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Game of Thrones


Superstitious Fan
Aug 11, 2010
Eugene, OR and Lake Tahoe
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Excellent episode! I do think they are setting up a Sansa betrayal. "We need to trust each other" and the stare shared between Little Finger and her during the King of the North chant.
Excited to see winter FINALLY come. "Father always promised didn't he?" :pound:.... was hoping to see some White Walkers though.

Really, out of everyone, I wonder what is in store for Bran next. I think with almost everyone else, the path is somewhat obvious. Arya is heading North to Winterfell to reunite with Jon and Sansa. I would bet that she crosses paths with the Red Women and perhaps Brienne on the way. Dany will probably have a breif run in with Euron and then have her sights on Kings Landing making a few pit stops on the way. Cersie is going go on a reign terror that will put the mad king to shame, you could see the fear in Jamie's eyes. Touched on Sansa already but I also think the North also isn't far away from having their hands full with the Nights King, since winter is here. Just not certain where Bran goes from here? I will have to go back and listen, I'm not clear on where he was dropped off. I also am not sure how he gets anywhere at this point with only Meera to drag him around. Maybe with this newfound info, he will head to Castle Black as an attempt to relay the info to John?

Also, not really sure what Sam does from here or where the Brotherhood without Banners story line will go along with the Hound. I guess I can see Sam getting his hands on some information vital to beating the White Walkers, perhaps a way to re-build the wall if it gets brought down or some other key piece of ancient history. Maybe the Cleganebwl happens when Cersie's wrath goes head-to-head with the BWOB. Excited for next season...only 42 weeks left to wait...

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I think Bran was dropped off at the Weirwood that Jon and Sam took their Night's Watch Oaths, so not far. He'll go to the Wall, then onto Winterfell. The Night King can't be far behind.


Superstitious Fan
Aug 11, 2010
Eugene, OR and Lake Tahoe
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I don't feel like searching/scanning through past episodes because I can't recall which are the episodes where Arya recites her kill list...... so.....

......Question for you folks with good memory.... does anybody remember who still remains on Arya's kill list other than Cersei and the Hound?

I'm sure Arya believes the Hound is dead, and even if she finds out he is still alive, I have a feeling she will not kill him. Cersei will be very tough to for Arya to get to; assassinating Cersei might be a one-way/suicide mission for Arya.

Will we ever have a Clegane Bowl? Perhaps that will tie into Arya being able to take-out Cersei.

Illyn Payne. The Mountain. Mel. Berric & Thoros? I think that's all.

I don't think Clegane bowl is going down, unless it's a wild Mountain on the loose. I think the Mountain is saved for the Sand Snakes.


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Aug 15, 2014
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Except she willingly sacrifices her brother in this case, and the true King in the North. That's pretty fucked up.

Jon would have supplies from the Vale, Bear Island, House Hornwood and House Mazin. The reason Stannis was fucked was because he had no one in the North. Jon has plenty of backing, he's set. Both Lord Karstark and Lord Umber are stuck behind the walls in Winterfell and they cannot receive supplies or even contact their houses (all birds are probably shot down by Jon's archers).

Jon would be able to negotiate for Rickon's life, let Ramsay, Lord Umber and Lord Karstark to return to their castles (with penalty, of course). Jon's army clearly has the advantage here, even just waiting. These are North men (and ladies) we are talking about, they can withstand a siege in the snow. Of course, Roose would have seen this and agreed, Ramsay probably doesn't and gets everyone killed anyway.

To me, this just make's Sansa's character more evil. Which is still kinda cool I guess. She was always the outcast Stark child anyway. There was another way, this wasn't the only way. But the siege way doesn't let Sansa come out on top like she does here.

Winter is coming. No one has any food, they've all been out fighting, not planting (this gets way more coverage in the books of course). The wildlings aren't built for a seige, they have no seige towers or trebuchets, and they have at best reluctant allies.

Jon had trouble convincing a few of them to commit to one battle. A two year long seige? In winter? With no supplies?


Jul 3, 2013
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I don't feel like searching/scanning through past episodes because I can't recall which are the episodes where Arya recites her kill list...... so.....

......Question for you folks with good memory.... does anybody remember who still remains on Arya's kill list other than Cersei and the Hound?

I'm sure Arya believes the Hound is dead, and even if she finds out he is still alive, I have a feeling she will not kill him. Cersei will be very tough to for Arya to get to; assassinating Cersei might be a one-way/suicide mission for Arya.

Will we ever have a Clegane Bowl? Perhaps that will tie into Arya being able to take-out Cersei.

If she was going to kill the Hound, she would have already. I think the Red Woman is on her list. Here is a link I found realy quick. Didn't remember she had the BWOB guys on the list.

Who's Still on Arya's Kill List on Game of Thrones?


Jul 3, 2013
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Bran was dropped off pretty much at the Wall, which is why Benjen couldn't go any further with them. My guess is that he will head towards Winterfell. Ed will likely give them a couple men and some horses so Meera doesn't have to drag him the whole way.

I was thinking Melissandre would run into the Bortherhood Without Banners, but also thinking each of those parties could run into Arya. And yeah Brienne and Pod were last seen in the Riverlands too and likely making their way back North. Brienne and Pod seem to have misplaced their teleporter that the rest of the characters have.

Yeah, that would put a lot of people on her list in the same place at the same time.


Superstitious Fan
Aug 11, 2010
Eugene, OR and Lake Tahoe
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Winter is coming. No one has any food, they've all been out fighting, not planting (this gets way more coverage in the books of course). The wildlings aren't built for a seige, they have no seige towers or trebuchets, and they have at best reluctant allies.

Jon had trouble convincing a few of them to commit to one battle. A two year long seige? In winter? With no supplies?

It can be argued that houses want to keep their food for the Winter, but the Vale has been hardly touched and they should have plenty. I don't think it would be a two year long siege, Roose mentioned they only had food for a year at some point. You never have the advantage when you are under siege.


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Jul 19, 2013
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Tommen a Golden State fan confirmed.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
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Can't complain about that episode. Great CGI on everyone melting in the green fire. Arya's revenge played out well. Mother of dragons bout to kick some ass. And her new hand of the king is going to help her wipe out the rest of his family. Isn't that special?

The look on Sansa's face when she looked at littlefinger while everyone else was celebrating the new king of the north said a lot. She went from happy to concerned rather quickly. She knows now that everyone else titled king stands between LF and the throne he covets so dearly.

A lot of satisfying tying up of loose ends even if there wasn't a lot of action outside of that fire and Arya's blade.

42 more weeks now. That's the part that always sucks about this show. That hiatus is always way too damned long.


Sarcastic F-wad
Aug 11, 2010
San Diego
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The look on Sansa's face when she looked at littlefinger while everyone else was celebrating the new king of the north said a lot. She went from happy to concerned rather quickly. She knows now that everyone else titled king stands between LF and the throne he covets so dearly.
You read that look as concern FOR Jon?

I read it as concern OVER Jon.

As in, LFs "pretty story" took root in her, and she sees Jon as a rival now. She still just wants to play princess, when all is said and done.


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Aug 21, 2014
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Well, technically he's still a bastard. And since he was born in Dorne he'd really just be Jon Sand. Or, since Rhaegar was from King's Landing one could make the argument that he's really

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The theory is that Rhaegar actually married Lyssa. Which may have been the part that she whispered to Ned, the part of the reveal that they are still saving.

So possibly not a bastard afterall.


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Aug 21, 2014
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Timeline was all over the place there but it was for the sake of crunching more stuff into the finale so whatever.

What was the point of the Arya pulling a Scott Tenorman? You go to all this trouble sneaking in, killing two grown noble men in their father's house without anybody seeing, sneaking the bodies off somewhere, spending hours with the bone saw cutting them into pieces small enough to put in a pie, spending more time learning how to bake a pie in the first place, somehow making your way to the kitchen and actually cooking the pie without anybody wondering who you are and how you got there, and then finally getting Walder Frey alone. You do ALL THAT, and then you don't even let him eat a piece of the pie before you spoil it?

I would have just shit in the pie (and of course watched him eat some) before killing him. Much easier

Tommen jumping out the window was hilarious. Perfect scene right there.

Overall liked this episode more than 9, but damn how do you one-up this? Oh that's right, probably with Dragons and Ice Zombies fucking shit up.

He was eating the first piece when she walked up to him. That's why the pastry thingy already had a slice missing. That's also taken from the books, but changed significantly to fit the show. There's like a huge back story about it though, it doesn't just kinda come out of nowhere like Arya did it. From a common sense standpoint you're right, it really doesn't make a bit of sense the way they did it on the show. But for pure shock value it definitely delivered.


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Aug 21, 2014
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I think she'll take things kinda far for a bit, but once she realizes the White Walker threat, she'll come around. Also, she's definitely marrying Jon.

Possibly. But she is barren and can't have anymore kids. Which as everyone knows is the primary duty of a king/queen. There is precedent in the books of Targaryeans taking multiple wives, but there is also much more precedent of them marrying close relations. Like somebody who ends up being a cousin but was raised thinking they wrre half siblings. That certain half siblings that finished each others sentences in the book. That certain half sibling that each said they would miss the most of all when they last parted ways. That certain half sibling that he bought a sword for and taught her to stick people with the pointy end.

Jon ends up married to Arya in the end for sure. Whether or not he first marries Dany and she dies a tragic hero, or marries them both is still up in the air. But Jon and Arya are the two that get their happily ever after.


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Aug 15, 2014
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The scene with Cersei and Kings Landing reminded me a lot of the end of the Godfather and Michael's revenge on the other families. Almost the same type of music too.


Crusader for Truthiness
Aug 30, 2011
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Whoever the actress is as Lady Mormont is great. I find it funny that she did more to inspire the other Houses to have Jon as the King of the North than Jon himself did.

Jon's inability to inspire anyone through speech has been comical this season. Tormund convinced the wildlings to come fight for him. Lady Mormont had to be convinced by Davos. The rest remained unconvinced until Lady Mormont stood up for him. He's an uncomfortable leader, and maybe that's a good thing. All the confident leaders thus far have been a disaster.


Crusader for Truthiness
Aug 30, 2011
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Excellent episode! I do think they are setting up a Sansa betrayal. "We need to trust each other" and the stare shared between Little Finger and her during the King of the North chant.
Excited to see winter FINALLY come. "Father always promised didn't he?" :pound:.... was hoping to see some White Walkers though.

Really, out of everyone, I wonder what is in store for Bran next. I think with almost everyone else, the path is somewhat obvious. Arya is heading North to Winterfell to reunite with Jon and Sansa. I would bet that she crosses paths with the Red Women and perhaps Brienne on the way. Dany will probably have a breif run in with Euron and then have her sights on Kings Landing making a few pit stops on the way. Cersie is going go on a reign terror that will put the mad king to shame, you could see the fear in Jamie's eyes. Touched on Sansa already but I also think the North also isn't far away from having their hands full with the Nights King, since winter is here. Just not certain where Bran goes from here? I will have to go back and listen, I'm not clear on where he was dropped off. I also am not sure how he gets anywhere at this point with only Meera to drag him around. Maybe with this newfound info, he will head to Castle Black as an attempt to relay the info to John?

Also, not really sure what Sam does from here or where the Brotherhood without Banners story line will go along with the Hound. I guess I can see Sam getting his hands on some information vital to beating the White Walkers, perhaps a way to re-build the wall if it gets brought down or some other key piece of ancient history. Maybe the Cleganebwl happens when Cersie's wrath goes head-to-head with the BWOB. Excited for next season...only 42 weeks left to wait...

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If I had to guess, Bran was dropped off not far from the castle black gates, so Meera can probably lug him far enough for the Nights watch to see them coming and let them in. They will send a raven ASAP to Jon in Winterfell to let them know about his arrival. HOWEVER, Bran still has the Night's King's mark on him, so if he passes beyond the wall, that may break the magic seal that Benjen talked about...allowing the army of the dead to pass south.

I'm not sure where Arya is heading. I can't remember who all is left on her list. Cersei, so she could be headed south...but so is Thoros (red priest in the Brotherhood) and Melisandre I think. Hoping we get an Arya/Hound reunion.

I bet Sam finds out some ancient info at the Citadel and somehow gets caught up in Euron's rampage as he heads south with his newly built fleet.

Finally, Jon and Sansa. No doubt Jon wants to stay in the north. Littlefinger wants to head south because he's telegraphed his intentions to take the Iron Throne. He's actively trying to drive a wedge between Sansa and Jon...uncharacteristic of him since his plans have been pretty secret up till now and this is just terribly telegraphed. Maybe he feels emboldened now that he has an army, but I think Sansa ends up turning on him and getting him (LF) killed. She doesn't trust him, the lords of the vale don't trust him, and Jon certainly doesn't.

The wait is going to drive me insane.


Superstitious Fan
Aug 11, 2010
Eugene, OR and Lake Tahoe
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Funny how they built all those castles then.

Well you're obviously better off than living in an unprotected area of land.

Also, Sansa apologized to Jon for not telling him about the army, knowing she clearly fucked up.


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Sep 4, 2011
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After watching the finale last night I literally could not compose a coherent thought. So I gave it some time, slept on it, and here it is:




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Aug 15, 2014
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Well you're obviously better off than living in an unprotected area of land.

Also, Sansa apologized to Jon for not telling him about the army, knowing she clearly fucked up.

If you read some history of medieval warfare, the besiegers of castles often didn't fare well. Disease was one of the biggest problems. Supply lines into hostile territory too. Sieges could last years and years. The books go into great detail about the siege of Storms End, that being how Davos got his knighthood from Stannis, from smuggling in food.

Just this season on the show the Blackfish told Jayme he could hold out two years in River run.

We'll have to wait for the book to find out how well provisioned Bolton was.

And you're selectively remembering the Sansa scene. Yes she apologized, AFTER Jon gave her 100% of the credit for winning the battle. SHE won the battle.