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Great example why Lebron will never reach Michael Jordan status


Nov 11, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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When SI put out there top-50 list earlier this year... I personally thought they had Shaq and Kobe way too low. They had Kobe at #12 and Shaq at #15. They've both got to be top-10 imo.

My top 10 as of right now...

1. Mike
2. Kareem
3. LeBron
4. Magic
5. Wilt
6. Kobe
7. Larry
8. Oscar
9. Shaq
10. Duncan

Just missing: Russell, Jerry
Dec 18, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 500.43
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When SI put out there top-50 list earlier this year... I personally thought they had Shaq and Kobe way too low. They had Kobe at #12 and Shaq at #15. They've both got to be top-10 imo.

My top 10 as of right now...

1. Mike
2. Kareem
3. LeBron
4. Magic
5. Wilt
6. Kobe
7. Larry
8. Oscar
9. Shaq
10. Duncan

Just missing: Russell, Jerry

Not a chance in hell is lebron better than Magic.

Plus that SI list is terrible

Black Adam

Cowards WILL BE cowards..
Apr 17, 2013
The other side of the mirror
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When SI put out there top-50 list earlier this year... I personally thought they had Shaq and Kobe way too low. They had Kobe at #12 and Shaq at #15. They've both got to be top-10 imo.

My top 10 as of right now...

1. Mike
2. Kareem
3. LeBron
4. Magic
5. Wilt
6. Kobe
7. Larry
8. Oscar
9. Shaq
10. Duncan

Just missing: Russell, Jerry

almost agree with this. i'd move Magic and Wilt past LeBron but he WOULD still be in the top 5. also Shaq would be higher as well, DEFINITELY above Oscar, maybe above Bird...

good list, though...


Kyrie Hater
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I can't prove it? I just said the # of 2 point FGA hasn't changed much if any in 20 years, yet there has been a spike in 3 point FGA.

Pace is faster today, and players attack the rim even more. Yet, still fewer FTs.


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Pace is faster today, and players attack the rim even more. Yet, still fewer FTs.

Oh. So they attack the rim more, take the same amount of 2 point shots and all their mid- range jumpers are now 3 pointers, while shooting less free throws. Got it.

OR, the NBA is now more of a jump shot league, players still shoot mid- range jumpers, but shoot many more 3 pointers too. And less FT because they don't attack the basket as much.


Kyrie Hater
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I put up his 2015-2016 offensive highlights -- He takes someone off the dribble I think once in the 1st 4 minutes (I didn't watch the whole thing).

I've watched as many games of LeBron as I could -- obviously he isn't televised all the time in Michigan during the regular season, but quite a few are. Taking a guy off the dribble is not something he does with regularity. IF he could take anyone off the dribble, any time he wants -- NO ONE would touch the ball with the game on the line and they'd just ISO LBJ because with his size and strength -- he'd be unstoppable.

LBJ uses his size to post up and back down guys, as he is built like a tank. He is the best finisher in the open court as he is a runaway freight train and you have to have a set of balls the size of Texas to try and take a charge.

More proof that you don't know what you are saying. You are basing your opinions off highlight packages?

Highlights tell you nothing about a player. Anybody could be made to look amazing in a highlight reel. The only way to know how good somebody is is to watch full games. Then you really get a feet for how they play. That is why coaches and scouts ask for full game tapes instead of highlight reels.


Kyrie Hater
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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When SI put out there top-50 list earlier this year... I personally thought they had Shaq and Kobe way too low. They had Kobe at #12 and Shaq at #15. They've both got to be top-10 imo.

My top 10 as of right now...

1. Mike
2. Kareem
3. LeBron
4. Magic
5. Wilt
6. Kobe
7. Larry
8. Oscar
9. Shaq
10. Duncan

Just missing: Russell, Jerry

I like your list!

I think the gap between 2-4 is extremely narrow.


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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More proof that you don't know what you are saying. You are basing your opinions off highlight packages?

Highlights tell you nothing about a player. Anybody could be made to look amazing in a highlight reel. The only way to know how good somebody is is to watch full games. Then you really get a feet for how they play. That is why coaches and scouts ask for full game tapes instead of highlight reels.

Maybe you missed where I said I've watched a ton of LeBron's games and that is how I formed my opinions of him, not only at the end of games, but his lack of a killer instinct and how he uses his size and strength more than breaking down defenses off the dribble.

I used the highlight video to prove my point.


Kyrie Hater
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Maybe you missed where I said I've watched a ton of LeBron's games and that is how I formed my opinions of him, not only at the end of games, but his lack of a killer instinct and how he uses his size and strength more than breaking down defenses off the dribble.

I used the highlight video to prove my point.

That is a bad way to prove it.

I am done searching for stats because I don't have time, but go ahead and Google anything related to midrange jumpers in the NBA. What you find is that they are the least efficient shots in basketball and that the most efficient teams don't take a lot of them. No, I am not saying teams don't shoot them at all.

Since this is common knowledge that midrange is less desirable, and since you pointed out that 2 point attempts from '96 and '16 were about the same, I find it amazing that you still think a rise in 3s also indicates a rise in midrange jumpers. It is exactly the opposite. Teams are attacking the rim more, yet shooting fewer FTs. Totally debunks your argument.


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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That is a bad way to prove it.

I am done searching for stats because I don't have time, but go ahead and Google anything related to midrange jumpers in the NBA. What you find is that they are the least efficient shots in basketball and that the most efficient teams don't take a lot of them. No, I am not saying teams don't shoot them at all.

Since this is common knowledge that midrange is less desirable, and since you pointed out that 2 point attempts from '96 and '16 were about the same, I find it amazing that you still think a rise in 3s also indicates a rise in midrange jumpers. It is exactly the opposite. Teams are attacking the rim more, yet shooting fewer FTs. Totally debunks your argument.

Or, they are shooting less free throws because the NBA has turned into more of a jump shot league. Imagine the descrepancy in FT's attempted if the NBA would put an end to 'hack a Terrible FT shooter' philosophy used by many in today's NBA. ThePistons couldn't even put Drummond on the floor in the 4th quarter of some games because teams would just instantly foul him.

And I didn't say there was a rise in mid range jumpers. I said they still take them as they used, but now they take many more 3 pointers. Hence the reason I said the NBA has turned into more of a jump shot league, as players have more space to get off shots because hand checks and the such are now fouls.

Michael Richardson

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LeBron James is good but I don't know if he'll ever reach MJ. But if he continues to work hard it might happen. Before MJ it was Magic. Before Magic it was Bill Russell and Wilt Chamberlin. Every generation has it´s superstar.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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When SI put out there top-50 list earlier this year... I personally thought they had Shaq and Kobe way too low. They had Kobe at #12 and Shaq at #15. They've both got to be top-10 imo.

My top 10 as of right now...

1. Mike
2. Kareem
3. LeBron
4. Magic
5. Wilt
6. Kobe
7. Larry
8. Oscar
9. Shaq
10. Duncan

Just missing: Russell, Jerry

Pretty good list. I'd swap Magic and Lebron though.


Jun 18, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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When SI put out there top-50 list earlier this year... I personally thought they had Shaq and Kobe way too low. They had Kobe at #12 and Shaq at #15. They've both got to be top-10 imo.

My top 10 as of right now...

1. Mike
2. Kareem
3. LeBron
4. Magic
5. Wilt
6. Kobe
7. Larry
8. Oscar
9. Shaq
10. Duncan

Just missing: Russell, Jerry
I'd have Shaq above Oscar, but Im also ready to have Lebron above Magic, not by much though. Solid list.


Jun 18, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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This stupidity was put to bed a long time ago. Step your game up.
It is a dumb argument, but it kind of highlights the fact that the better player doesnt always have the most success in team sports. That's why these discussions always get kind of murky.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
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It is a dumb argument, but it kind of highlights the fact that the better player doesnt always have the most success in team sports. That's why these discussions always get kind of murky.

I agree. But that Horry crap is just old, dead and stinkin'.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2014
Suburb of Cleveland
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I'd have Shaq above Oscar, but Im also ready to have Lebron above Magic, not by much though. Solid list.
i dont think shaq gets near enough credit on these lists

honestly- if i could pick who to start my team with

Jordan would be 1

Id have to say LeBron 2

Id seriously- like Shaq in his prime is freaking dominant....i wanted to put Magic at 3...but i just think of Shaq too and its like- no one could stop this guy when he was at his peak.

Id go Shaq 3

Magic 4

Bird 5

Kareem 6...


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Well since he was brought up, I'll just say this. I don't think Kobe gets enough credit for going through the murderous row that he/Shaq/Gasol had to go through just to get to the Finals. You og's could probably correct me on this one, but the West was as tough a conference as any during the Kobe/Shaq/Duncan run. Then when it was Kobe and Gasol, we went through a period where the 8TH seed WON FIFTY GAMES in the West. The fact that Kobe got out of the West 7 times(ultimately winning five), in those two time periods gets criminally overlooked. Another thing that gets overlooked is what he did against said, tough teams in the West


Kyrie Hater
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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i dont think shaq gets near enough credit on these lists

honestly- if i could pick who to start my team with

Jordan would be 1

Id have to say LeBron 2

Id seriously- like Shaq in his prime is freaking dominant....i wanted to put Magic at 3...but i just think of Shaq too and its like- no one could stop this guy when he was at his peak.

Id go Shaq 3

Magic 4

Bird 5

Kareem 6...

FTs hold Shaq back, IMO. It is a pretty big deal when you can't throw the ball to your best player in the last 2 minutes of a game.