SportsHoopla Ombudsman
Okay, from a larger more grand perspective...
Doesn't Jon's lineage inherently unite the North and the South already, if/when it is ever discovered by everyone who his parents REALLY were?
Seems like a HUGE tamale hanging out there that changes the game mightily...
Kinda technically would make a Dany/Jon wedding slightly incestuous, but we've seen worse... Wonder how Dany may react if/when she hears of this little factoid?
Other possibility? Dany doesn't make it and in Star Wars-esque fashion. "That girl was our last hope."..... "No, there is another.", Jon picks up where Dany leaves off?
Could Jon's lineage be discovered by fire? IE... Much like Daenarys, he doesn't get burned by fire?
Anyway, just flinging poop at the wall I guess... Seems they're trending more toward the "ice and fire" route with Jon and Dany...
There would also be the issue of how does one prove their lineage?
Remember when Ned took Robert's note/seal to Cersei putting Ned in charge?
She just ripped it up.
Essentially if would be Bran's word against Cersei.
Even if Howland Reed enters the picture as one of the other witnesses of that day (Tower of Joy maid?) and gives his statement, again, Cersei can just ignore it and declare those folks as traitors to the throne.
But, as you point out, true belief would come form Jon escaping harm from fire in view of a great deal of people. Pretty sure there would be no objections then....