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Good game


LOL at 42-13, 29-3, 19-3
Nov 20, 2012
Seattle, WA
Hoopla Cash
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Thanks. Right back at ya.


R.I.P. Bob Saget
Apr 28, 2013
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I'd say good luck as well, but if you guys can run the ball like that and Romo can continue playing in an un-Romo like fashion you won't need it.

I said before this game that if they didn't get pressure on Romo it was going to be a bad situation. That coupled with the drops and big 3rd and 20 conversion really fucked Seattle.


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2013
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You guys deserved to win. At this point the Seahawks are maybe #10 in the league with the Cowboys way higher. It's still early but things aren't looking good right now for us.


Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2013
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Great game plan today, good luck rest of way and we will see you in playoffs.

Earl Stevens

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Jul 17, 2013
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I'd say good luck as well, but if you guys can run the ball like that and Romo can continue playing in an un-Romo like fashion you won't need it.

I said before this game that if they didn't get pressure on Romo it was going to be a bad situation. That coupled with the drops and big 3rd and 20 conversion really fucked Seattle.

Romo can continue playing like that if the Cowboys can continue to take pressure off of him with the run game. Romo and Williams made the play of the game, but Murray and the offensive line finished that drive. In the past, Romo would have had to finish that drive on his own and in most cases, that drive likely would have ended with a turnover or just a FG to tie the game instead of winning. Romo is a great quarterback as long as he's not forced to do everything. 40+ pass attempt games are the type of games where you see Romo blow it, but when he has a running game like this, he's not as turnover-prone. This is like the first time in a long time I've seen Romo play without feeling like he has to do everything.


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Romo can continue playing like that if the Cowboys can continue to take pressure off of him with the run game. Romo and Williams made the play of the game, but Murray and the offensive line finished that drive. In the past, Romo would have had to finish that drive on his own and in most cases, that drive likely would have ended with a turnover or just a FG to tie the game instead of winning. Romo is a great quarterback as long as he's not forced to do everything. 40+ pass attempt games are the type of games where you see Romo blow it, but when he has a running game like this, he's not as turnover-prone. This is like the first time in a long time I've seen Romo play without feeling like he has to do everything.

Yep... It's quit the turn around from last year.. Dallas couldn't run the ball worth a dam... Amazing a difference a year can make if you nail a draft pick or 2 ... On the defensive side I can't imagine Dallas will continue playing at that level though... I"m stunned about that.. GG though and good luck the rest of the way... Lot's of football left...

Earl Stevens

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Jul 17, 2013
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Yep... It's quit the turn around from last year.. Dallas couldn't run the ball worth a dam... Amazing a difference a year can make if you nail a draft pick or 2 ... On the defensive side I can't imagine Dallas will continue playing at that level though... I"m stunned about that.. GG though and good luck the rest of the way... Lot's of football left...

Spencer and Melton are getting healthier and healthier. They looked great today. I'm not sure if the Cowboys defense can keep it up or not, but the Cowboys definitely have some talent defensively. Losing Claiborne was a blessing in disguise. Our secondary is playing great without him getting burned. They were without Bruce Carter today, who is easily our fastest LB and he should be back soon. I thought for sure with him out that Wilson would have a field day with his legs, but that was not the case. We also have DeMarcus Lawrence, our 2nd round pick coming back in a few weeks. The defense can still get better as it gets healthier. The main component that is helping the defense is the offense controlling the game and keeping them fresh.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Good games guys, your fan bases has been very classy in defeat and I wish you well for the reminder of the season unless somehow the Cowboys make the playoffs and have to play you guys. I'm pretty sure you guys will be in the NFC Championship game hoe to see you there.


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2013
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Spencer and Melton are getting healthier and healthier. They looked great today. I'm not sure if the Cowboys defense can keep it up or not, but the Cowboys definitely have some talent defensively. Losing Claiborne was a blessing in disguise. Our secondary is playing great without him getting burned. They were without Bruce Carter today, who is easily our fastest LB and he should be back soon. I thought for sure with him out that Wilson would have a field day with his legs, but that was not the case. We also have DeMarcus Lawrence, our 2nd round pick coming back in a few weeks. The defense can still get better as it gets healthier. The main component that is helping the defense is the offense controlling the game and keeping them fresh.

Injuries do play a role no doubt... Were a little dinged up as well on defense.. It's just part of the game and why you need depth... Still hated our offensive attack today... To many cute dink and dunk play's and not using Lynch got under my skin... 2 carries in the first half was just unacceptable to me...


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Good games guys, your fan bases has been very classy in defeat and I wish you well for the reminder of the season unless somehow the Cowboys make the playoffs and have to play you guys. I'm pretty sure you guys will be in the NFC Championship game hoe to see you there.

Congrats on the win... Thanks for the class..


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2013
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I thought Dallas played an awesome game. They won with the offensive and defensive units. Seattle won with the ST unit.
That is why Seattle lost by a mere TD when getting stomped by the Cowboys.
I give their fans some crap, but that team played great today.


KFFL Refugee
Aug 18, 2014
Puyallup, Washington
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I was dead wrong on the Cowboys. Obviously the offensive line is legit, but I didn't think the defense would stand up the way they did.