 fumbles, but I thought Cam's INT, which went right through Ginn's hands, should've been a catch. Crotchery(sp) I believe it was also dropped 2 passes, both would've been huge plays and both were on the money by Cam far as accuracy. I don't recall any drops by Broncos WRs.

Peyton's best drive of the game led to a FG. Cam's best led to a TD. The squad that played the best overall and made the biggest plays though were the Denver defense.

If you wanna say Peyton made the least bigger mistakes and thereby played better. I'm OK with that.
Did you watch the play when Miller took the ball right out of Cam hands? How about the play where Cam got the ball stripped from him and he refused to dive on the ball? The difference was Manning lost 1 fumble and Cam lost two.


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Nov 30, 2013
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Disagree on Manning outplaying Cam. Both had 1 INT and 2 fumbles, but I thought Cam's INT, which went right through Ginn's hands, should've been a catch. Crotchery(sp) I believe it was also dropped 2 passes, both would've been huge plays and both were on the money by Cam far as accuracy. I don't recall any drops by Broncos WRs.

Peyton's best drive of the game led to a FG. Cam's best led to a TD. The squad that played the best overall and made the biggest plays though were the Denver defense.

If you wanna say Peyton made the least bigger mistakes and thereby played better. I'm OK with that.

Well the defense put him in position as they are supposed to do, Carolina has a very good D also, so point is PM didn't make as crucial mistakes as MeCam and managed to put more points on the board.....You can give all the credit to the D if you want but they only actually put 7 points on the board and PM orchestrated the rest....You could take away that 7 and they still would have enough to win by 7.....
There's no excuses, when you have the talent, the odds, the MVP accolades , 12 yrs of youth on your side and everyone saying, he can't be stopped....Well guess what, he was, and embarrassingly so to boot.....


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Disagree on Manning outplaying Cam. Both had 1 INT and 2 fumbles, but I thought Cam's INT, which went right through Ginn's hands, should've been a catch. Crotchery(sp) I believe it was also dropped 2 passes, both would've been huge plays and both were on the money by Cam far as accuracy. I don't recall any drops by Broncos WRs.

Peyton's best drive of the game led to a FG. Cam's best led to a TD. The squad that played the best overall and made the biggest plays though were the Denver defense.

If you wanna say Peyton made the least bigger mistakes and thereby played better. I'm OK with that.

Peyton's only mistake was an INT that was 1 handed by a 275 pound Defensive End, not exactly a pass that is caught by most people. Also while Cam did have a few passes dropped he still had a completion rate of 43%, even if you give him a few of the dropped passes he's still about 50% which is where is Cam normally was this season.

Also Cam's problem is he doesn't know how to put a little touch on the football everything is a dart from him. While I agree Ginn and Cotchery aren't great receivers and they did drop a few passes if Cam knew how to place the football instead of throwing a rocket every time things might have been a little different. As we saw on his INT if he throws it softly instead of a rocket it's either caught by Ginn or at least knocked down and not picked off.

I'd take Peyton's flying ducks over Cam's lasers anyday because Peyton knows the right type of pass to throw in the right situation, Cam doesn't and that's where he struggled.

Peyton played things safe but even when he didn't he still played better.
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Well the defense put him in position as they are supposed to do, Carolina has a very good D also, so point is PM didn't make as crucial mistakes as MeCam and managed to put more points on the board.....You can give all the credit to the D if you want but they only actually put 7 points on the board and PM orchestrated the rest....You could take away that 7 and they still would have enough to win by 7.....
There's no excuses, when you have the talent, the odds, the MVP accolades , 12 yrs of youth on your side and everyone saying, he can't be stopped....Well guess what, he was, and embarrassingly so to boot.....

Homey, whatever it is you're paying for the dope you're smoking, it ain't enough. Peyton rode a wave by Denver's defense and STs to a victory. He didn't orchestrate shit. The Def scored Den's 1st TD and set up the 2nd one at Carolina's 4 yd line. Denver's off was TJ Ward tripping over his own feet away from not scoring at all in the Super Bowl. The Broncs had another scoring drive, a FG, that went all of 4 plays for -1 yd which was set up by a 61 yd pt ret by Norwood to Car's 14 yd ln...Den's defense only scored 1 TD, Manning orchestrated the rest....STFU n GTFOH with that ass backwards, nonsensical, high from the fumes of super-gluing yourself to the most wrinkled skin of PM's nutsack bullshit.


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Peyton's only mistake was an INT that was 1 handed by a 275 pound Defensive End, not exactly a pass that is caught by most people. Also while Cam did have a few passes dropped he still had a completion rate of 43%, even if you give him a few of the dropped passes he's still about 50% which is where is Cam normally was this season.

Also Cam's problem is he doesn't know how to put a little touch on the football everything is a dart from him. While I agree Ginn and Cotchery aren't great receivers and they did drop a few passes if Cam knew how to place the football instead of throwing a rocket every time things might have been a little different. As we saw on his INT if he throws it softly instead of a rocket it's either caught by Ginn or at least knocked down and not picked off.

I'd take Peyton's flying ducks over Cam's lasers anyday because Peyton knows the right type of pass to throw in the right situation, Cam doesn't and that's where he struggled.

Peyton played things safe but even when he didn't he still played better.

Agree on Cam's lack of touch on passes, but I didn't see that as an issue on the 2 drops by Crotchery, possibly on the drop by Ginn though. I still think Ginn should've caught it though, but didn't as he was more worried about where Ward or Den's other safety was.

Hey, I'm fine with anyone believing or saying Manning outplayed Cam because he made less mistakes than Cam. Sometimes that's what a game can come down to. And Cam made some HUGE mistakes on both his fumbles...HUGE! And that was a straight up triflin, ass poopbutt, big ol, pussy move by Cam for not trying to recover that 2nd fumble w/o question.

But lets not act or pretend like Manning was ballin or that he directed, led, or orchestrated the Broncos to victory cuz he didn't. Peyton and the Denver offense were the beneficiaries with the Denver Def led by Von and Norwood's 61 yd pt ret being the benefactors in that game.


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The Manning's definitely brought it back out and only have themselves to blame but they then paid to have it shut again. Like I said if she tries to come out now and bring this into the public eye then the Manning's can go after her just like she did to them. If the Manning's find out she had anything to do with these court documents being released then yeah there can be criminal charges brought against her.

Now I will say though that when it was reopened and she changed her tune of what happened that to me was about her trying to get a lot more money. When you look at her history of lawsuits against famous people not to criminally charge them but sue them for money you see this pattern where she goes after them for the smallest thing knowing they will eventually settle. The ones who haven't settled against her have actually won their cases.

Changing the story does paint her in a bad light...the only way to rebut that is to counter...so you can't blame Manning for going back after her...but if pappa had left well enough alone, the would be buried. The hack media guy obviously got the party late, but I don't get the sense he just unearthed this story...somebody fed it to him more than likely.


Apr 28, 2013
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or his wife has a injury or condition that requires her to take HGH.

Do you think before you type?

Pregnant women don't get drugs from outside sources. She'd get it from her own dr. if it was legit. Even a baby understands this.


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Its should be humiliating for Pats fans.

Shows your character as a fanbase, doesn't it, Homer? :L

What it shows is just how easy all this shit is. Just say it and it's true in today's world.

Brady+Spygate+Deflategate = Manning+HGH+Sexual Assault

Offsetting penalties, replay the down!


C'mon page 18~

Besides Hammer, we already saw the proof that you're not actually a Manning fan so what do you care? Oh, it's my little equation above isn't it?


Lions Homer
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Even Elway draws the line at r*pe.

Oh well. Unless you are totally joking you are about as bad as the lame reporter/blogger. It wasn't r*pe - cmon. It was also almost 20 years ago & the blogger didn't convey everything accurately. Supposedly this was also supposed to be under wraps.

If there is truly some type of legal case here then by all means go after Manning, but I doubt it for numerous reasons. Please let's be objective & make a case against anyone for valid reasons. However - don't fuel this simply because you don't like Manning, love Cam Newton or are a Pats fan who always feels the need to stick up for Brady by attacking players from rival teams. Pretty lame.


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Agree on Cam's lack of touch on passes, but I didn't see that as an issue on the 2 drops by Crotchery, possibly on the drop by Ginn though. I still think Ginn should've caught it though, but didn't as he was more worried about where Ward or Den's other safety was.

Hey, I'm fine with anyone believing or saying Manning outplayed Cam because he made less mistakes than Cam. Sometimes that's what a game can come down to. And Cam made some HUGE mistakes on both his fumbles...HUGE! And that was a straight up triflin, ass poopbutt, big ol, pussy move by Cam for not trying to recover that 2nd fumble w/o question.

But lets not act or pretend like Manning was ballin or that he directed, led, or orchestrated the Broncos to victory cuz he didn't. Peyton and the Denver offense were the beneficiaries with the Denver Def led by Von and Norwood's 61 yd pt ret being the benefactors in that game.

I would expect a DEN fan to support Manning, but I agree with you...this game was decided by the DEF...Miller was the clearcut MVP of the game...if we want to say Manning "outplayed" Cam because he made fewer mistakes...I can go with that as well because they won the game, but we all know Manning was along for the ride....and I'm a Manning fan.