Kimmo Forever
Should I wear a battery shield when I come down on the 22nd of January?>
It isnt a Penguins game. We dont typically waste perfectly good snowballs on Rangers fans.
Should I wear a battery shield when I come down on the 22nd of January?>
Expect it if I dish it out? I expect it every day cause you guys clearly can;t move on from your silly bullshit. Saying that Caps fans would be the only ones to complain that is calling caps fans bandwagon fans? Coulda fooled me. Saying that Caps and Lightning players were diving is taking a stab at Caps fans? Coulda fooled me. But eh, fuck it, have a ball.
You can all fuck each other.
I am surprised youve posted on the hockey general board all tonight without a ban.
Get some good cam shots going
Day ain't over yet.
For accuracy!!!
I know you were joking... But expect bitterness, shit is annoying. Its not the fact that people give me shit for following two teams at once, it is the fact that you fudgepackers insinuate I am some sort of bandwagon fan.
I know you were joking... But expect bitterness, shit is annoying. Its not the fact that people give me shit for following two teams at once, it is the fact that you fudgepackers insinuate I am some sort of bandwagon fan.
Judging by the looks of it you should be getting a PM any minute now
You're joking, right?