Superstitious Fan
Excellent episode! I do think they are setting up a Sansa betrayal. "We need to trust each other" and the stare shared between Little Finger and her during the King of the North chant.
Excited to see winter FINALLY come. "Father always promised didn't he?".... was hoping to see some White Walkers though.
Really, out of everyone, I wonder what is in store for Bran next. I think with almost everyone else, the path is somewhat obvious. Arya is heading North to Winterfell to reunite with Jon and Sansa. I would bet that she crosses paths with the Red Women and perhaps Brienne on the way. Dany will probably have a breif run in with Euron and then have her sights on Kings Landing making a few pit stops on the way. Cersie is going go on a reign terror that will put the mad king to shame, you could see the fear in Jamie's eyes. Touched on Sansa already but I also think the North also isn't far away from having their hands full with the Nights King, since winter is here. Just not certain where Bran goes from here? I will have to go back and listen, I'm not clear on where he was dropped off. I also am not sure how he gets anywhere at this point with only Meera to drag him around. Maybe with this newfound info, he will head to Castle Black as an attempt to relay the info to John?
Also, not really sure what Sam does from here or where the Brotherhood without Banners story line will go along with the Hound. I guess I can see Sam getting his hands on some information vital to beating the White Walkers, perhaps a way to re-build the wall if it gets brought down or some other key piece of ancient history. Maybe the Cleganebwl happens when Cersie's wrath goes head-to-head with the BWOB. Excited for next season...only 42 weeks left to wait...
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I think Bran was dropped off at the Weirwood that Jon and Sam took their Night's Watch Oaths, so not far. He'll go to the Wall, then onto Winterfell. The Night King can't be far behind.