I have been meaning to read his Codex Alara series but forgot about itI think still just the first.
I have been meaning to read his Codex Alara series but forgot about itI think still just the first.
if you read the books, the Dorne story is also a total waste...following the moron prince around only to have him turned into dragon hor d'oeuvres. I could have done without the extra pages, personally.and Dorne was cut wrong if you ask me, just like the Tyrell storyline was done wrong. I think there are ways to sway from the books that is done right and the show did a good job with most of it, but there were still a couple things they did that drove me a little crazy
I still love the show, I just think they could have done some things a little better.
I forget that whole part of the story. I really am worried that when Winds of Winter does come out I will have forgotten much of the stuff from Dance with Dragons.if you read the books, the Dorne story is also a total waste...following the moron prince around only to have him turned into dragon hor d'oeuvres. I could have done without the extra pages, personally.
Now I DO hope the Jon Connington story pans out. I like the Young Griff arc a lot.
Just re-read Dance a few days before the 2032 release of Winds.I forget that whole part of the story. I really am worried that when Winds of Winter does come out I will have forgotten much of the stuff from Dance with Dragons.
I bought this set last Amazon Prime day. I haven't read any of these copies , but it's like reading a freaking Bible. The font is so tiny.Just re-read Dance a few days before the 2032 release of Winds.
Which of the two ideas is considered more incestuous?
she learned a lot from Cersei.Sansa is going to turn into a massive bitch this season.
I love Eddings' books!!!Agreed. Simple writing style. Flawed heroes.
Fantasy fluff, if that's your kind of thing.
And like my nom de plume, I enjoyed the books by David Eddings.
Brienne/Tormund reminds me of Mirtai/Kring.
Good stuff...
I use the library a lot.It's been so long since I've read an actual book it's crazy. Been years. I just download books onto my iPhone.
if you read the books, the Dorne story is also a total waste...following the moron prince around only to have him turned into dragon hor d'oeuvres. I could have done without the extra pages, personally.
Now I DO hope the Jon Connington story pans out. I like the Young Griff arc a lot.
And even the best at something has weaknesses.
GoT is the best fantasy show currently on TV. And its biggest weakness is D&D's original writing.
D&D are excellent producers, and I've never said otherwise. Things like their set design, costuming, and casting are some of the best on TV. What I'm criticizing is their writing. They're great producers, but hack writers.
I agree with this. Think Arya being pursued by the Terminator....err Waif scene.
What do you mean? Haven't you ever fallen off a bridge into water that's 70% poop after being stabbed in the gut and then woken up the next day and immediately started an intense session of Parkour?
The product is good when they stick to GRRM's source material. When they don't, we get:
Dorne. Shirtless Ramsay. Talisa. Twenty good men. Clown Euron and Kingsmoot.
D&D butcher Martin's work.
Cousin vs. Aunt. Interesting question.
she might even have learned some of that good ince$t Cersei has been all about.Indeed. She is even rocking a Cersei hairstyle.
Spoiler.........? if so god damnit!!