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Has the statute of limitations run out for Peyton's sexual assault?


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Shaun King doubles down in his crusade against Peyton Manning

Wow - Florio coming down really hard on this King nutjob. Trust me - I really don't like Florio & he will be the first one to sling mud at anyone if there is even a hint of truth to it. He exposes this punk as the complete fraud that he has always been.
Florio broke it down pretty well there, although I did get a laugh out of this line.

He has taken the criticism directed at him very personally (which is always a mistake),

Really, Florio? You're criticizing someone else for taking something personally? Have you heard of irony?


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Shaun King doubles down in his crusade against Peyton Manning

Wow - Florio coming down really hard on this King nutjob. Trust me - I really don't like Florio & he will be the first one to sling mud at anyone if there is even a hint of truth to it. He exposes this punk as the complete fraud that he has always been.

Pretty easy to see that King really did very little research for this case. He took what he got from an email from some random person and presented it like it was completely true. He gave very little thought of what his actions could mean and honestly it wouldn't surprise me to see Manning and his lawyers go after King and the New York Daily news for defamation of character for presenting something that was actually sealed by the courts when the issue was settled. And Florio is right that King's jumping to conclusions on what the judge meant show a real lack of understanding the court system. Either that or he understands the court system but chose to write in a very exaggerated way because he knew it would get more clicks.


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Jul 9, 2013
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So the reason you haven't heard Manning's side of the story is his side hasn't actually released their documents from the court case.
He also painted Naughright as the righteous amazing professional when she has been known to have a big time profane mouth just like Manning said she did and she has had quite a few lawsuits throughout the years especially against famous people.

I've had a chance to go back thru this now...at the end of the day PM admitted what he did was wrong...once the girl took the cash from UT Knoxville...this really was over...to my knowledge she had moved on...until pappa Manning tried to "tell" their side of the story w/o naming names. Essentially he re-opened the can of worms that UT paid to have closed on their behalf. Whatever happened after that...the Mannings brought on themselves.

As far as these other women jumping on the bandwagon talking about a "culture" at TN in the mid to early 90s...I can buy that, but not now, not even 10 yrs ago....that looks like a cash grab.


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Let me help you. This is not the formerly skinny QB from the Bucs. This Shaun King is a 36 yr old white guy from Kentucky pretending to be a black guy. He looks predominately white & both of his parents are white. What a nutjob. By all means have it & go after Manning & something that happened almost 20 yrs ago & was previously settled.

After all - according to some - the only way to clear up Cam Newton's now fractured reputation is to go after his peers like Manning. It couldn't say be fixed by Newton acting like a man & clearing up his reputation on his own or say by his misguided followers just pointing out the good things Newton does & not trying to sling mud at others in the NFL. What a bunch of whack jobs.

OK on King and I'm not trying to defend him here, but I'm not sure he went after Manning so much as somebody waved a carrot in front of his face. Regardless of that, if this story had been re-born recently than if not King it would've been somebody else imo.

I agree on Cam.And if King came out with this story strictly as a way to go after Manning in some funky tit for tat. That's garbage.


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I'm completely with you on this. I do think Manning did something wrong. I just don't know to what extent. If it was just him mooning her or farting in her face then to me not like most of us on here haven't done something like that at some point. That seems like pretty typical high school/college stuff for a boy to do. If it was that he actually stuck his genitals on her face and then tried to intimidate her and others to lie then yeah I won't feel for him getting what is coming. Sometimes it truly is where the cover up is worse than the crime itself.

At this point though we have nowhere near the whole story and honestly I doubt we ever do. Both sides to me sound like they have exaggerated their side of the story to win the case. It was settled though so like I said I doubt we get the full picture as it is a he said/she said situation.

Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if the full story never came out. If Naughright or any of the women are simply gold digging. Chances are pretty decent that even if Manning and UT aren't guilty. They'll view paying hush money as the easiest and most prudent avenue. I hope not though if the women are only seeking cash and if UT and Manning are guilty. I wouldn't be mad if the women pursue it and bring out into the light.


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I've had a chance to go back thru this now...at the end of the day PM admitted what he did was wrong...once the girl took the cash from UT Knoxville...this really was over...to my knowledge she had moved on...until pappa Manning tried to "tell" their side of the story w/o naming names. Essentially he re-opened the can of worms that UT paid to have closed on their behalf. Whatever happened after that...the Mannings brought on themselves.

As far as these other women jumping on the bandwagon talking about a "culture" at TN in the mid to early 90s...I can buy that, but not now, not even 10 yrs ago....that looks like a cash grab.

The Manning's definitely brought it back out and only have themselves to blame but they then paid to have it shut again. Like I said if she tries to come out now and bring this into the public eye then the Manning's can go after her just like she did to them. If the Manning's find out she had anything to do with these court documents being released then yeah there can be criminal charges brought against her.

Now I will say though that when it was reopened and she changed her tune of what happened that to me was about her trying to get a lot more money. When you look at her history of lawsuits against famous people not to criminally charge them but sue them for money you see this pattern where she goes after them for the smallest thing knowing they will eventually settle. The ones who haven't settled against her have actually won their cases.


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Jul 16, 2013
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Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if the full story never came out. If Naughright or any of the women are simply gold digging. Chances are pretty decent that even if Manning and UT aren't guilty. They'll view paying hush money as the easiest and most prudent avenue. I hope not though if the women are only seeking cash and if UT and Manning are guilty. I wouldn't be mad if the women pursue it and bring out into the light.

She committed career suicide by doing this. Gold digging? She got her PhD from Tennessee. I'm pretty sure she's able to project her earning potential going forward vs. some lump sum settlement, and the whole PhD thing leaves me to believe that she isn't afraid of the whole "work hard" thing. And the reason this is coming up now is because the Tennessee football program is a train wreck. They had players targeting another player on their own fucking team because he encouraged a woman who felt she was raped to go to the police.

This is why I say just get start a minor league football system and the guys that wash out can decide whether or not they want to college. If you take away the joke "jock" majors and the ones that don't even graduate then there really aren't that many left that actually got something out of the whole process. It's just the NCAA and the NFL jerking each other off at this point for the big bucks.


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So a 19 year old dude acted inappropriately towards a young woman. Quelle horreur.

It's great to see that people want to condemn someone for acting immaturely at 19. I'm shocked, SHOCKED, that it would be a Pats fan doing it.

Isn't this the same situation that Jamis Winston is dealing with, just without the 20 year gap.


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Isn't this the same situation that Jamis Winston is dealing with, just without the 20 year gap.

Winston was accused of raping a woman. Flashing your dong at a woman isn't quite the same thing.


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She committed career suicide by doing this. Gold digging? She got her PhD from Tennessee. I'm pretty sure she's able to project her earning potential going forward vs. some lump sum settlement, and the whole PhD thing leaves me to believe that she isn't afraid of the whole "work hard" thing. And the reason this is coming up now is because the Tennessee football program is a train wreck. They had players targeting another player on their own fucking team because he encouraged a woman who felt she was raped to go to the police.

This is why I say just get start a minor league football system and the guys that wash out can decide whether or not they want to college. If you take away the joke "jock" majors and the ones that don't even graduate then there really aren't that many left that actually got something out of the whole process. It's just the NCAA and the NFL jerking each other off at this point for the big bucks.

I can't disagree with or dispute anything you say above. Naughright seems like a female who was on top of her game career-wise. Nor would I be surprised if UT male coaches/players/Nuaghright co-workers were saying ignorant shit to her like **** bumper. It would be interesting and a major blow against her though if its proven she was a foul-mouthed female. As the story went through great lengths to say the exact opposite.


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Jul 7, 2013
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If Florio is ripping you apart because of your agenda driven article, you need to take a hard look at yourself in the mirror. Florio routinely jumps on SWJ bandwagon on many social issues. He regularly uses his sight to promote his views on social issues.

The best part from Florio:

Frankly, King’s second column causes me to sincerely question the intelligence or motives of King, and of his editors.


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Jul 25, 2013
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Ok - do tell. Beyond the whole thing with Eli & the Chargers what exactly has Archie Manning done for you to come to this conclusion? Everything that I have seen has portrayed him as a good guy & good father.

Well, I refuse to act like the Chargers thing and his behavior in the draft can't be the main reason for thinking he's a douche. To me, that was an epic douche move that defined him for me for the rest of time. Archie was behind him the whole way chirping his nonsense as well. Says a lot about the family character. I can't stand entitled people and the BS at the draft was the definition of it.

The Peyton sex allegations brought out a racist statement from Archie amidst the chaos.

A lot of jock sniffers on this site. The very implication that there couldn't possibly be a valid reason to dislike the Mannings is rather naive.


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16 pages and counting.

This is hilarious.

Mondo Jay

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I disliked Peyton as a Colt. Mainly because he absolutely killed Denver every time they played. I did respect his greatness... I never really cared about his family or "persona" that was formed before he got to Denver.

2.5 of the 4 years he was in Denver were pretty great. 2 Super Bowl trips (1 he gets a lot of credit for) and a Lombardi (Go D!).

It is time for him to hang it up now. Papa John's and Bud till the cows come home.


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Nov 19, 2014
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Your 100% right Broncos like the old saying "Let laying dogs lie". I kinda don't blame Archie for trying to defend his son, but he wasn't there and doesn't know 100% the truth
Archie knows his son didn't take HGH. So maybe he was there:noidea:


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Let me guess?? Manning didn't do this one either right?? Yeah ok.. It's crazy what money can do for a person..
Could be why he threw out a couple Budwieser remarks after the SB. He saw another payout coming:noidea:


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Nov 30, 2013
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I'm not mad. For what? Unless he used to QB the Bucs I don't even know who Shaun King is and even than, I don't know King beyond that. I wonder though, if this article was about 19 year old Cam Newton or 19 year Russell Wilson or 19 year old Tom Brady or 19 year old Andrew Luck . Would all those who are so willing to dismiss this now still be so willing?

Manning didn't enforce shit against Newton or do any embarrassing of Newton in the Super Bowl. Von Miller, the Denver defense, and Cam himself did that. Manning simply rode a wave to a victory that was created by Miller and Denver's defense. C'mon now.

Manning out played the MVP of the buddy system, MeCam....That's what I was talking about and directing it all to the bro QB bandwagon fans like Shaun King....Jason Whitlock already put his stuff in the street, he is a low caliber journalist that uses race to promote himself, and his own story about himself growing up has been deemed false...
He's a hack looking for a name, and a racist.....
And as far as Luck, Wilson, MeCam etc., when they have 17 yrs in and have records out the ying yang, without any professional blemishes, I'd stand for them too, but MeCam is gonna be a short story and a hard fall imo...

Mondo Jay

Wine Mafia
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Could be why he threw out a couple Budwieser remarks after the SB. He saw another payout coming:noidea:
I thought it was because he owns a few Budweiser distributors? Either way, your point is still valid.