Brain dead Hacker
Fucking Pablo!
Had to do it the most excruciatingly entertaining way possible.. Sonofabitch!
Had to do it the most excruciatingly entertaining way possible.. Sonofabitch!
Fucking Pablo!
Had to do it the most excruciatingly entertaining way possible.. Sonofabitch!
Well that sucked!! ;-)
Well that sucked!! ;-)
Thank god that blown call at the plate did not cost anything.
Fucking Phil Cuzzi...back to an earlier topic, who are some of the minor league talent evaluators that you find to be more reliable than Law GP?
Sickles, as you mentioned. Bobby Evans for our prospects.
Thank god that blown call at the plate did not cost anything.
Fuck!!!! YOU!!!!! GUYS!!!!
Crap day turned solid. :rapture:
Better than diarrhea.