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Has the statute of limitations run out for Peyton's sexual assault?


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Aug 15, 2014
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LOL, what public opinion? You are in the minority in wanting the case re-opened. Who's going to pay for the case to be re-opened?

The opinion of people who read the articles and have reactions different from yours.


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What in the court filing cited in the article has she or anybody else recanted?

Well let's see Manning actually did counter-suit her and the allegations she made. In 1996 and in 2002 neither time does she mention that he made any kind of contact with her. She actually signed an affidavit stating just that. So that changes this from a sexual assault case to that of an offensive act. Big difference. It wasn't until 2003 that she started making the claim that he actually put his body on her face. That is when Manning and his legal team brought up the legal documents she had signed earlier refuting that. They then decided to settle out of court. So yes it has been recanted and why only seeing one side of the argument is ridiculous. You didn't even know that Manning counter-suited in the case. You didn't know that she had signed an affidavit stating against what she said in 2003. That is all in the Manning side of the case. Again why you can't jump to conclusions like you have. I'm sure you were just fine with everybody jumping to conclusions on the Deflategate last year weren't you.


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Aug 15, 2014
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Peyton Manning may have made a juvenile mistake and UT may have covered it up but this article implies he was so reprehensible he could not redeem himself? After 20 years?

To repeat -- he seems to have done bad stuff within the past few months.

And the figure is more like 15 years because of the book.

But otherwise, yeah -- in the interim he seems to have been pretty clean. All celebrities are obnoxious at their worst, and a lot of athletes dabble in PEDs, as he seems to have. Nothing jumps out for a long period that makes him worse than anybody else (assuming there wasn't yet something else that he covered up too).

The Oldtimer

Older than dirt!!
Jun 30, 2014
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The opinion of people who read the articles and have reactions different from yours.
Maybe you should start an online poll. Probably 80% of the people don't give a rat's ass about a case, that was settled 20 years ago.


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Everyone of these media sites could have investigated this story 20 years ago or even 10. But no we wait until a social crusader has an axe to grind with the way Cam Newton is treated? And lo and behold a story falls in his lap about one of the most prominent white NFL players of the last 15 years! I am calling BS.

The timing is just way to coincidental for me. But it has taken Cam's behavior of the front page of the click bait sites.

I think if Peyton and Archie didn't vilify her in his book and let laying dogs lie, maybe this shit wouldn't have resurfaced. Maybe I'm wrong?


Troll Boy Extraordinaire
May 1, 2013
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I think if Peyton and Archie didn't vilify her in his book and let laying dogs lie, maybe this shit wouldn't have resurfaced. Maybe I'm wrong?
I think that was definitely a mistake, but didn't that book come out in the early 2000s?

The smarter move would have certainly been to not even mention the incident in the book.


Troll Boy Extraordinaire
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Supposedly he has a lot more information that he is going to release over the next few weeks that are pretty damning about Manning and his image.
Wait, Shaun King says he has more?

The Oldtimer

Older than dirt!!
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Supposedly he has a lot more information that he is going to release over the next few weeks that are pretty damning about Manning and his image.
I hope this is concrete information that this idiot is going to release about Peyton.


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I think that was definitely a mistake, but didn't that book come out in the early 2000s?

The smarter move would have certainly been to not even mention the incident in the book.

Your 100% right Broncos like the old saying "Let laying dogs lie". I kinda don't blame Archie for trying to defend his son, but he wasn't there and doesn't know 100% the truth


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Apr 17, 2013
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Short memory.

What has Newton does that's as bad as sending thugs to pressure the HGH guy to recant his story?

So Manning isn't allowed to investigate or take action against allegations? The sending thugs has been reported but I have not seen any concrete proof they actually did this or acted as the story portrays.His attorney sent investigators to collect information and interview the subject. That reads a whole lot differently than he sent thugs. But we can't let facts get in the way of a good story.

But again why try to ruin Manning's character. If he is found guilty of illegal HGH use then his image takes a hit. But again we are not talking about HGH use 20 years ago are we. Oh by the way Peyton Manning shoplifted candy when he was 8, retail fraud lets go after him!

UT paid out 300k if this female wanted to go after Peyton she could have. It's not as if Manning didn't have money she could have sued for. She hasn't and a third party is for a specific reason. I just don't see a lot to be gained by this type of journalism.

Oh by the why Tom Brady left Michelle Monaghan when she became pregnant he is being let off the hook while we persecute Cam Newton and Peyton Manning! Who cares this is old news people may not have heard it and it makes him look bad so that will help Peyton and Cam. Thats what we should do. Hurt others to make our point.

The Oldtimer

Older than dirt!!
Jun 30, 2014
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I think that was definitely a mistake, but didn't that book come out in the early 2000s?

The smarter move would have certainly been to not even mention the incident in the book.
If I'm not mistaken, I think the book came out in 2002.


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Jul 17, 2013
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Wait, Shaun King says he has more?

From what I understand it is more about the University of Tennessee than about Manning but he says he is going to release the redacted parts of the case. To me I would love if he would rather release what was recorded back in 1996 instead of what she and her legal team wrote in 2003.

As for the whole Manning saying that she had quite the mouth on her well all anybody needs to do is look at her facebook page and see that is true. There are emails released that she sent to another person she sued where she called them such things as "Crack whore."


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Sep 15, 2015
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You brought Cosby into the discussion, to try and sidetrack it into some imagined double standard.

Carry on.

I'm not buying it, but carry on.
Actually I was pointing out the actual double standards, not the ones imagined by the type that write these kind of pieces. I then somehow smoked out your own hypocrisy. You seem to think it was OK for bill clinton to sexually assault women all through out his life cause he never drugged anyone like Cosby did. That seems to be your line according to your own words.

I then said that it does not seem Peyton Manning drugged anyone. So again, it should not bother you at all that he may have sexually assaulted someone.

You may not think there is a relation between what you and your types consider perfectly acceptable by slick willy and what you are seemingly disgusted by what Manning allegedly did.

Ok....now we can carry on. Especially now that I have revealed your double standards.


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Jul 17, 2013
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I hope this is concrete information that this idiot is going to release about Peyton.

Haha this is Shaun King we are talking about. He would do just about anything to get attention.


Not left-handed either
Aug 15, 2014
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I'm sure you were just fine with everybody jumping to conclusions on the Deflategate last year weren't you.

There are more actual witnesses to wrongdoing in that one article about Manning than to all cheating the Patriots are alleged to have done in the entire history of their franchise, excepting only the time a photographer was caught filming from an angle forbidden by a recent league memo. (That guy was seen by LOTS of folks.)

There are a whole lot of inferences, guesswork, and refusal to believe high school physics. But no actual witnesses.


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Your 100% right Broncos like the old saying "Let laying dogs lie". I kinda don't blame Archie for trying to defend his son, but he wasn't there and doesn't know 100% the truth

No, and sometimes you should just walk away from an event.

How many of us did or said something when we were in college that we are not proud of today? Im not saying these events and smears didn't happen but at some point they become less relevant. How many time have we said the truth usually lies somewhere in the middle?

But 20 years and this gets dropped in everyones laps. If she isn't or hasn't brought a civil case I just have to question the facts or Peyton's actions as they have been reported.


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There are more actual witnesses to wrongdoing in that one article about Manning than to all cheating the Patriots are alleged to have done in the entire history of their franchise, excepting only the time a photographer was caught filming from an angle forbidden by a recent league memo. (That guy was seen by LOTS of folks.)

There are a whole lot of inferences, guesswork, and refusal to believe high school physics. But no actual witnesses.

And this story about Manning is one side pretty much her word and then another player saying it didn't happen like the head trainer of the UT said it did. That is about it. Not sure where you are getting all these witnesses from? Heck the player isn't really a witness as he just says he didn't see Manning trying to moon him and that the trainer just happened to walk in.

I would say also in the Manning situation there is just as much shade thrown her way with her changing her story 8 years after the incident in question when Manning had millions of dollars. Why are you ignoring that fact? Or the fact that she has sued other people and lost the cases? Seems like somebody trying to make a quick buck.


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Jul 21, 2013
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Let me guess?? Manning didn't do this one either right?? Yeah ok.. It's crazy what money can do for a person..


Troll Boy Extraordinaire
May 1, 2013
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For what it's worth, I found this on reddit this morning.

I've thought about coming forward to clarify this to major media outlets, but I'm waiting to see if anyone else will first or if this story even lingers long enough to need the clarification.

When the incident occurred, the immediate rumors weren't about a sexual assault or a mooning. The guys I knew on the team said that Peyton had pulled his pants down and, well, passed gas in the trainer's face.

There's more though. Peyton supposedly hated the trainer because the trainer had snitched that he was smoking weed in the athletic facilities.

The trainer was fed up with Peyton's antics.

Anyways those are the bits of the story commonly known to most people at UT during the time.

Now obviously there is no way to know if this is true or not, but it does seem to fit Naughright's original statement that it was more than a mooning and that it went "beyond the pale." And the smoking weed incident could be the redacted incident between the two from 94.


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Sep 15, 2015
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Let me guess?? Manning didn't do this one either right?? Yeah ok.. It's crazy what money can do for a person..
Who is saying he did not do it? I think by and large everyone is saying he did it. He admitted to something and he paid the woman off who according to some reports has a history of suing people.

It was also not just manning. He of course seems to be the one that the focus is on.

Bill Cosby has a lot of money. Then again you are pretty right about money. At least most of the time.